Yahoo security breach highlights cyber crime

The reported Yahoo security breach announcement this week highlights the ever-lingering threat of cyber crime. Yahoo released a statement on September 22, 2016, saying, “information associated with at least 500 million user accounts was stolen and the investigation has found no evidence that the state-sponsored actor is currently in Yahoo’s network.” (1)

Yahoo Security Breach

The Yahoo statement indicates that the stolen “information may have included names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, hashed passwords (the vast majority with bcrypt) and, in some cases, encrypted or unencrypted security questions and answers.” (1) However, Yahoo does not believe that financial information was affected.

Yahoo is pointing the finger at a “state-sponsored actor” for this data breach. (1)

The Wall Street Journal reports, “Yahoo Inc. executives detected hackers in their systems in fall 2014 who they believed were linked to Russia and were seeking data on 30 to 40 specific users of the company’s online services, a person familiar with the matter said. The person familiar with the matter didn’t know whether that attack led to the theft of information on 500 million user accounts, which Yahoo disclosed Thursday.” (2)

Identity Theft

Identity theft is a federal crime. The Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act (3) was passed in 1998. It defines identity theft as when someone, “knowingly transfers or uses, without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person with the intent to commit, or to aid or abet, any unlawful activity that constitutes a violation of Federal law, or that constitutes a felony under any applicable State or local law;”. (3)

Per the United States Department of Justice, “18 U.S.C. § 1028(a)(7). This offense, in most circumstances, carries a maximum term of 15 years’ imprisonment, a fine, and criminal forfeiture of any personal property used or intended to be used to commit the offense.” (4)

The Department of Justice further states, “Schemes to commit identity theft or fraud may also involve violations of other statutes such as identification fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1028), credit card fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1029), computer fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1030), mail fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1341), wire fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1343), or financial institution fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1344). Each of these federal offenses are felonies that carry substantial penalties ­ in some cases, as high as 30 years’ imprisonment, fines, and criminal forfeiture.” (4)

Excerpt from the Prosecuting Computer Crimes manual

“Several federal laws apply to identity theft, including 18 U.S.C. § 1028.
That section criminalizes eight types of conduct involving fraudulent
identification documents or the unlawful use of identification information.
Section 1028(a)(7), enacted as part of the Identity Theft and Assumption
Deterrence Act of 1998 and amended in 2004 by the Identity Theft Penalty
Enhancement Act, will apply to some network crime cases. See, e.g., United
States v. Sutcliffe, 505 F.3d 944 (9th Cir. 2007) (affirming conviction under
section 1028(a)(7) for posting stolen social security numbers on website).
Title 18, United States Code, Section 1028(a)(7) provides:

Whoever, in a circumstance described in subsection (c) of this section—
. . .
(7) knowingly transfers, possesses, or uses, without lawful
authority, a means of identification of another person with the
intent to commit, or to aid or abet, or in connection with, any
unlawful activity that constitutes a violation of Federal law, or
that constitutes a felony under any applicable State or local law . . .
shall be punished as provided in subsection (b) of this section.” (4)


1. Bob Lord. CISO September 22, 2016. Retrieved via
2. Robert McMillan. September 22, 2016. Wall Street Journal. “Yahoo Executives Detected a Hack Tied to Russia in 2014.” Retrieved via
3. Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act. As amended by Public Law 105-318, 112 Stat. 3007 (Oct. 30, 1998). Retrieved via
4. H. Marshall Jarrett Director, EOUSA. Michael W. Bailie Director, OLE. OLE Litigation Series. Ed Hagen
Assistant Director, OLE. Scott Eltringham Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section Editor in Chief. “Prosecuting Computer Crimes. Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section Criminal Division.” Retrieved via

Marijuana Legalization Prop 64 on California Ballot

Marijuana legalization is up for grabs. On the ballot: will California legalize marijuana for recreational use this November? Voters will have the opportunity to make their voice heard. Prop 64 seeks to legalize adult use of marijuana for “nonmedical purposes.” (1) (2) provides the following facts in support of legalizing the drug:
In Colorado, “over $135 million was raised in taxes just in 2015.” (3)
In Washington, “filings for low-level marijuana offenses are down 98% for adults 21 and older. All categories of marijuana law violations are down 63% and marijuana-related convictions are down 81%.” (4)

Arguments against Prop 64 include the idea that, “Prop. 64 will open the door for global corporate interests such as big tobacco and liquor companies to move in and dominate the industry.” (5)

According to, “The California Association of Highway Patrolmen strongly oppose Proposition 64 because it has no standard for marijuana impaired driving –none. They cite a recently-released AAA Foundation study in the State of Washington where fatalities doubled in auto crashes involving marijuana.” (6)

Proposition 64 (via
Marijuana Legalization. Initiative Statute.

