DUI Consequences – Can I Lose My Job?

It is unlikely that a person who receives a DUI conviction would be fired from their job, provided that this is their first criminal conviction, no one was injured, and there was no property damage. There are several instances, however, where being convicted of a DUI could lead to being terminated from your job and then finding it difficult to get a new one.

DUI Convictions That Could Lead to Job Loss

1. Second and subsequent California DUI conviction include significant jail time and therefore a person will not be able to show up for work for months or even years and it is likely the person will be terminated from their job.

2. A DUI conviction could lead to being fired if the terms of employment state in writing that being convicted of a DUI or other misdemeanor or felony crime is grounds for termination.

3. Since a DUI conviction carries a driver’s license suspension, if your job requires driving, such as a salesperson in the field, it is more likely that a DUI will lead to being fired since you can no longer perform your duties. In addition to losing your driver’s license for 6-10 months, your car can be impounded leaving you with nothing to drive. The good news is that even if your current job requires driving, your employer might be able to offer you another job within the company.

Finding Another Job

If you are fired from your job you’ll have no choice but to look for other work. This may be daunting as this is the first time you will have applied for a job while having a criminal record. While the Civil Rights Act prohibits an employer from discriminating among job applicants based on a criminal conviction, in practice, this is rarely the case. Most employers in the private sector will favor the applicant with a clean driving record over one with a DUI conviction if all other things are equal. There are also certain jobs that require driving such as bus driver, package delivery driver, railroad engineer and others where you may be fired if you are convicted of a DUI.  You could also be forced out of or prohibited from landing any job that required that you carry a firearm such as those in the security industry.

Since the penalties you may suffer from a DUI conviction extend far beyond the courtroom and could include losing your job and having difficulty finding a new one, you need to hire the best California criminal defense attorney you can find. If you are arrested and charged with DUI it is critical that your lawyer does everything possible to get the charges against you dismissed without a criminal record. Call the Kavinoky Law Firm today.

California DUI, Traffic Stop, and Your Rights

It is not necessary to be drunk to be pulled over and arrested for DUI. Consuming any amount of alcohol can give a police officer reason to believe you could be over the legal limit, arrested and forced to undergo chemical testing at the police station. That said, thousands of innocent people that are arrested every year and charged with DUI fail to exercise their traffic stop rights and unwittingly help the police make a case against them. The following are the most common rights of California drivers when they are confronted by the police during a traffic stop.


The Police Must Have Probable Cause

Your first right in a California DUI traffic stop is that a police officer needs a probable cause to pull you over. Common reasons to give the police probable cause include committing a moveable violation such as failing to stop at a stop sign or failing to use your turn signal, a physical defect in the safety features of your car like a broken headlight or brake light, and/or operating your vehicle in an unsafe or reckless manner.

The Right to Remain Silent

When you are pulled over you are under no obligation to answer the police officer’s questions. You have the right to remain silent. The only information you are required to give the police at this point is your driver’s license and proof of automobile insurance.

Field Sobriety Tests

If you are over 21 years old, you have the right to refuse to take field sobriety tests. Field sobriety tests include standing on one foot while counting, walking an imaginary line heel-to-toe, and the finger-to-nose test. Failing to take field sobriety tests cannot be held against you and the police are required to tell you that the tests are optional.

Search of Your Vehicle

You have the right to refuse to allow a police officer to search your vehicle except when, during a routine traffic stop the officer finds contraband such as a container of alcohol, drugs, or a weapon, or finds evidence of a crime having been committed. Once an officer thinks the driver has committed a crime he may legally search your entire vehicle.

If you are arrested, taken into custody, and charged with a DUI, you need to have a lawyer by your side to do the talking for you and to answer any questions put to you by interrogators at the police station. Call the California DUI defense attorneys at the Kavinoky Law firm today.

Sources: https://www.motorists.org/issues/dui/traffic-stop/


Frequently Overlooked Consequences of a DUI Conviction

Being convicted of a DUI in California can have serious, life-altering consequences. While most of the penalties for DUI are straightforward, there are a number of problems that can occur in a chain reaction once you have been convicted of DUI  and they can affect every aspect of your life. The following are a few of the consequences of being convicted of DUI that you may have overlooked.

10 Frequently Overlooked Consequences of a DUI Conviction

1. Getting a DUI can be a felony and you will receive a criminal record. While most first, second, and third driving under the influence of alcohol arrests are charged as misdemeanors, those that involve injury or deaths can be charged as a felony. Other ways that a DUI can escalate to a felony is if this is a third or more DUI or if you have had one prior felony DUI conviction.

