Alcohol Education Programs in San Joaquin County, California

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Alcohol Education Programs in San Joaquin County, California

In California, there are several levels of Alcohol Education Programs that are offered. In order to enroll in one of the programs, one must be referred, either by the court or the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

BEWARE: Completing an alcohol program may not satisfy the DMV. That is just one reason why it is critical that you consult with a California criminal defense lawyer that concentrates on DUI defense.

Driving Under the Influence programs in San Joaquin County, California:

Alcohol Recovery Center (ARC)
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
620 N. Aurora Street,
Suite 6,
Stockton, California 95202
Phone: 209-468-8313; Fax: 209-468-8342

Valley Community Counseling Services, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
110 N. Sherman Avenue,
Manteca, California 95336
Phone: 209-823-1911; Fax: 209-823-1931

Valley Community Counseling Services, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
1300 West Lodi Avenue,
Suite G2,
Lodi, California 95242
Phone: 209-334-2126; Fax: 209-369-8406

Tracy Drinking Driver Program
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
19 East 6th Street,
Tracy, California 95376
Phone: 209-835-8583; Fax: 209-835-2910

Council For The Spanish Speaking
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
308 N. California Street,
Stockton, California 95202
Phone: 209-547-2855; Fax: 209-547-2870

San Joaquin Safety Council
(Service Provided: First Offender)
4662 Precissi Lane,
Suite 100,
Stockton, California 95207
Phone: 209-472-7233; Fax: 209-472-1340

» Return to Driving Under the Influence program in California, directory of service providers

Note: This list is provided for convenience and informational purposes only. We do not recommend or endorse any specific Alcohol or Drug Risk Reduction Program.