Yes/No Statement
“A YES vote on this measure means: Adults 21 years of age or older could legally grow,
possess, and use marijuana for nonmedical purposes, with certain restrictions. The state would
regulate nonmedical marijuana businesses and tax the growing and selling of medical and
nonmedical marijuana. Most of the revenue from such taxes would support youth programs,
environmental protection, and law enforcement.
A NO vote on this measure means: Growing, possessing, or using marijuana for nonmedical
purposes would remain illegal. It would still be legal to grow, possess, or use marijuana for medical
purposes.” (7)

If you’re a California resident, tell us how you will vote. Take the survey:
Create your own user feedback survey


1. Proposition 64. Marijuana Legalization. Initiative Statute. July 20, 2016. Retrieved via
2. .
3. David Downs. February 10, 2016. SF Gate. “Colorado pot sales hit $1 billion per year.” Retrieved via
4. Drug Policy Alliance report. July, 2015. “Marijuana Legalization in Washington After 1 Year of Retail Sales and 2.5 Years of Legal Possession.” Retrieved via
5. R.E. Graswich. July 13, 2016. California County News. “Cops, Growers Unite Against Prop 64.” Retrieved via
6. No On 64.

Jolie Pitt Divorce: Darren Kavinoky weighs in

what-does-the-now-widely-reported-jolie-pitt-divorce-mean-for-the-children-1What does the now widely reported Jolie Pitt Divorce mean for the children?
According to Us Weekly, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie “spoke with the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services [DCFS ] immediately following a talked-about incident aboard their private jet.” (1)

First, Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from husband Brad Pitt according to reports. Then rumors began swirling around allegations of mistreatment by Pitt of the kids. This has been reported as the possible cause for Jolie to file for divorce.

Shortly following this filing, TMZ reported Pitt is angry at Jolie because she has “unleashed hell.” The report says Pitt thinks that Jolie is putting the family and children at risk because paparazzi are circling their home. (2)

TMZ has also reported that they have learned, “child abuse allegations against Brad Pitt have been referred over to the FBI.” (3)

Pitt has gone on record saying he is “very saddened by this.” (2) According to reports, Angelina Jolie is seeking sole physical custody of their six children, offering only visitation rights to Brad Pitt.

Darren Kavinoky

Attorney Darren Kavinoky weighs in on the story about the children’s welfare possibly being in question by DCFS. Says Kavinoky, “They don’t care about anyone’s celebrity. When it comes to DCFS cases, the guiding principle is the welfare of the little ones.” (4)

Jolie Pitt Divorce

Kavinoky also adds, “No special treatment is given. Celebrity can be a double edge sword. Sometimes people are treated worse because they are a celebrity. The kids in such an investigation would be assigned their own lawyers. Drug and alcohol evaluators are relied upon for their expertise to provide insight.”


1. Stephanie Webber. September 22, 2016. Us Weekly. “Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie Spoke With DCFS After Jet Incident: New Details” Retrieved via
2. TMZ Staff. September 20, 2016. TMZ. “Angelina Just Put Our Kids in Danger.” Retrieved via .
3. TMZ Staff. September 22, 2016. TMZ. “Brad Pitt Child Abuse Report Referred to FBI.” Retrieved via
4. September 20, 2016. Fox “Angelina Jolie Files For Divorce From Brad Pitt, Cites Irreconcilable Differences” Retrieved via
5. For more information about Los Angeles County Department of Children Family Services please visit


USC Plays Utah in Week 4 of 2016 Season

USC Radio Broadcast on ESPN LA 710

September 22, 2016–Los Angeles, California–USC plays Utah Friday, Septemeber 23, 2016 at Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah in week four of the season. Tune in at 7PM MT / 9PM ET and hear the USC Trojan football team play by play.

