DUI Blood Sample Investigation & Evidence Testing

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DUI blood sample investigation & evidence testing is a key strategic move in any criminal defense case.

DUI Blood Sample Investigations

Believe if or not, some criminal attorneys don’t include analysis of blood tests in their fees.

Going the extra mile to challenge prosecution evidence in a California DUI case is extremely important. A strong defense begins with lots hard work. It’s important to think through all of the possible things that could potentially be incorrect in your case. The Kavinoky Law Firm excels at defense. For example, if you took a blood test before your California DUI arrest, we will double check. Consequently, we will order an independent test of your blood sample at no extra charge.

The Logic Behind Independent Testing

The reason why we order an independent blood test is simple. Errors occur in blood testing more often than police and prosecutors like to admit. In fact, a blood sample in a California DUI case is not always perfect. Improper collection, storage, or analysis can ruin one’s reputation. Additionally, it is even possible to accidentally swap a sample from another driver.

The blood sample in your California DUI has specific instructions for collection and storage. Consequently, improper storage or collection provide problems or solutions. The blood needs to go into a glass tube that contains a mix of preservative and anticoagulant. If the preservative level is incorrect, your blood sample can ferment, creating alcohol and an inflated result. If the tube doesn’t contain enough anticoagulant, your blood sample will clot, which also creates falsely high blood alcohol levels. This is why independent testing of the same sample is essential for an effective California DUI defense.

Tests Aren’t Always Accurate

Even when a blood test is accurate, it merely indicates that your BAC was over the limit when you were tested, not when you were driving. It is not against the law to exceed the legal limit while at the police station, only while behind the wheel. Your body can absorb alcohol for a long time after you stop drinking, so your BAC may have risen between the time you were pulled over and the time you were tested.

An independent blood test is a crucial part of an aggressive California DUI defense. Therefore, that’s why The Kavinoky Law Firm includes this service in their retainer. For more information about California DUI defense, please contact us today at 1-800-NO-CUFFS for a free consultation.

Brianna Wilkins
Brianna Wilkins