Registration Relief

Sex Offender Registration

Although California sex crimes can subject the accused to lengthy prison sentences and heavy fines, perhaps the most brutal penalty (because of its social stigma) that such an individual faces is registration as a sex offender, pursuant to Penal Code 290. California Penal Code 290 provides that an individual who is required to register as a sex offender does so for the rest of his or her life while residing, working or going to school in this state. Upon registration, he or she must pay $300 for a first conviction and $500 upon a second or subsequent conviction, to the Department of Justice in addition to any fines imposed in the current case.

The sex offenses that require registration include spousal rape when accomplished or attempted using force, violence or threats, most instances of rape, rape or sexual penetration when acting in concert with another, pimping and pandering with a minor, enticing a female unmarried minor into prostitution, procuring a child under 16 years of age for lewd or lascivious acts, committing a sex act where consent was procured by fear and false representations, aggravated sexual assault of a child, abducting a minor for prostitution, incest, lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14, continuous sexual abuse of a child, sodomy, oral copulation, penetration with a foreign object, indecent exposure, certain crimes dealing with obscene materials, using harmful matter to seduce a minor, and conduct involving lewd or lascivious acts that fall under “contributing to the delinquency of a minor”.

The accused must personally register his or her primary address (or addresses if the accused has more than one address where he or she regularly resides) with his or her local law enforcement agency within 5 days of the requirement. A student or employee of a college or any other institution of higher learning must meet that same requirement and must also register with the campus police department (if there is one) within 5 days of the requirement, within 5 days of commencing enrollment or employment at such an institution, and within 5 days of leaving such an institution. All individuals are also required to update their information yearly, within 5 days of their birthday. An individual labeled a “sexually violent predator” (that is, one who has committed a sex offense by means of force, violence, duress or threats, and who has been diagnosed with a mental disorder that makes the accused a danger to the health and safety of others) is required to update his or her information every 90 days. The registering agency then passes the information along to the Department of Justice Violent Crime Information Network. People who live out-of-state but work in California must register in the same manner if they are registered sex offenders in the state in which they live. Changes of address or name changes must be reported within 5 days to one’s local agency as well. In addition, if an individual who has registered as a sex offender in California moves, he or she may further be required to register in any other state where he or she relocates. Failure to follow any of these requirements within the specified timeframe will be penalized with an additional criminal charge of either a misdemeanor or felony, depending on how the original charge was filed, punishable by up to one year in the county jail and fines up to $1,000 for a misdemeanor, or by 16 months or two or three years in state prison for a felony.

The consequences of registering as a sex offender are life changing. When charged with a California sex crime, it is critical that the accused hires a criminal defense lawyer who specializes in this unique area of the law in order to defend against this severe penalty. The exceptional criminal attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm have mastered California sex crime defense and have successfully defended countless individuals, treating each with compassion and respect. For an unparalleled defense, contact them at one of their Los Angeles or other California law offices today for a free consultation.

One-strike Sex Cases

California has one of the most severe sentencing schedules in the nation commonly called the Three-strikes Law. Three strikes on one’s record may result in a life sentence without the possibility of parole. These laws apply to serious felonies, and many of this state’s sex crimes will qualify for prosecution under this law. When an individual is convicted of a qualifying serious felony, he or she will obtain his or her first strike, which will result in 15 years to life in the state prison or in 25 years to life in state prison. When faced with such a charge, the only way to hopefully avoid these devastating possibilities is to hire a criminal defense lawyer who has mastered this area of the law and who knows how to defeat a felony sex crime conviction.

Violent felony sex crimes are prosecuted as “one-strike”, “three-strike” or “habitual sex offender” crimes. Prosecutors are forbidden from engaging in plea bargaining over these offenses unless there is insufficient evidence to prove the people’s case, the testimony of a material witness cannot be obtained, or a reduction or dismissal would not result in a substantial change in the sentence. The skilled criminal attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm critically evaluate every case in a diligent effort to uncover all of the flaws in the prosecution’s case that will encourage a plea bargain, knowing exactly how to convince a prosecutor or judge that the case lacks sufficient evidence.

