When arrested for a California sex crime, the accused is permitted to post bail, to be released on his or her own recognizance (also referred to as OR release) or the offender will be denied bail, based on the specific crime or crimes alleged. Whether or not the individual’s bail may be modified without a hearing will also depend on the charged offense. An experienced sex crime defense attorney is the key to navigating this system with ease and understanding.
The bail for certain sex offenses will be set according to a bail schedule. These offenses include those that involve obscene materials, rape (when the alleged victim is incapable of consenting due to a mental or physical disorder or when he or she is unconscious, under the influence or submits under the false belief that the perpetrator is his or her spouse), statutory rape, spousal rape (when the alleged victim is under the influence or unconscious or is threatened by incarceration or deportation), oral copulation (with a minor over 14 or under the circumstances described above under rape), sodomy (with a minor over 14, under the same circumstances or when threatened by incarceration or deportation), sexual penetration (under the same circumstances), indecent exposure, prostitution, pimping, pandering, bigamy,incest, sexually assaulting an animal, abduction for marriage, contributing to the delinquency of a minor or situations where a public entity employee engages in sexual activity with an involuntarily committed resident.
With respect to the above offenses (some being misdemeanors, some being felonies), the bail may be modified upon an application that may be submitted by the arresting officer, by the defendant or by anyone on his or her behalf. Public safety will be the main consideration for the court in determining whether or not to raise or lower the set bail or whether to release the accused OR.
Certain sex crimes require that a hearing be held before the accused may have his or her bail modified. These crimes include lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14, sexual penetration with a child under 14 who is also more than 10 years younger than the accused, and the continuous sexual abuse of a child. When a hearing is held, the judge will primarily consider public safety, but will also consider the defendant’s flight risk, his or her prior criminal history and the severity of the pending case. When considering these issues, the judge presumes that the accused is guilty, which is another reason why it is imperative for the accused to have a skilled criminal defence attorney who knows how to persuade the judge otherwise..
There are certain sex offenses where bail doesn’t apply, because they are considered so serious. These include rape, spousal rape, oral copulation,sodomy, sexual penetration or lewd or lascivious acts performed on or with a child under 14 where force or threats were used to accomplish any of these acts, or where the accused acted in concert with another while committing or attempting to commit these offenses.
If arrested on a bailable offense and denied an OR release, the accused can elect to post cash bail or a bail bond. If the accused posts cash bail, he or she remits the full bail amount, which will be returned at the conclusion of the case if he or she attends all court appearances. If the accused posts a bail bond (the more commonly-used option), he or she pays a bail agent or bondsman 10% of the bail amount and the agent then pays the rest. The bondsman may also require additional collateral, which he or she may keep or sell if the bond isn’t refunded at the conclusion of the case due to the defendant’s failure to appear.
The outstanding attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm are unsurpassed in California sex crime defense. They are dedicated to helping their clients get released from custody as quickly and inexpensively as possible, and providing the best defense throughout the entire criminal court process. Contact them today for a free consultation.