Couples Getting Matching DUIs is Not a Good Date Night Activity

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Many couples enjoy sharing some of the same hobbies and recreational activities. A Date Night DUI is likely not one of them. 

This could be bicycling around town, or taking Instagram photos of the best tacos in town. Conversely, drinking and driving is one activity we never recommend. Especially if both get their licenses suspended, which could leave them home bound for date night.

Date Night DUI

A young couple in Santa Rosa had an unfortunate date night DUI one evening after deciding to enjoy a few drinks. According to California Highway Patrol (CHP) officers, at about 1:30 in the morning, they spotted a car weaving, and pulled the vehicle over. The police took Anna Arthur, 23, into custody on suspicion of driving under the influence. Her boyfriend, Christopher McFarlane, 28, was in trouble too. Officers did not allow him to drive the Honda Accord. He walked home, only to return to bail out his friend Anna. Officers arrested McFarlane on suspicion of drunk driving. 

CHP Officer Jonathan Sloat said McFarlane, “wasn’t falling-down drunk, but was definitely over 0.08.” McFarlane then told police he’d walk home, to his girlfriend’s house nearby, while she was taken to the Sonoma County jail.

Shortly after, the same officers spotted McFarlane in a Volkswagen Jetta, getting onto the freeway. The officers pulled him over, and he responded he was going to try and bail out his girlfriend. Officer Sloat said an hour was not enough time to sober up, as they noticed signs of alcohol intoxication, and he failed sobriety tests. To make matters worse McFarlane was on probation for a previous DUI, and was driving on a suspended license. He was arrested on suspicion of DUI and driving on a suspended license.

In Santa Fe, New Mexico, a married couple had a similar experience as a woman came to the aid of her husband. Sheriff’s deputies were conducting a DUI investigation with James Quintana. Someone apparently called Quintana’s wife, Cherity Roybal-Vigil, who showed up later. As Cherity drove up to the scene, the deputy reported smelling alcohol on the helpful wife. After a field breath test, she tested at 0.15% BAC, and was arrested. Quintana was also arrested for what was his 6th DUI.

Alaska Couple

An intoxicated husband in Alaska ended up under arrest. Reportedly, his reaction to his wife’s DUI arrest garnered enough attention for a police phone call.

It appears a passerby (or attendee) called the police on a domestic dispute at a wedding reception. Nicholas Reavis was allegedly yelling at his wife Jamie Jones-Reavis. The two entered into a scuffle, pushing each other around, and worrying guests. The pair seemingly fled and when the police arrested Jones-Reavis. 

When they caught up with Jones-Reavis, who appeared intoxicated and admitted to drinking, her BAC was over the legal limit. Unfortunately for Jones-Reavis, a BAC of 0.101% is criminal. Her husband, Reavis, showed up to check on his wife, but not in time to keep the car from impound. Police report he appeared intoxicated and failed sobriety tests. His BAC was 0.125%.

Illinois Couple

Yet another example, a husband and wife pair in Rockford, Illinois were not so lucky to escape their couple’s DUI without injury. Both were riding their own motorcycles when James Maples crashed into a median and sustained serious head injuries. After the police arrived, Patsy Maples also appeared to be under the influence. James received treatment for his injuries at a local hospital. With a BAC of over 0.152%, it was almost twice the legal limit. 

Best DUI Attorneys in California

If you find yourself arrested for DUI, call 1.800.NO.CUFFS. Call 24/7, we don’t sleep so that you can. We staff the best of the best in our offices, so we offer California’s best defense attorneys to fight for your freedom.

John Devendorf
John Devendorf
John Devendorf is a California barred attorney and graduate of Seton Hall University School of Law. He writes on a range of legal topics including criminal law, immigration, and legal marketing. While he is not a member of The Kavinoky Law Firm, we share his legal insights on topics important to our clients.