With respect to California sex offenses, the following charges apply to these laws: Rape, sodomy by force, violence, duress, menace, threat of great bodily injury, or fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury to the victim or another person, oral copulation by those same means, any forcible acts of sexual penetration and the commission of rape or sexual penetration in concert with another person. With respect to sex crimes against children, the following charges apply: Lewd or lascivious acts on a child under 14, continuous sexual abuse of a child, the aggravated sexual assault of a child and sexual intercourse, sodomy, oral copulation or sexual penetration with a child 10 years or younger.

When an individual is convicted of any of these offenses and has been previously convicted of a serious felony (whether or not it was sexually-related) in this state or in another state that meets this state’s definition of a “serious felony,” he or she will receive an additional five-year state prison sentence for each qualifying prior conviction that was brought and tried separately. The sentence imposed in the present offense, and each enhancement will run consecutively, which means that they will run back-to-back.

With such severe penalties, it would be quite foolish for an individual accused of a one-strike crime to hire an inexperienced attorney, as his or her freedom, family and future are too valuable to entrust to less than the best. The trusted, experienced defense attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm know what it takes to win and are dedicated to producing the most favorable results for their clients. They scrutinize every police report, question all witnesses, independently examine and analyze any physical evidence, highlight any discrepancies in testimony or reports, and pride themselves on their exceptional cross-examination skills, which often leave judges and jurors doubting the credibility of the prosecution’s witnesses and case. With law offices located throughout California, including several in Los Angeles, they are easily accessible to those in need of an outstanding California sex crime defense lawyer. When things are at their worst, the attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm are at their best! Contact them today for a free consultation and for unparalleled legal representation.

Bail and Sex Offenses

Bail and Sex Offenses

In California, when an individual is arrested for a sex crime, he or she is taken into custody until either bail is posted, until he or she is released on his or her own recognizance (also referred to as OR) or until his or her trial if the offense is so severe that it is considered unbailable. In order to be released from custody as quickly and as inexpensively as possible, the accused (or a family member or friend of the accused) should immediately contact the knowledgeable and discreet sex crime defense attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm, who are outstanding in this complex field of law and know how to successfully tackle every stage of the criminal court process.

The Los Angeles County 2007 Felony Bail Schedule will serve as an example of the amount of bail that may be set for specified sex offenses. Every county in the state has its own bail schedule and the amounts in each may be modified at the court’s discretion, as permitted by law. Typically, bail for an offense will be specifically listed in the schedule. If it is not, there are general bail amounts that may be used, depending on the maximum state prison term that is applicable to the offense, and these amounts will range from $20,000 for a maximum three-year sentence to $100,000 for a maximum 16-year sentence to $1,000,000 for a life sentence.

When the accused is charged with two or more offenses, the highest bail amount will be used, unless the offenses were committed against separate victims or on separate dates or where separate sex acts were performed on the same victim and each may be separately punished. If the offenses fall under any of those scenarios, the bails may be totaled. Aggravating circumstances and/or prior convictions also carry independent bail amounts, which will be added one time per defendant or per case.

It must be noted that some of these offenses, even though a specific bail amount is posted, may be unbailable crimes or may have a variety of bail amounts that are applicable, which is why it is absolutely vital that the accused contacts a qualified criminal defense lawyer who can reconcile any discrepancies with clarity and competence.



