Top Times and Dates for California DUI Arrests

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Make no mistake, there are popular times and dates for California DUI arrests. Although, technically, there is no right or wrong place at the right or wrong time to drive drunk.

It may be the one time they drank one too many beers with co-workers at happy hour, or the one time that a headlight burnt out, which cause the police to pull their car over. Although cops in California don’t necessarily have to look too far to find drivers under the influence of marijuana or alcohol, there are certain times and dates when law enforcement are on higher alert to target impaired driving.

Weekends are Popular Times

It may seem obvious, but weekends and weekend activities seem to coincide with drinking and driving. After a long work week, many people like to relax on the weekends, and enjoy time with friends and family. This may include afternoon BBQs where people can enjoy cold beer in the sunny California weather, or a night out dancing till the wee hours. But at some point, people have to go home.

Some drivers  make the short drive home if they drank more than they intended or didn’t arrange for a safe ride home. Most people just want to sleep in their own beds.

However, police officers are on the lookout for impaired driving, especially on the weekends. When there may be daytime weekend events like football games, or holiday barbecues, law enforcement may be on higher alert for daytime intoxicated driving. Otherwise, law enforcement are well aware that weekend evenings will see a high rate of drivers heading home after having too much to drink, smoke, or otherwise consume intoxicating substances.

Late Night to Early Morning Hours

Late night or early morning is the time when roads have an increase in drivers under the influence. After all, when the bars close, the patrons have to go somewhere. It’s worth noting that many people who frequent bars keep their alcohol consumption limited or ensure a ride home. Others still feel okay to drive although technically over the limit.

The police know peak times for impaired driving, and are on the lookout for cars exhibiting erratic driving. Even if it is a minor traffic violation the police can stop a car. When a driver is pulled over early in the A.M., the police may be looking for signs of drug or alcohol consumption. If a police officer suspects a DUI, it may lead to field sobriety testing and/or a field breathalyzer.


According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, holidays can be peak periods for drinking and driving. The Fourth of July holiday, is often among the dates with the highest rates of alcohol-related accidents. The book ends of summer, Memorial Day and Labor Day, are also busy dates for law enforcement. Even the holidays of Christmas and Thanksgiving are active DUI arrest events. The night before Thanksgiving, also known as Black Wednesday, is one of the busiest nights for bars. As a result, ti is also one of the busiest nights for DUI arrests.

Before You Decide to Drink and Drive

Understandably, most drivers may not think about the times and dates for an increased chance of DUI arrest. However, statistics of alcohol-related accidents is well known to law enforcement. Drunk-driving figures are public knowledge to Police Departments, Sheriffs and the California Highway Patrol. With this knowledge in mind, they often target possible impaired drivers for DUI arrests during these times.

Police may also conduct sobriety checkpoints around these times and dates. According to law enforcement, DUI checkpoints serve two purposes. They catch impaired drivers, and also discourage drivers from getting on the road after too many drinks.

Get Help with DUI Arrests

You don’t have to do this alone! Call California’s Top DUI attorneys with The Kavinoky Law Firm to stand by your side and defend your case. We employ the best criminal defense attorneys in the state so that we can provide you with the best defense possible. Call 24/7 – we don’t sleep – so you can.

John Devendorf
John Devendorf
John Devendorf is a California barred attorney and graduate of Seton Hall University School of Law. He writes on a range of legal topics including criminal law, immigration, and legal marketing. While he is not a member of The Kavinoky Law Firm, we share his legal insights on topics important to our clients.