Client Wins

Wet Reckless A “wet reckless” is also known as an alcohol-related reckless driving / reckless driving involving alcohol charge. It is a typical result of a 1st offense DUI plea…

DUI Plea Bargains

…represent a tremendous victory and a very favorable outcome. Wet Reckless Alcohol-Related Reckless Driving (Wet Reckless) Better than a DUI is a wet reckless. Some advantages to a wet reckless:…

How to Avoid Trial

…there are significant advantages to a wet reckless wet reckless for employment and professional licenses.   Dry reckless driving: Reckless driving not involving alcohol is significantly better than a DUI….

DUI Punishment

…injury, DUI with a BAC over 0.08%, out-of-state DUIs, and/or a wet reckless. A wet reckless is a plea bargained charge that generally has lesser penalties compared to a DUI…


…on negotiated terms and the County. What is the difference between a wet reckless and a DUI? a. A wet reckless is a lesser related offense. It is a charge…

Wet & Reckless Plea

…charges with negotiated consequences. A wet-reckless is similar to a DUI but does not carry some of the same mandatory punishments that a misdemeanor DUI carries. A wet-reckless will generally…

DUI Dictionary

…The chief benefits of a wet reckless are realized on a second-offense (or greater) DUI conviction. There are only marginal benefits when charged with a first-offense DUI. A wet reckless

DUI Dictionary

…a wet reckless are realized on a second-offense (or greater) DUI conviction; there are only marginal benefits when charged with a first-offense. A wet-reckless can be especially important to anyone…

Ignition Interlock Devices

…traditional DUI. The strange part is that you can’t be charged with a wet reckless when arrested for driving under the influence, but you can plead guilty to a wet