2. You could be dropped from you current automobile insurance coverage or receive a large, unaffordable increase in insurance premiums. Your insurance company will find out about your DUI by checking the Department of Motor Vehicle records whey your policy comes up for renewal or when you submit form SR-22 which is required to reinstate a suspended California driver’s license.

3. Rejected From Job Opportunities
If you were an employer and had two identical resumes where one person has committed felony DUI and a has a criminal record, and the other person has a clean criminal record, who might you favor? This logic also could apply to job promotions and salary raises as well.

4. Fired From a Driving Job
Some employers have zero tolerance for employees convicted of DUI. Occupations where one actually drives for a living such as a school or municipal bus driver, package delivery truck driver or other professional drivers may immediately fire an employee convicted of DUI.

5. Forfeiture of professional License
Trusted professionals such as surgeons, school bus drivers, and airline pilots have the lives of other people in their hands and must be trusted to be sober 100% of the time. One of the purposes of requiring them to obtain a special license is to prevent those who abuse drugs and alcohol from receiving or renewing their license. Most of these licenses are required to be renewed annually and the governing associations will be notified of the criminal conviction for DUI when a routine criminal background check is undertaken.

6. While misdemeanor DUI will most likely have no effect on your ability to get an automobile loan at an affordable interest rate or a home mortgage, felony DUI may make it more difficult. Lending standards for major purchases may require both a clean credit and an unblemished criminal background report. If you have a felony DUI conviction you may not be able to drive the type of car you want nor live in the type of house that you would ordinarily be able to afford.

7. Refusal to Obtain a Firearm
A California felony DUI conviction will prohibit possessing a firearm of any type. In addition to no longer being able to protect yourself or your family, you will not be able to get a job that requires you carry a firearm such as those in law enforcement.

8. Cost of Renting an Ignition Interlock Device
If you are required to install an ignition interlock device on the devices under your control, you will have to pay not only for the installation but also make a large deposit on the equipment and pay a monthly rental fee.

9. Lost Income due to Felony Court Appearances and DUI Classes
If you are convicted of felony DUI, you will be required to appear in court several times and that will take you away from your business and prevent you from making money during that time.

10. If you refused chemical testing and are subsequently convicted of DUI, there are additional fines and a mandatory one year suspension of your driver’s license.

Being charged with DUI in California is a serious charge that should not be taken lightly. If you are pulled over, arrested, and charged with DUI, call the California DUI defense attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm immediately.

California Charges of Drugged Driving

According to the California Vehicle Code Sec. 23152, it is illegal for anyone who is under the influence of alcohol, or the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage and drugs to drive a motor vehicle. It is also illegal for anyone who is addicted to drugs to drive unless that person is participating in a narcotics treatment program.

The State of California treats drugged driving the same as driving under the influence of alcohol. Either a prior drugged driving or prior alcohol conviction will be counted as a prior offense. The penalties that apply to DUI apply to drugged driving as well, gradually increasing depending on the number of prior convictions on a person’s criminal record.


1st offense- 48 hours to 6 months in County jail, DUI courses can be 3-6-9 months

2nd offense- 96 hours to a year in County Jail, 18 month DUI course

3rd offense- 120 days to 1 year in jail, 3 year revocation no restricted license

Unlike PAS and chemical testing for alcohol, there are no BAC considerations for drugged driving. Every case is taken individually and is up to the discretion of the prosecutor. California drugged driving law defines a drug as any prohibited chemical substance regulated by the government. Medical marijuana is not excluded from the list of illegal chemical substances when it comes to drugged driving. Schedule I and II drugs such as marijuana, methamphetamine, and cocaine are the leading drugs found in California drugged driving arrests. The complete list of drugs can be found on the Drug Enforcement Administration website located at  . Once arrested and in custody, drivers suspected of drugged driving are required under California’s implied consent rule to undergo blood and urine testing.

Just because marijuana has been legalized in California doesn’t mean that you can use it and drive under its influence. Drugged driving includes marijuana and you could face the same, severe, life-altering consequences as that of a DUI conviction. Don’t assume that police will not arrest you if they suspect that you are high while driving. If you are pulled over under the suspicion of drugged driving, remember to exercise your Fifth Amendment right to remain silent and to have an attorney present when you are in custody to answer all question for you.


