DUI Dictionary

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DUI Dictionary

Drunk driving arrests, DUI arrests, cases involving driving under the influence of drugs (DUID), or the combination of alcohol and drugs, all seem to have their own language. Indeed, DUI criminal defense lawyers seem to have their own language as well. As any criminal defense attorney who concentrates on defending drinking and driving cases will admit, there are special terms which are not readily understood. The following are often-used (and not often easily understood) terms relating to  DUI, drunk driving, drinking and driving, DUID (driving under the influence of drugs) and other related criminal arrests:

a · b · c · d · e · f · g · h · i · j · k · l · m · n · o · p · q · r · s · t · u · v · w · x · y · z

APS, or Administrative Per Se – In many states, there are two separate cases that arise from a single drunk driving arrest: The court case, and the Administrative Per Se, or APS case, with the Department of Motor Vehicles . In cases where someone is arrested for DUI, DWI, OUI, OWI, or a related drunk driving charge, and gives a breath or blood test with results that are above the legal limit, the Department of Motor Vehicles will take an administrative action against the driver. NOTE: Most states limit the amount of time a driver has to request a DMV hearing to contest the APS action. Usually, it is just a few days. That is why it is so important to contact a lawyer right away.

Acetone – An organic compound commonly found in the breath that can be improperly read as alcohol by the Intoxilyzer.

Absorption – The process of taking of alcohol from outside the body into the bloodstream. Peak absorption refers to the highest level of blood alcohol seen before blood alcohol content (BAC) begins to diminish.

Alcohol Gaze Nystagmus (AGN) – Gaze nystagmus caused by the effects of alcohol upon the nervous system.

Arraignment – The initial court proceeding, where someone arrested for DUI, drunk driving, or any related drinking and driving criminal charge is formally advised of the charges against them, and given an opportunity to enter a plea.