Motion to Suppress Evidence

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Motion to Suppress Evidence

Fighting a California drug charge may seem like a daunting proposition, but fortunately it’s possible to mount an aggressive defense to the charges you face. One of the most potent tools at your defense lawyer’s disposal is a motion to suppress evidence. Skilled California defense attorneys from The Kavinoky Law Firm are well-versed in using motions to suppress evidence to advance clients’ prospects in court.

A motion is any formal request asking the court to take action on your behalf. Your California defense attorneys may file a motion to suppress evidence on your behalf. If the court finds that the motion has merit, some or all of the evidence against you will be suppressed, and the case against you could be severely weakened or even dropped.

The key elements of a motion to suppress evidence can include a motion to quash, a motion to traverse, and/or a challenge based on one or more confidential informants who supplied information to the investigators who obtained a search warrant.

A motion to quash questions whether police had probable cause to obtain a search warrant in the first place. A motion to traverse questions the validity of the information contained in the search warrant affidavit.

Challenging confidential informants is tricky because police fight to keep their identities a secret, and the courts often uphold their right to do so. However, it may be possible to persuade a judge to compel the police to identify their informant and question that person’s credibility. Successfully doing so may result in evidence in your California drug case being excluded.

These are some of the tools that may be employed by your California drug lawyer in an effort to have evidence against you suppressed. To learn more about suppression of evidence in narcotics cases, please contact a skilled California drug lawyer from The Kavinoky Law Firm today at 1-877-4-NO-CUFFS for a free consultation.