Rape (committed in situations where force or threats weren’t used) = 100,000 Rape (in concert with force and violence) = $250,000 Statutory rape (with person under 18) = $20,000 – if defendant is over 21 and alleged victim is under 16 = $25,000 Spousal rape (committed in situations where force or threats weren’t used) = $100,000 Pimping = $25,000 – if other is a minor over 16 = $50,000 – if other is a minor under 16 = $75,000 Pandering = $35,000 – if other person is a minor = $50,000 Incest = $50,000 Sodomy (with minor under 18) = $50,000 -all other situations, including those when the alleged victim is under 16 and the accused is over 21 and when the alleged victim is under 14 and the accused is more than 10 years older = $100,000 Lewd act with a child under 14 = $100,000 Oral copulation (with minor under 18) = $50,000 -when alleged victim is under 16 and the accused is over 21 = $75,000 -all other situations, including those when the alleged victim is under 14 and the accused is more than 10 years older = $100,000 Arranging or attending a meeting with a minor to procure sexual exposure = $75,000 Contacting a minor with the intent of committing a sexual offense = $5,000             -with a prior = $25,000 Engaging in specified sex acts with a minor under 10 = $100,000 Sexual penetration = $100,000 Failure to register as a convicted sex offender, under Penal Code 290 = $20,000 Bringing or distributing obscene matter within the state of California = $40,000 Using a minor to bring or distribute obscene matter within California = $40,000 Possession or control of child pornography = $20,000                 -with prior = $40,000 Indecent exposure = $35,000


Contact the experienced criminal defense attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm today for more information and for a free consultation.


Top 10 myths about sex offenders

Top 10 myths about sex offenders

The social stigma that attaches when someone has only been charged with a sex crime makes it almost impossible to receive a fair trial. The skilled criminal attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm specialize in California sex crime defense and know the most effective ways to dispel the myths that pervade our society, to ensure that their clients receive fair consideration from skeptical judges and jurors.

The following are the top 10 myths that our society readily believes regarding sex offenders.

1. All child molesters are pedophiles.
Fact: Child molesters do so for a variety of reasons, often unrelated to sexual desires. Their victims may be incidental and their primary sexual orientation may even be towards adults. They may molest a child to meet an unmet emotional need.

2. All pedophiles are child molesters.
Fact: Pedophiles have a strong sexual desire towards children but many are content fantasizing in private. Many rely on pornographic materials to fulfill their fantasies in the safety and comfort of their own home, never actually molesting a child.

3. Child pornography collectors molest children.
Fact: Some child molesters use child pornography – not all child porn collectors molest children. Research reveals that many child molesters aren’t stimulated by child porn and (if they collect pornographic materials at all) actually collect adult porn. There is no evidence to suggest that sex offenders use pornography with any more frequency than non-offenders.

4. All convicted child molesters re-offend.
Fact: A convicted child molester may have molested a child because of poor self-esteem, due to a perceived inability to be close with an adult partner or to escape feelings of powerlessness and loneliness. Many molest due to a specific circumstance and not based on an ongoing need.

5. The more serious the initial offense, the more likely the person will re-offend.
Fact: This is perhaps one of the most commonly exploited myths – and easy to dismiss with research and reports. Recidivism (relapse) rates for sex offenders are lower than for the general criminal population and rape (one of the most severe sex crimes) has an extremely low relapse rate.

6. All convicted rapists re-offend.
Fact: This, too, is a largely publicized, political fear-tactic that has no bearing on reality. Convicted rapists have one of the lowest recidivism rates among criminals, and the only group that is lower is convicted murderers.

7. Most sexual assaults are committed by strangers.
Fact: Regardless of whether the victim is an adult or a child, the fact is that most sexual assaults are committed by an individual known to the victim or to the victim’s family. 9 out of 10 rape or sexual assault acts involve a single offender who had a prior relationship with the victim as an acquaintance, intimate partner or family member.

8. Indecent exposers are rapists waiting to happen.
Fact: This is a huge leap. Indecent exposers (also known as flashers) reportedly engage in such behavior to feel validated. Many believe that they are performing a harmless act and that flashing is a victimless crime.

9. Punishment is the best deterrent.
Fact: Certain types of rehabilitation have a much better deterrent effect on recidivism than punishment. The fact is that longer prison sentences have a higher recidivism rate than shorter sentences – those more than 2 years increased the rate and those less than 6 months had no effect on the rate. Research supports that cognitive-behavioral therapy is the best treatment for adult offenders (focusing on the social influences, values and habits that contribute to these crimes, teaching techniques to cope) and that systematic therapy is the best treatment for adolescent offenders (focusing on the needs of family and other social systems that influence these offenders, including peers and school).