1.800.NoCuffs is a proud sponsor of the USC Radio Broadcast on ESPN LA 710. Are you ready to kickoff this weekend Friday night? USC goes up against Utah this weekend. Listen to the USC vs. Utah State game preview via here.

Tune into ESPN LA 710 to listen to the live broadcast week after week and join in the conversation online using hashtag #FightOn! Click here or visit ESPN Los Angeles carries the So Cal sporting events you want to hear including broadcasts about Rams, Lakers, Clippers, Dodgers, Angels, USC (FB), UCLA (FB), Kings, Ducks, and more!

via For changes, updates, and cancellations, please check with the official team website.


  • Week Four

September 23rd
09/23/16 at Utah Salt Lake City, Utah 7:00 p.m. MT 9:00 PM ET

  • Week Five

October 1st
10/01/16 vs. State Arizona State L.A. Coliseum TBA

  • Week Six

October 8th
10/08/16 vs. Colorado L.A. Coliseum TBA

  • Week Seven

October 15th
10/15/16 at Arizona Tucson, Ariz. TBA

  • Week Eight

October 27th
10/27/16 vs. California L.A. Coliseum 7:30 p.m. PT

  • Week Nine

November 5th
11/05/16 vs. Oregon L.A. Coliseum TBA

  • Week Ten

November 12th
11/12/16 at Washington Seattle, Wash. TBA

  • Week Eleven

November 19th
11/19/16 at UCLA Pasadena, Calif. TBA

  • Week Twelve

November 26th
11/26/16 vs. Notre Dame L.A. Coliseum TBA


If you want a 1.800.NoCuffs tattoo to rock at a game, email your first and last name, and U.S. mailing address to info[@] nocuffs[dot]com.

1.800.NoCuffs is the number you hope you never need but should always keep on hand. From DUI arrests to federal criminal charges, 1.800.NoCuffs has attorneys on call every single day of the week and weekend 24/7 available to assist you with your legal issues, questions and concerns.
Because no one looks good in handcuffs #UnlessYoureIntoThatSortOfThing

For more information about attorney Darren Kavinoky, please visit:


Connect with Attorney Darren Kavinoky on Social Media

Kaepernick’s kneel is louder than Charlotte


Colin Kaepernick’s kneel during the National Anthem (or Star Spangled Banner) during his NFL football games is a statement against the injustice he sees in America. And even with the protests, (and some would argue riots), going on in Charlotte, North Carolina (1) over the past few days, Colin Kaepernick’s quiet kneel is the loudest protest in the country today.

Kaepernick said in an interview with The Guardian on Tuesday, “There’s a lot of racism in this country disguised as patriotism.” (2)

Whether you agree with him or not, his kneel has grabbed headlines and the attention of the country. Imagine how different the narrative would be today, if last night in Charlotte the protesters who took to smashing windows had taken a knee–or pulled a Kaepernick–instead.

The nation is now watching how the NFL will handle his quiet expression of “speech.” Colin Kaepernick plays Quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers. Some athletes have chosen to join Kaepernick in kneeling during the anthem as part of a silent protest against racial injustice. Four of the Dolphins players kneeled on the September 11th game against the Seattle Seahawks.(3)

Time Magazine has put Colin Kaepernick on the cover of the upcoming October issue of Time Magazine. According to TMZ, a Time spokesperson said that Kaepernick grabbed the coveted cover because of the magazine’s goal to explore “the nationwide debate happening around national anthem protests.” (4)

Erin Dodson, Assistant Editor for ESPN’s TheUndefeated, (according to his Twitter profile), Tweeted a photo of the cover with the comment, “Colin Kaepernick covers the October issue of Time Magazine. A true American hero, fighting the good fight for the culture. #BlackLivesMatter”

Free Speech

While the First Amendment protects freedom of speech, it does not protect free speech in the corporate setting. In Michael Dolgow’s “Where Free Speech Goes to Die: The Workplace” article, he says, “In America you can say pretty much whatever you want, wherever you want to say it. Unless, that is, you’re at work. Simply put, there is no First Amendment right to “free speech” in the workplace—potentially perilous for many employees in a polarized political year with a tight presidential race.” (5)

The Dolgow article was written in 2012, but it still rings true in today’s political climate. Whether or not the NFL, (Kaepernick’s place of work), will institute a policy that prevents such silent protests during the National Anthem remains to be seen.

