Want to dress up in one of the many criminal costumes available online this Halloween? Here are 5 Halloween costumes that make it a sure thing you will be calling 1.800.NoCuffs the day after your party.
Are you dressing like a criminal or sporting handcuffs for your costume this Halloween? Tweet @1800NoCuffs and @DarrenKavinoky your Halloween costumes with hashtag #CriminalCostumes.
- 1. Dress up like anyone on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List and you’re for sure headed to the slammer. [1]
- 2. Sporting clowns in the woods costumes and scaring children will likely lead to handcuffs. [2]
- 3. Head out in glasses wearing an NSA badge with a whistle around your neck with your best Edward Snowden look and be prepared to be frisked at the very least. [3]
- 4. Since the “’El Chapo’ extradition to US clears another legal hurdle,” (CNN) dressing up as the drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman who could be on U.S. territory soon, might raise eyebrows and send you to the big house. [4]
- 5. The Convict Halloween Costume or The Jailhouse Hottie striped costumes from 3Wishes.com, could also land you in handcuffs. You can always call 1.800.NoCuffs for help… Unless you’re into that sort of thing.™ [5]
1.800.NoCuffs and The Kavinoky Law Firm will be carving up pumpkins to be judged by founding attorney Darren Kavinoky. Rumour has it the criminal defense lawyer will be looking for sharp evidence that employees carved up their Jack O’Lanterns themselves!
1. FBI. “Ten Most Wanted List.” Retrieved via
2. David Mack. August 29, 2016. Buzzfeed. “People Are Being Warned About Scary Clowns Luring Kids Into The Woods.” Retrieved via https://www.buzzfeed.com/davidmack/clowns-in-the-woods
3. Edward Snowden. Retrieved via https://edwardsnowden.com/.
4. Emanuella Grinberg and Rafael Romo. October 21, 2016. CNN. “’El Chapo’ extradition to US clears another legal hurdle.” Retrieved via http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/20/americas/el-chapo-extradition/index.html.
5. 3 Wishes.
DUI Attorney Los Angeles
Darren Kavinoky is the founding attorney of 1.800.NoCuffs. If you need a DUI attorney in Los Angeles, you can see the team at The Kavinoky Law Firm here.