10. Treatment for sex offenders doesn’t work.
Offenders who successfully complete treatment programs re-offend less often and less seriously than those who receive no therapy – period. Research continually reveals that sex offenders can be successfully treated.

To learn more, contact the outstanding sex crime defense lawyers at The Kavinoky Firm for a free consultation.


Release Conditions in Sex Offense Cases

Release Conditions in Sex Offense Cases

When arrested for a California sex crime, the accused is permitted to post bail, to be released on his or her own recognizance (also referred to as OR release) or the offender will be denied bail, based on the specific crime or crimes alleged. Whether or not the individual’s bail may be modified without a hearing will also depend on the charged offense. An experienced sex crime defense attorney is the key to navigating this system with ease and understanding.

The bail for certain sex offenses will be set according to a bail schedule. These offenses include those that involve obscene materials, rape (when the alleged victim is incapable of consenting due to a mental or physical disorder or when he or she is unconscious, under the influence or submits under the false belief that the perpetrator is his or her spouse), statutory rape, spousal rape (when the alleged victim is under the influence or unconscious or is threatened by incarceration or deportation), oral copulation (with a minor over 14 or under the circumstances described above under rape), sodomy (with a minor over 14, under the same circumstances or when threatened by incarceration or deportation), sexual penetration (under the same circumstances), indecent exposure, prostitution, pimping, pandering, bigamy, incest, sexually assaulting an animal, abduction for marriage, contributing to the delinquency of a minor or situations where a public entity employee engages in sexual activity with an involuntarily committed resident.

With respect to the above offenses (some being misdemeanors, some being felonies), the bail may be modified upon an application that may be submitted by the arresting officer, by the defendant or by anyone on his or her behalf. Public safety will be the main consideration for the court in determining whether or not to raise or lower the set bail or whether to release the accused OR.

Certain sex crimes require that a hearing be held before the accused may have his or her bail modified. These crimes include lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14, sexual penetration with a child under 14 who is also more than 10 years younger than the accused, and the continuous sexual abuse of a child. When a hearing is held, the judge will primarily consider public safety, but will also consider the defendant’s flight risk, his or her prior criminal history and the severity of the pending case. When considering these issues, the judge presumes that the accused is guilty, which is another reason why it is imperative for the accused to have a skilled criminal defence attorney who knows how to persuade the judge otherwise..

There are certain sex offenses where bail doesn’t apply, because they are considered so serious. These include rape, spousal rape, oral copulation, sodomy, sexual penetration or lewd or lascivious acts performed on or with a child under 14 where force or threats were used to accomplish any of these acts, or where the accused acted in concert with another while committing or attempting to commit these offenses.

If arrested on a bailable offense and denied an OR release, the accused can elect to post cash bail or a bail bond. If the accused posts cash bail, he or she remits the full bail amount, which will be returned at the conclusion of the case if he or she attends all court appearances. If the accused posts a bail bond (the more commonly-used option), he or she pays a bail agent or bondsman 10% of the bail amount and the agent then pays the rest. The bondsman may also require additional collateral, which he or she may keep or sell if the bond isn’t refunded at the conclusion of the case due to the defendant’s failure to appear.

The outstanding attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm are unsurpassed in California sex crime defense. They are dedicated to helping their clients get released from custody as quickly and inexpensively as possible, and providing the best defense throughout the entire criminal court process. Contact them today for a free consultation.



Sex Crime Penalties

California sex offenses carry harsh penalties – some can even result in lifetime incarceration. Sentencing enhancements can add years to an already lengthy prison sentence, and many California sex crime convictions carry a lifetime requirement to register as a sex offender. Fortunately, it’s possible to aggressively fight California sex charges with the help of a skilled criminal lawyer. The experienced California defense attorneys of The Kavinoky Law Firm are well-versed in effective defenses to sex crime charges.

How a California sex crime is punished depends on whether it is charged as a felony or a misdemeanor. The following are examples of some felony penalties.