Remaining Silent During DUI Arrest

There is confusion as to whether or not a person who has been pulled over by the police has the right to remain silent and if so, exactly when that right begins. The police are not required to read your Miranda rights until you are arrested and taken into custody, and then only if they intend to question you further. You have the right to remain silent from the moment you are pulled over and confronted by the police. The answers you give to any questions asked before you are arrested and read your Miranda rights are considered part of the police investigation and may be used against you in court.

The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the right against self-incrimination. In addition to this right, you are not required to help the police arrest you. You are not required to perform preliminary alcohol screening or field sobriety tests prior to being arrested. You do not, however, have a right to an attorney by the side of the road during the investigation or when deciding to submit to a chemical test.  You do have the right to refuse to answer any questions without an attorney present.  It needs to be made very clear that the benefit of non-cooperation essentially ends with arrest, and that refusing a chemical test has some draconian penalties.

Remember that when you are arrested the police are your adversary and will not encourage you to exercise your right to remain silent. On the contrary, the police may tell you that an innocent person has nothing to hide so you would naturally want to cooperate and answer their questions.

When you are pulled over by the police and suspected of DUI, the officer will generally ask you questions in an attempt to get you to incriminate yourself. Examples of questions that are designed this way are:

– How many drinks have you had tonight?

– Which bar are you coming from?

– You know why I pulled you over don’t you?

– Which drugs have you taken tonight?

How to Answer Police Questions

A person can exercise their Miranda rights from the very first moment they are pulled over by the police. The first thing an officer may ask is “how many drinks did you have” and your answer to that question should be, ” I am exercising my Fifth Amendment right to remain silent until I have a lawyer present”. If the officer persists and threatens that you are only making it harder on yourself, simply reply, “I will not answer any questions until I have a lawyer present”.

Miranda rights are designed to protect us from self-incrimination.  Your Miranda rights kick in the moment you are pulled over but the police are not required read them to you until after you are arrested. Any pre-arrest questions are a part of the police investigation and you are under no obligation to help them arrest you.

What are the Consequences of Teen DUI in California?

The age of majority in the state of California is 21 and alcoholic beverage consumption in any form for those under that age is illegal. California is a “zero-tolerance” state and a BAC over .01 will result in a DUI charge for an under 21-year old driver.

In order to prevent young adults from drinking and driving, strict penalties for underage DUI have been implemented. For first time offenders, jail time is 4 days up to 6 months, fines of $1400 to $2600, and a license suspension of 30 days to 10 months. Second offenders will receive 10 days up to 1 year in jail, $1800 to $2800 in fines and 2 years in jail. The same penalties apply for underage DUI marijuana as they do to underage DUI alcohol.

In addition to the stiff legal penalties, being convicted of an underage DUI can have life-altering consequences. You will be starting off your adult life with a criminal record and that alone could prevent you from getting into the college of your choice or qualifying for scholarships or student loans. Your ability to get a job or job promotion could suffer as most employers do not want the potential liability of hiring someone with poor judgment. In addition, will may not be able to purchase a firearm. If you lose your driver’s license you may apply to the court for a restricted license which would allow you to drive to school and work. Your chances of getting a restricted license are greater if you help to support your family by working or if there is an absence of public transportation.

Underage DUI Statistics

According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), in 2014 the highest number of drunk driving fatalities was recorded in the 21 to 24-year-old age group where 30% of all drunk driving fatalities occurred.

Motor vehicle crashes are the greatest cause of deaths to young persons between the ages of 15 and 20. Each year approximately 1900 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking.

If you are under 21-years old and have been arrested and charged with underage DUI you need to immediately call the California DUI attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm. Just because you have been charged with underage DUI does not mean that you are guilty. If you are taken into custody, remain silent and do not answer any questions until you have your attorney present.


Sources: Source: www.madd.org/statistics/


Can You Be Forced to Take a Portable Breath Test?

When you drive in California, you are “deemed” to have consented to the chemical testing of your blood, urine, and breath to determine your blood alcohol content (BAC). Although you cannot be forced to take a breath test, under California’s implied consent law, if you are lawfully arrested, you do no have the right to refuse to take the test. If you do refuse, there is a mandatory one year suspension of your driver’s license. Also, your refusal can be used against you in court if you are charged with a DUI. Further, if you are found guilty of DUI, you can be penalized more harshly than if you had agreed to take the breath test voluntarily.


