Alcohol Education Programs in Kern County, California
In California, there are several levels of Alcohol Education Programs that are offered. In order to enroll in one of the programs, one must be referred, either by the court or the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
BEWARE: Completing an alcohol program may not satisfy the DMV. That is just one reason why it is critical that you consult with a California criminal defense lawyer that concentrates on DUI defense.
Driving Under the Influence programs in Kern County, California:
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
3533 Mount Vernon Avenue,
Bakersfield, California 93306
Phone: 661-871-3353
Traffic and Alcohol Awareness School of Kern, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
324 Oak Street,
Suite A,
Bakersfield, California 93304
Phone: 661-832-3283; Fax: 661-322-7906
Traffic and Alcohol Awareness School of Kern, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
525 Bear Mountain Boulevard,
Arvin, California 93203
Phone: 661-832-3283; Fax: 661-322-7906
Traffic and Alcohol Awareness School of Kern, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
623 Main Street,
Delano, California 93215
Phone: 661-322-8862
Traffic and Alcohol Awareness School of Kern, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
511 Central Valley Hwy.,
Shafter, California 93263
Phone: 661-832-3283; Fax: 661-322-7906
Traffic and Alcohol Awareness School of Kern, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
210 East Center Street,
Taft College Westec, Taft, California 93268
Phone: 661-832-3283; Fax: 661-322-7906
Traffic and Alcohol Awareness School of Kern, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
443 West Church Street,
Ridgecrest, California 93555
Phone: 760-371-9412; Fax: 760-384-4969
Traffic and Alcohol Awareness School of Kern, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
15666 K Street,
Mojave, California 93501
Phone: 760-371-9412; Fax: 760-384-4969
» Return to Driving Under the Influence program in California, directory of service providers
Note: This list is provided for convenience and informational purposes only. We do not recommend or endorse any specific Alcohol or Drug Risk Reduction Program.