An individual convicted of certain acts of rape (including spousal rape), rape in concert with another, lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age, penetration with a foreign object, sodomy, oral copulation, or of the continuous sexual abuse of a child faces 15 years to life in prison (with no probation) if he or she committed one of these offenses while involved in the commission of another felony offense, while using a weapon or inflicting serious bodily injury on the victim, if the victim was restrained during the offense, if the offense was committed against two or more victims, if the accused administered a controlled substance to the victim during the commission of the offense, or if the accused acted in concert with another during the offense and either of the accused parties engaged in one of these activities.

If the accused did two or more of these things during the commission of the offense, he or she faces 25 years to life in prison with no probation. The same penalty applies if the accused is convicted of any of the above-mentioned offenses and he or she had been previously convicted of one of those offenses, or if he or she committed one of these offenses while engaged in the commission of another serious or violent felony.

In addition, if the accused is convicted of multiple charges against the same victim on different occasions (meaning that there was time between acts for the accused to reflect upon his or her actions before resuming the illegal sexual activity) or against different victims, he or she can receive consecutive sentences for each offense.

Anyone acting in concert with another, by force or violence and against the alleged victim’s will, who either personally commits or aids in the commission of rape, spousal rape or in the aggravated sexual abuse of a child will receive five, seven or nine years in state prison. It should be noted that when three sentencing options are available, the judge is required to impose the middle term unless aggravating or mitigating circumstances support either the higher or lower term.

An individual who has previously served two prison terms for any serious felony, and who, during the present offense, either inflicted great bodily injury on another or who used force that was likely to result in great bodily injury to another, will be labeled a habitual offender and will be incarcerated for life without the possibility of parole for the first 20 years. If the individual served three or more prior prison terms, he or she will be incarcerated for life without the possibility of parole. Bottom line: Anyone labeled a habitual offender faces a mandatory minimum 25 years in prison.

Clearly, an individual accused of a felony sex crime should hire a California criminal defense lawyer who knows how to skillfully navigate through the sentencing elements that are imposed in connection with such crimes. The experienced California defense attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm are skilled in every aspect of sex crime defense. With law offices located in Los Angeles and throughout California, they are conveniently located to serve those in need of an aggressive California sex crime defense attorney. Contact The Kavinoky Law Firm today at 1-800-NO-CUFFS for a free consultation.

Top 10 myths about sex offenders

The social stigma that attaches when someone has only been charged with a sex crime makes it almost impossible to receive a fair trial. The skilled criminal attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firmspecialize in California sex crime defense and know the most effective ways to dispel the myths that pervade our society, to ensure that their clients receive fair consideration from skeptical judges and jurors.

The following are the top 10 myths that our society readily believes regarding sex offenders.

1. All child molesters are pedophiles.
Fact: Child molesters do so for a variety of reasons, often unrelated to sexual desires. Their victims may be incidental and their primary sexual orientation may even be towards adults. They may molest a child to meet an unmet emotional need.

2. All pedophiles are child molesters.
Fact: Pedophiles have a strong sexual desire towards children but many are content fantasizing in private. Many rely on pornographic materials to fulfill their fantasies in the safety and comfort of their own home, never actually molesting a child.

3. Child pornography collectors molest children.
Fact: Some child molesters use child pornography – not all child porn collectors molest children. Research reveals that many child molesters aren’t stimulated by child porn and (if they collect pornographic materials at all) actually collect adult porn. There is no evidence to suggest that sex offenders use pornography with any more frequency than non-offenders.

4. All convicted child molesters re-offend.
Fact: A convicted child molester may have molested a child because of poor self-esteem, due to a perceived inability to be close with an adult partner or to escape feelings of powerlessness and loneliness. Many molest due to a specific circumstance and not based on an ongoing need.

5. The more serious the initial offense, the more likely the person will re-offend.
Fact: This is perhaps one of the most commonly exploited myths – and easy to dismiss with research and reports. Recidivism (relapse) rates for sex offenders are lower than for the general criminal population and rape (one of the most severe sex crimes) has an extremely low relapse rate.

