Where the Cops May Be Lurking When Looking for Intoxicated Drivers

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We’ve all seen those lurking cops.

It’s their job to arrest drunk drivers. So we see police cars hiding out on the side of the road, with their speed guns out looking for anyone driving over the speed limit. Many of us view their covert tactics as sneaky behavior, especially if we find ourselves on the wrong side of a traffic ticket. However, law enforcement wants to keep people safe from harm.

The California Highway Patrol, cops, and sheriffs often know where and when they may be able to find drivers operating under the influence of alcohol. There are certain places where a motorcycle cop may be able to just hang out. Ha can watch and wait for a driving violation, which may result in more than a ticket. Oftentimes, a simple traffic violation may lead to  arrest for driving under the influence.

After the Bars Let Out, Lurking Cops Do Too:

Police awareness of drivers under the influence increases in the wee hours of the morning. Due to the predictable nature of drunk drivers, officers will park near popular areas with lots of bars and restaurants. If the police see someone walk straight out of a bar who appears to be drunk, he/she will pay attention. If this person plops down behind the wheel, the police officer may stop the driver to investigate. Likely, the driver is driving under the influence.

Additionally, if the police see a driver pull out of a parking lot without the headlights turned on, this will give them the justification to pull over the driver. Further investigation may reveal the smell of alcohol, slurred speech, or other indicators of possible intoxication. All of these factors can lead to a DUI arrest.

Beer and Wine Festivals:

California is by far the largest wine producer in the United States. If it were a country, California would be the fourth largest wine producer in the world. California is also a hotbed of the craft beer movement. In fact, California ranks first in craft breweries in the United States. To date, there are more than 500 breweries statewide.

In part because of California’s success with beer and wine production, we are proud to host a number of food and wine festivals and beer competitions. While these events try to deter drinking and driving, and encourage arranging a safe ride home, many people may unintentionally go overboard, and decide to try and drive home after they are over the legal limit.

Police may be on the lookout for people leaving beer and wine festivals, looking for things like erratic driving, speeding, and failing to make complete stops at the appropriate traffic signals while leaving event parking. Unsafe driving or traffic violations will give the police a reason to stop the car, and they may try and determine whether the driver may be over the limit.

Are You in the Wrong Place for a DUI?

The easiest way for any driver to avoid a DUI arrest often said to be making sure that if you decide to drink, don’t drive. If you are going out to a bar or restaurant keep lurking cops in mind. If you are staying late into the evening, understand that the police are on the lookout for intoxicated drivers. Remember, when you plan to attend one of the festive food and wine events, or craft beer happenings, you should be aware that the police often observe drivers leaving these events for signs of intoxication.

With this in mind, if you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, make sure you have the number of your California DUI defense lawyer on hand. 1.800.No.Cuffs. We staff only the best DUI lawyers in California so we can defend you to the best of our ability.

John Devendorf
John Devendorf
John Devendorf is a California barred attorney and graduate of Seton Hall University School of Law. He writes on a range of legal topics including criminal law, immigration, and legal marketing. While he is not a member of The Kavinoky Law Firm, we share his legal insights on topics important to our clients.