Alabama Assistant Football Coach DUI Arrest Meaning

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Alabama Assistant Football Coach DUI Arrest Meaning

Alabama Assistant Football Coach DUI Arrest Meaning

Alabama’s assistant football coach Josh Chapman is likely to feel harsh consequences and realize the DUI arrest meaning in the upcoming days. Josh Chapman, the former Alabama player, was arrested on Sunday morning January 29, 2017, in Tuscaloosa. [1]

DUI Arrest Meaning

Chapman’s arrest is a reminder that a DUI arrest can mean fines, jail time, loss of driver’s license, loss of job, and loss of professional licenses. With the biggest game of the season, the Super Bowl, yet to come, NHTSA reminds the nation that, “Every day, 28 people in the United States die in an alcohol-related vehicle crash—that’s one person every 53 minutes.” [2]

In 2015, there were 10,265 deaths from crashes that involved alcohol impairment.

A Note from Darren Kavinoky

As I have said before, the week after Super Bowl Sunday is a busy time for our criminal defense law firm.

When I was a little kid and it was Thanksgiving, my mom would put a turkey in the oven with a big bright orange button on the side that you pushed down before you stuck the turkey in the oven. You knew the turkey was all cooked when that orange button would pop up. People don’t have those buttons that tell us when we are “cooked.” We don’t have anything that tells us, “Uh-oh. You’ve reached that magic limit so, therefore you shouldn’t be behind the wheel.”

The bottom line is that if you are drinking, you are in a compromised position to judge your own condition. This can lead to a DUI arrest, and as Alabama’s Josh Chapman is likely about to realize, a domino effect of consequences.

1. Matt Zenitz. January 29, 2017. “Former Alabama standout, current Tide staffer Josh Chapman arrested.” Retrieved via

2. NHTSA retrieved on January 30, 2017 via .