6. All convicted rapists re-offend.
Fact: This, too, is a largely publicized, political fear-tactic that has no bearing on reality. Convicted rapists have one of the lowest recidivism rates among criminals, and the only group that is lower is convicted murderers.

7. Most sexual assaults are committed by strangers.
Fact: Regardless of whether the victim is an adult or a child, the fact is that most sexual assaults are committed by an individual known to the victim or to the victim’s family. 9 out of 10 rape or sexual assault acts involve a single offender who had a prior relationship with the victim as an acquaintance, intimate partner or family member.

8. Indecent exposers are rapists waiting to happen.
Fact: This is a huge leap. Indecent exposers (also known as flashers) reportedly engage in such behavior to feel validated. Many believe that they are performing a harmless act and that flashing is a victimless crime.

9. Punishment is the best deterrent.
Fact: Certain types of rehabilitation have a much better deterrent effect on recidivism than punishment. The fact is that longer prison sentences have a higher recidivism rate than shorter sentences – those more than 2 years increased the rate and those less than 6 months had no effect on the rate. Research supports that cognitive-behavioral therapy is the best treatment for adult offenders (focusing on the social influences, values and habits that contribute to these crimes, teaching techniques to cope) and that systematic therapy is the best treatment for adolescent offenders (focusing on the needs of family and other social systems that influence these offenders, including peers and school).

10. Treatment for sex offenders doesn’t work.
Offenders who successfully complete treatment programs re-offend less often and less seriously than those who receive no therapy – period. Research continually reveals that sex offenders can be successfully treated.

To learn more, contact the outstanding sex crime defense lawyers at The Kavinoky Firm for a free consultation.

Hit-and-Run-Causing Death

Hit-and-Run-Causing Death

Drivers who leave the scene of an accident in California can face hit-and-run charges even if they are not at fault. The severity of the charges depends on many factors, such as whether the accident involved property damage, injury, or death. Regardless of the circumstances, hit-and-run is a very serious charge that requires expert legal representation. The skilled defense lawyers of The Kavinoky Law Firm are experienced in every aspect of California hit-and-run cases, and will work very hard to protect the accused driver’s rights and freedom.

California Hit and Run Law

Leaving the scene of a fatal accident is an extremely serious charge in California. A driver convicted of hit-and-run causing death faces from three months in county jail to up to four years in state prison. The driver also faces a fine of up to $10,000, a one-year driver’s license revocation, probation, and possible vehicle seizure.

In some cases, a driver involved in a fatal hit-and-run accident can face even more serious charges such as manslaughter or vehicular homicide. And if alcohol or drugs were involved, the driver may face an additional charge of DUI / DWI or driving under the influence of drugs.

However, a hit-and-run charge doesn’t equal an automatic conviction – far from it. There are many effective defenses to a charge of leaving the scene of an accident. It’s important to remember that the prosecutor is required to prove his or her case beyond a reasonable doubt in order to obtain a conviction. That means the prosecutor has the burden of convincing all 12 jurors of the driver’s guilt. The defense is under no burden to prove anything other than to prove the prosecution’s case is faulty.

Hit-and-run cases involving death are extremely complex and technical, and typically involve a great deal of physical evidence. In many cases, the assistance of an experienced accident reconstructionist can uncover evidence overlooked by police that can help the defendant’s case.

In some cases, the defense may be better off negotiating a plea bargain rather than taking a charge of leaving the scene of an accident to trial. Plea bargains sometimes offer a satisfactory resolution to a hit-and-run charge involving death. It may be possible for the driver to plead guilty in exchange for reduced charges and/or punishment. In some cases, alternative sentencing may be available that can reduce or even eliminate a jail sentence.

A California Defense Attorney is Vital

There are many viable criminal defense strategies to a California hit-and-run charge involving property damage, injury or death. The experienced Criminal Defense Lawyers of The Kavinoky Law Firm are skilled in every aspect of defending charges of leaving the scene of an accident, and will develop a proven defense strategy designed to safeguard the driver’s rights and minimize the consequences. Contact them today for a free consultation.