Online Reaction

From Sara Snider via Twitter:

From Nicki Jhabvala via Twitter:


1. Ed Lavandera, Boris Sanchez and Steve Almasy. CNN. September 21, 2016. “One person shot during violent Charlotte protest; officer hurt.” Retrieved via
2. Tim Hill and agencies. September 21, 2016. The Guardian. “Colin Kaepernick on death threats: if I’m killed ‘you’ve proved my point.’” Retrieved via
3. Associated Press. September 11, 2016. Fox News.
4. TMZ Staff. September 22, 2016. “Colin Kaepernick: He earned his way onto our cover…says Time Mag.” Retrieved via
5. Michael Dolgow. August 3, 2012. “Where Free Speech Goes to Die: The Workplace.” Retrieved via

Darren Kavinoky speaking about Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month: Opportunity to Highlight Injustice

A message from 1.800.NoCuffs founder, attorney Darren Kavinoky:

September is Hispanic Heritage Month, a month to celebrate how Hispanics have enriched American society. Yet, as a criminal defense attorney, I also see it as an opportunity to highlight the injustice that people of Hispanic descent face every single day.

The facts about Hispanics and the justice system are stunning. Hispanics are stopped and arrested at a much higher rate than other ethnic groups. And, they make up a larger percentage of the state prison population. Statistics also show they face more stringent jail sentences.

And sadly, things don’t get better in the federal court system. According to a PEW Research Center report, Latinos account for approximately “40% of all sentenced federal offenders more than triple their share (13%) of the total U.S. adult population.” (1)

This is not a problem we can fix overnight, but it is one that is close to my heart. Wrongful arrest and imprisonment, especially when based on race, is absolutely intolerable. There should be no such thing as “Driving While Brown” as a reason for a traffic stop or police investigation.

Hispanics Graduation Rate Rises

But here’s the good news. According to another PEW Research Center report, “Over the past four decades, the number of Hispanics graduating with either an associate or a bachelor’s degree has increased seven-fold.” (2)

This is growth that is outpacing any other group. This is an educated segment of society with a lot to teach and share. So let’s use this month to remind ourselves that celebrating every heritage is what makes us a great nation!

Darren Kavinoky

Join the conversation online #HispanicHeritageMonth

I join @1800NoCuffs in raising awareness for justice and ending discrimination. #HispanicHeritageMonth

More Information on Hispanic Arrest rates

According to the 2015 California DUI-MIS report, “Among 2013 DUI arrestees, Hispanics (44.6%) were the largest racial/ethnic group as they have been each year for over a decade. Hispanics continued to be arrested at a rate substantially higher than their estimated percentage of California’s adult population (35.4% in 2013).”

Hispanics, according to the NAACP, together with African Americans “comprised 58% of all prisoners in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one-quarter of the US population.” (4) They statistically face more stringent jail sentences than whites and are more likely to be expelled from school.

According to the 2009 PEW Research Center Report, “Sharp growth in illegal immigration and increased enforcement of immigration laws have dramatically altered the ethnic composition of offenders sentenced in federal courts. In 2007, Latinos accounted for 40% of all sentenced federal offenders—more than triple their share (13%) of the total U.S. adult population.” (1)


1. Mark Hugo Lopez and Michael T. Light. February 18, 2009. PEW Research Center Report. “A Rising Share: Hispanics and Federal Crime” Retrieved via

2. Richard Fry and Mark Hugo Lopez. August 20, 2012. PEW Research Center. “IV. College Graduation and Hispanics.” Retrieved via


4. NAACP. Criminal Justice Fact Sheet. Retrieved via

Connect with Attorney Darren Kavinoky on Social Media

1.800.NoCuffs is the number you hope you never need but should always keep on hand. From DUI arrests to federal criminal charges, 1.800.NoCuffs has attorneys on call every single day of the week and weekend 24/7 available to assist you with your legal issues, questions, and concerns.

