DMV Unit of Kavinoky Law Firm – California Attorneys

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DMV Unit of the The Kavinoky Law Firm’s specializes in unique suspensions as well as DUI suspension cases.

California License Suspension

Your driving privileges are not always permanent. Your ability to legally drive in California comes under threat when certain circumstances occur. These circumstances include:

  1. Medical suspension. A doctor or someone else informs the DMV that you may have a condition that prevents you from driving safely.
  2. Negligent operator suspension.  This means you have too many points on your record.
  3. California DUI arrest. Now, you need a skilled advocate fighting for your rights.

A person facing a conviction for any of these reasons gets a hearing before the California DMV.  The California DMV may not suspend your driver’s license without the hearing. It’s possible to successfully fight a driver’s license suspension.

Two Separate Cases

If arrested for California DUI, or another driving-related crime, it’s important to know a few things. First of all, a drunk driving arrest actually triggers two separate cases. In fact, this arrest triggers a case in criminal court and at the California DMV.

Additionally, both cases require aggressive action with a successful attorney. However, the California Department of Motor Vehicles case is a far more time sensitive issue. You have only 10 days from the date of arrest to request an administrative per se hearing. If this is not done, the DMV suspends your driver’s license automatically.

License Suspension

The California DMV can and will suspend your driver’s license if you lose your hearing or fail to request one. Therefore, you need a legal team that has the experience to fight for you. The Kavinoky Law Firm’s DMV Unit is here to help. Our DMV Unit has a solid record of positive results in fighting for drivers’ rights after a California DUI arrest.

We’ve saved clients’ driver’s licenses in the most extreme circumstances. In fact, even when they were accused of having a relatively high blood alcohol content (BAC). We fight to exclude evidence of a chemical test. If that effort is successful, the DMV hearing officer can’t even consider blood or breath test result.

DMV Unit & Advocate Working for You

The Kavinoky Law Firm has a former California Department of Motor Vehicles hearing officer who acts as a fulltime advocate for our clients at the DMV. Our DMV advocate participated in countless per se hearings at the California Department of Motor Vehicles, so he thoroughly understands both sides of the process.

A managing attorney oversees all of The Kavinoky Law Firm’s DMV cases, and furthermore, our team includes an American Bar Association-certified paralegal. Our comprehensive team approach to tackling your California DMV case will result in a unified effort to protect your driving privileges.

If you find yourself facing a California DMV suspension, you need a good criminal defense attorney. Due to the extreme penalties associated with these accusations, don’t wait.

A negligent operator allegation or a medical suspension is difficult and not fun to manage. But most of all, if you have a DUI arrest, you need a skilled advocate fighting aggressively for your rights. The DMV Unit of The Kavinoky Law Firm is here to help. To learn more about effective defenses to a DMV administrative action, please contact us today at 1.800.NO.CUFFS for a free consultation.

Brianna Wilkins
Brianna Wilkins