Release Conditions in Sex Offense Cases

When arrested for a California sex crime, the accused is permitted to post bail, to be released on his or her own recognizance (also referred to as OR release) or the offender will be denied bail, based on the specific crime or crimes alleged. Whether or not the individual’s bail may be modified without a hearing will also depend on the charged offense. An experienced sex crime defense attorney is the key to navigating this system with ease and understanding.

The bail for certain sex offenses will be set according to a bail schedule. These offenses include those that involve obscene materials, rape (when the alleged victim is incapable of consenting due to a mental or physical disorder or when he or she is unconscious, under the influence or submits under the false belief that the perpetrator is his or her spouse), statutory rapespousal rape (when the alleged victim is under the influence or unconscious or is threatened by incarceration or deportation), oral copulation (with a minor over 14 or under the circumstances described above under rape), sodomy (with a minor over 14, under the same circumstances or when threatened by incarceration or deportation), sexual penetration (under the same circumstances), indecent exposureprostitutionpimping, panderingbigamy,incest, sexually assaulting an animalabduction for marriagecontributing to the delinquency of a minor or situations where a public entity employee engages in sexual activity with an involuntarily committed resident.

With respect to the above offenses (some being misdemeanors, some being felonies), the bail may be modified upon an application that may be submitted by the arresting officer, by the defendant or by anyone on his or her behalf. Public safety will be the main consideration for the court in determining whether or not to raise or lower the set bail or whether to release the accused OR.

Certain sex crimes require that a hearing be held before the accused may have his or her bail modified. These crimes include lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14sexual penetration with a child under 14 who is also more than 10 years younger than the accused, and the continuous sexual abuse of a child. When a hearing is held, the judge will primarily consider public safety, but will also consider the defendant’s flight risk, his or her prior criminal history and the severity of the pending case. When considering these issues, the judge presumes that the accused is guilty, which is another reason why it is imperative for the accused to have a skilled criminal defence attorney who knows how to persuade the judge otherwise..

There are certain sex offenses where bail doesn’t apply, because they are considered so serious. These include rape, spousal rapeoral copulation,sodomysexual penetration or lewd or lascivious acts performed on or with a child under 14 where force or threats were used to accomplish any of these acts, or where the accused acted in concert with another while committing or attempting to commit these offenses.

If arrested on a bailable offense and denied an OR release, the accused can elect to post cash bail or a bail bond. If the accused posts cash bail, he or she remits the full bail amount, which will be returned at the conclusion of the case if he or she attends all court appearances. If the accused posts a bail bond (the more commonly-used option), he or she pays a bail agent or bondsman 10% of the bail amount and the agent then pays the rest. The bondsman may also require additional collateral, which he or she may keep or sell if the bond isn’t refunded at the conclusion of the case due to the defendant’s failure to appear.

The outstanding attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm are unsurpassed in California sex crime defense. They are dedicated to helping their clients get released from custody as quickly and inexpensively as possible, and providing the best defense throughout the entire criminal court process. Contact them today for a free consultation.


Securities Fraud

Securities fraud, also known as stock or investment fraud, is the practice of using false information to entice investors to part with their money. Securities fraud typically results in substantial losses to investors and violates a number of federal laws. If you’ve been accused of securities fraud, it’s imperative that you contact an experienced California defense lawyer from The Kavinoky Law Firm today to begin mounting an aggressive defense.

Securities fraud cases are almost always prosecuted by the federal government rather than state authorities. The consequences of a securities fraud conviction include large fines, restitution payments and sometimes even jail or prison time.

In addition to deceptive practices in the stock and commodity markets, securities fraud also includes outright theft from investors and misstatements on a public company’s financial reports. The term also encompasses a wide range of other actions, including insider trading and front-running and other illegal acts on the trading floor of a stock or commodities exchange.

Securities fraud can also include intentionally false information on a company’s financial statement and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings; lying to corporate auditors; insider trading; stock manipulation schemes, and embezzlement by stockbrokers.