Because no one looks good in handcuffs #UnlessYoureIntoThatSortOfThing

For more information about attorney Darren Kavinoky, please visit:

Connect with Attorney Darren Kavinoky on Social Media

USC Plays Stanford in Week 3

USC Radio Broadcast on ESPN LA 710

September 15, 2016–Los Angeles, California–USC plays Stanford Saturday, Septemeber 17, 2016 at Stanford in Palo Alto, California in week three of the season. Tune in at 5PM PT and hear the USC Trojan football team play by play.

1.800.NoCuffs is a proud sponsor of the USC Radio Broadcast on ESPN LA 710, ready to kickoff this weekend. USC goes up against Stanford, at Stanford this weekend. Listen to the USC vs. Stanford game preview via here.

Tune into ESPN LA 710 to listen to the live broadcast week after week and join in the conversation online using hashtag #FightOn! Click here or visit ESPN Los Angeles carries the So Cal sporting events you want to hear including broadcasts about Rams, Lakers, Clippers, Dodgers, Angels, USC (FB), UCLA (FB), Kings, Ducks, and more!

via For changes, updates, and cancellations, please check with the official team website.


  • Week Three USC Plays Stanford

September 17th
09/17/16 at Stanford Palo Alto, Calif. 5:00 p.m. PT

  • Week Four

September 23rd
09/23/16 at Utah Salt Lake City, Utah 7:00 p.m. MT / 9:00 PM ET

  • Week Five

October 1st
10/01/16 vs. State Arizona State L.A. Coliseum TBA

  • Week Six

October 8th
10/08/16 vs. Colorado L.A. Coliseum TBA

  • Week Seven

October 15th
10/15/16 at Arizona Tucson, Ariz. TBA

  • Week Eight

October 27th
10/27/16 vs. California L.A. Coliseum 7:30 p.m. PT

  • Week Nine

November 5th
11/05/16 vs. Oregon L.A. Coliseum TBA

  • Week Ten

November 12th
11/12/16 at Washington Seattle, Wash. TBA

  • Week Eleven

November 19th
11/19/16 at UCLA Pasadena, Calif. TBA

  • Week Twelve

November 26th
11/26/16 vs. Notre Dame L.A. Coliseum TBA


If you want a 1.800.NoCuffs tattoo to rock at a game, email your first and last name, and U.S. mailing address to info[@] nocuffs[dot]com.

1.800.NoCuffs is the number you hope you never need but should always keep on hand. From DUI arrests to federal criminal charges, 1.800.NoCuffs has attorneys on call every single day of the week and weekend 24/7 available to assist you with your legal issues, questions and concerns.
Because no one looks good in handcuffs #UnlessYoureIntoThatSortOfThing

For more information about attorney Darren Kavinoky, please visit:


Connect with Attorney Darren Kavinoky on Social Media

Darren Kavinoky raising awareness for Suicide Prevention Month

Raise awareness for Suicide Prevention

Tweet with @1800NoCuffs and join the campaign for awareness using #WorldSuicidePreventionDay. Together we can save lives.

A message from 1.800.NoCuffs founder, attorney Darren Kavinoky


September is National Suicide Prevention Month. If you’re battling depression or are considering ending your life, please reach out for help.

There are so many issues that people struggle with silently, whether it’s addictions, bullying, or sexuality, just to name a few, but whatever it is that is troubling you, know that you are not alone.

Peace of mind and freedom from depression can just be a phone call away.

I know that real change can happen in a moment and this can be your moment right now.

Please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK. That’s 1-800-273-8255.

Your life is worth it.
For more information, please visit:
Suicide Prevention Resource Center 1 (800) 273 TALK

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Connect with Attorney Darren Kavinoky on Social Media

[custom_field field=”link-module” limit=”0″ /]
1.800.NoCuffs is the number you hope you never need but should always keep on hand. From DUI arrests to federal criminal charges, 1.800.NoCuffs has attorneys on call every single day of the week and weekend 24/7 available to assist you with your legal issues, questions and concerns.
Because no one looks good in handcuffs #UnlessYoureIntoThatSortOfThing

For more information about attorney Darren Kavinoky, please visit:

Connect with Attorney Darren Kavinoky on Social Media

Many Paths One Destination free event featuring keynote speaker Darren Kavinoky on National Recovery Month

Free Addiction Recovery Event in San Jose Oct 1st


Addiction/Recovery – Month of September

September is National Recovery Month. This is a cause that is close to my heart. I know first-hand the destruction of addiction.

