San Joaquin Valley DUI / DWI Arrests
Getting arrested for DUI / DWI in the San Joaquin Valley is serious business – you face hefty fines, a lengthy driver’s license suspension, and may even get sentenced to jail. Because the consequences of a Central Valley DUI / DWI conviction are so severe, it’s critical to have an expert drunk driving defense lawyer fighting for your rights. The experienced San Joaquin Valley DUI / DWI lawyers of The Kavinoky Law Firm can aggressively defend your drunk driving charge anywhere in the Central Valley, including Fresno, Bakersfield, Stockton, Modesto, Vallejo, or anywhere in the San Joaquin Valley.
Your San Joaquin Valley DUI / DWI arrest likely left you frightened and humiliated, but you should know that drunk driving arrests can happen to anyone. However, it may be your first experience with the Central Valley criminal justice system, and it’s difficult to know what to do first. Your experienced Central Valley DUI / DWI lawyer will help you handle every detail of your drunk driving case, including getting released from jail and requesting a hearing with the California DMV.
Requesting your DMV hearing may be the last thing on your mind, but it’s crucial that you make this request within 10 days of your San Joaquin Valley DUI / DWI arrest. If you don’t request this DMV hearing within 10 days of your Central Valley drunk driving arrest, your driver’s license will be automatically suspended.
Luckily, you can successfully fight your DMV administrative suspension just as you can your drunk driving criminal case. You may not realize that fighting your DMV license suspension will also benefit you in your criminal case. Your DUI / DWI lawyer will use your DMV hearing as an opportunity to question the arresting officer under oath and glean information that will be valuable in your criminal defense.
Like many drivers accused of DUI / DWI in the Central Valley, you may be understandably uneasy about facing a jury. However, fighting your San Joaquin Valley drunk driving charge will give you the satisfaction of knowing you stood up for your rights. Regardless of whether your court case is in Fresno, Bakersfield, Stockton, Modesto, or Vallejo, your experienced DUI / DWI lawyer will aggressively challenge every aspect of the case against you, including your chemical test and your field sobriety test. Successful challenges may result in the evidence being excluded from trial or even the entire case being dismissed.
You may be worried that your San Joaquin Valley DUI / DWI arrest means an automatic conviction, but that’s simply not the case.. The experienced Central Valley DUI / DWI lawyers of The Kavinoky Law Firm have the skills and experience to fight your drunk driving charge in Fresno, Bakersfield, Stockton, Modesto, Vallejo, or anywhere in the San Joaquin Valley. For answers to all of your questions about your Central Valley drunk driving charge, contact us today for a free consultation.