Corporate Fraud

Corporate securities fraud often involves allegations of insider trading and/or of making false statements about a company’s financial performance. Fraud by high-level corporate officials at companies such as Enron, WorldCom, and Tyco have garnered enormous attention in recent years, and prompted federal officials to launch an “aggressive agenda” against corporate fraud. FBI Director Robert Muller predicted in April of 2008 that corporate fraud cases will increase because of the subprime mortgage crisis.

Internet Fraud

Internet fraud exists in many forms, including pump-and-dump schemes, in which false and/or fraudulent information is disseminated in chat rooms, forums, internet boards and via e-mail (spamming), with the purpose of causing a dramatic price increase in thinly traded stocks, or stocks of shell companies (the “pump”).  When the price reaches a certain level, criminals immediately sell off their holdings of those stocks (the “dump”), realizing substantial profits before the stock price falls back to its usual low level. Any buyers of the stock who are unaware of the fraud become victims once the price falls.

The SEC reveals that Internet fraud resides in several forms, such as the following:

* Online investment newsletters that offer seemingly unbiased information free of charge about featured companies or recommending “stock picks of the month” are sometimes used for fraud.

* Bulletin boards that often contain fraudulent messages by hucksters.

* E-mail spam from perpetrators of fraud.

Insider Trading

Insider trading is the trading of a corporation’s stock or other security by corporate insiders that may include company officers, key employees, directors, or holders of more than ten percent of the firm’s shares. Some insider trading is illegal. In illegal insider trading, an insider or a related party trades based on non-public information obtained during the performance of the insider’s duties at the corporation, or otherwise misappropriated.

Microcap Fraud

In microcap fraud, stocks of small companies of under $250 million market capitalization are sold fraudulently to the public. Its prevalence has been estimated to run into billions of dollars each year. Microcap fraud includes pump-and-dump schemes involving “boiler rooms” and scams on the Internet. Many, but not all microcap stocks involved in frauds are penny stocks, which trade for less than $5 a share.

Accountant Fraud

In 2002, a wave of separate, but often related, accounting scandals became known to the public in the U.S. All of the leading public accounting firms—Arthur Andersen, Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young, KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers— and others have admitted to or have been charged with negligence to identify and prevent the publication of falsified financial reports by their corporate clients, which had the effect of giving a misleading impression of their client companies’ financial status. In several cases, the monetary amounts of the fraud involved are in the billions of dollars.

Boiler Rooms

So-called boiler rooms are stock brokerages that put undue pressure on clients to trade using telesales, usually in pursuit of microcap fraud schemes. Some boiler rooms offer clients transactions fraudulently, such as those with an undisclosed profitable relationship to the brokerage. Securities sold in boiler rooms include commodities and private placements as well as microcap stocks.

Mutual-Fund Fraud

A number of major brokerages and mutual fund firms have been accused of various deceptive acts that disadvantage customers, including late-trading and market-timing. Various SEC rules were enacted to curtail this practice.  Bank of America Capital Management was accused by the SEC of having undisclosed arrangements with customers to allow short-term trading

Short-Selling Abuses

Abusive short-selling, including certain types of “naked” short-selling, is also considered securities fraud because it can drive down stock prices. In abusive naked short-selling, stock is sold without being borrowed and without any intent to borrow.  The practice of spreading false information about stocks, to drive down their prices, is called “short and distort.” During the takeover of The Bear Stearns Companies by J.P. Morgan Chase in March of 2008, reports swirled that shorts were spreading rumors to drive down Bear Stearns’ share price. Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., said this was more than rumors, and said, “This is about collusion.”


If you have been accused of engaging in any type of securities fraud, a skilled California attorney from The Kavinoky Law Firm can help. Being accused of – and, in the worst case, convicted – of securities fraud violations can jeopardize your entire future.  Oftentimes securities fraud violations are considered to be crimes of moral turpitude, or extremely dishonest conduct.  Obtaining job, education, financing, professional licensure, loans, etc., is extremely difficult after a securities fraud conviction, so it’s imperative to aggressively fight the charges. Contact a knowledgeable California defense lawyer from The Kavinoky Law Firm today for a free consultation