I will be sharing my experience in San Jose, California at the Many Paths One Destination Event. It’s a fun, informational, and educational event on October 1st, which may be one day late but just in time to help someone get help.

Everyone is welcome—it’s FREE and open to the public. Please come out. October 1st at Lincoln Glen Church, 2700 Booksin Avenue, San Jose 95125.

Addiction Recovery Month

Many Paths One Destination Event Flier October 1, 2016, San Jose Ca Addiction Recovery Free Event
Many Paths One Destination Event Flier October 1, 2016, San Jose Ca Addiction Recovery Free Event

Free Recovery Event in San Jose, Ca Oct 1st

Excerpt via Press Release:

8th Successful Year for Many Paths One Destination Event in San Jose
A fun, informational celebration and educational event for all seeking information about recovery from addictions. Everyone is welcome.

October 1st marks the 8th year for the very successful Many Paths One Destination Recovery Event to be in San Jose. Over the past 8 years Many Paths One Destination has been host to over 3500 people fighting such things as alcohol and drug addiction, eating disorders gambling and other addictions that affect us all.

Many Paths One Destination provides tables free for any organization, group, or person wishing to display their part in recovery. Typically the 12 Step programs set up displays but we have also had suicide prevention and eating disorder participants as well as recovery centers and related professionals.

There is also a $5 spaghetti lunch provided at the event.

The event will take place all day on October 1st at Lincoln Glen Church, 2700 Booksin Avenue, San Jose 95125. Come on out for a fun filled day filled with education, fellowship and hope.
For more information, please visit
1.800.NoCuffs is the number you hope you never need but should always keep on hand. From DUI arrests to federal criminal charges, 1.800.NoCuffs has attorneys on call every single day of the week and weekend 24/7 available to assist you with your legal issues, questions and concerns.
Because no one looks good in handcuffs #UnlessYoureIntoThatSortOfThing

For more information about attorney Darren Kavinoky, please visit:

Connect with Attorney Darren Kavinoky on Social Media

Darren Kavinoky #standwitheyebobs Stand Up 2 Cancer

Join #standwitheyebobs @eyebobs and Stand Up 2 Cancer


My favorite eyewear maker, eyebobs, has teamed up with Stand Up 2 Cancer to raise money and awareness! I #standwitheyebobs in my new eyebob glasses! Join me and post a pic wearing your “Take A Stand” eyebobs with the hashtag #standwitheyebobs and eyebobs will donate an additional $2 up to $50,000.

Check out for all the details and let’s Stand Up 2 Cancer Together!


“On Friday, Sept 9 at 8|7c, join Hollywood favorites for a live hour-long, commercial-free fundraising telecast to benefit groundbreaking cancer research.” via You can Tweet along with the show and share your #Reasons2StandUp. Be sure to tag @1800NoCuffs on Twitter so we can share your reason!

Join the Stand Up 2 Cancer campaign with eyebobs #standwitheyebobs
Join the Stand Up 2 Cancer campaign with eyebobs #standwitheyebobs

Stand Up 2 Cancer Charity

Stand Up 2 Cancer, The Show airs on live on Friday, September 9th, 2016, 8PM|7c.

Eyebobs and Katie Couric Stand Up 2 Cancer #standwitheyebobs
Eyebobs and Katie Couric Stand Up 2 Cancer #standwitheyebobs

“I’m happy to report when we stand together against cancer the news only gets better.”

You can join Darren Kavinoky and show your support for Stand Up 2 Cancer online.

Darren Kavinoky #standwitheyebobs Stand Up 2 Cancer
Join Darren Kavinoky and @eyebobs #standwitheyebobs to raise money and awareness for Stand Up 2 Cancer #SU2C

1.800.NoCuffs is the number you hope you never need but should always keep on hand. From DUI arrests to federal criminal charges, 1.800.NoCuffs has attorneys on call every single day of the week and weekend 24/7 available to assist you with your legal issues, questions and concerns.
Because no one looks good in handcuffs #UnlessYoureIntoThatSortOfThing

For more information about attorney Darren Kavinoky, please visit:


Connect with Attorney Darren Kavinoky on Social Media