Penalties For Failing to Take a Breath Test

If you are found guilty of DUI, there are additional penalties that apply if you also refused to take the breath test. The penalties for failing to take a breath test increase with the number of prior DUI conviction you have. If this is your first DUI arrest, you will receive an additional 48 hours in jail and be required to attend DUI school for 9 months. If you have had one prior DUI, additional jail time increases to 96 hours and your driver’s license is suspended for 2 years. With 2 prior DUI convictions your jail time is increased to 10 days, and your license suspension to 3 years. Three or more prior DUIs will get you an additional 18 days in jail and a three-year driver’s license suspension.


Presumption of Innocence

Just because you are charged with refusal to take a breath test doesn’t mean that you are guilty. Your DUI defense attorney can challenge whether or not your DUI arrest was legal. Also, the arresting officer must advise you of the consequences of refusing to take a breath test such as losing your driver’s license.


Being accused of DUI with the additional allegation that you refused a breath test is a serious crime. At The Kavinoky Law Firm, we have helped thousands of California drivers get their DUI with refusal charges reduced or dismissed. When it comes to California DUI defense, experience counts. Make a call to The Kavinoky Law Firm your first phone call after being arrested and charged with DUI.

Challenging Failed BAC Test

Challenging the results of a blood alcohol content (BAC) test can be a large part of a comprehensive defense strategy when you are charged with DUI. Proving that blood alcohol testing has been tainted can render the test results inadmissible in court and can cause the DUI charges against you to be dismissed. The DUI defense attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm leave no stone unturned when challenging the police procedures pertaining to your DUI arrest.


The arresting police officer may choose from two testing methods to attempt to determine if you were over the limit while driving. The two most commonly used are breath tests and blood tests and both have a number of potential flaws that may render their results inaccurate or questionable.


Breath Tests

One of the problems with the accuracy of DUI breath tests is that the test seeks to measure the amount of alcohol that has been absorbed into a DUI suspect’s deep lung tissue. In so doing, the amount of alcohol in one’s mouth may also be recorded. Alcohol can be present in the mouth for reasons other than drinking such as one having a pre-existing medical condition, acid reflux disorder or even routine heartburn. Recent dental work can produce loose particles of dental materials used for fillings and other dental procedures that may contain alcohol. Mouthwashes, lozenges, cold medications and other over-the-counter products may contain alcohol as well.


Other aspects of BAC testing results that can be challenged are the maintenance of the testing equipment and the training of the officer who administers the test. BAC testing devices are sensitive medical equipment that must be regularly maintained according to specific legal requirements. A maintenance log should be examined to see if it complies with the requirements. Further, officers must be specifically trained to use and maintain these devices. The fact that an officer lacked the necessary training could render testing results invalid.


Yet another aspect of a BAC test result that can be challenged is that it takes up to three hours for alcohol to be absorbed into the blood stream. Given this large window of time, an individual could, in fact, be sober when pulled over and arrested, yet have an illegal BAC when the tests are given minutes or hours later.


Blood Tests

The accuracy of blood testing is even more suspect than breath tests because of the specialized training that is necessary to procure, handle, and preserve a blood sample. Blood samples can be tainted, improperly sealed and improperly stored once in the possession of the police.


Just because you are charged with DUI in California doesn’t mean that you are guilty. Forensic Alcohol Experts can be employed to challenge every aspect of the equipment, training, and results of the BAC tests that are being used against you. Challenging BAC test results may be an appropriate line of defense for you. Call us today for a free telephone consultation.

Failing to Pay Traffic Violations

Failing to pay traffic tickets as required can have a negative impact on your ability to legally operate a motor vehicle. If you fail to pay a traffic ticket, the court can order the DMV to place a hold on your driver’s license or suspend your license outright until you pay your ticket(s). Placing a hold on your driver’s license can prevent you from being able to renew your license. Driving with a suspended license can be charged as a misdemeanor in California under Vehicle Code Section 14601, which is punishable by hefty fines and potentially time in the county jail.


Don’t Ignore Traffic Tickets

A person may be unaware that a hold has been placed on their license until they go for renewal. If a hold has been placed on your driver’s license or your driver’s license has been suspended, and you are pulled over for another traffic violation, you could face additional fines and possible be taken to jail. If you have outstanding traffic ticket violations you need to take immediate action by calling a criminal defense attorney that can advise you of your options. Our firm can help you to remove a hold on your license, help you get your suspended driver’s license reinstated.


Clearing a Failure to Pay From a California Driver’s License

The first step in clearing a failure to pay from your California driver’s license is to identify which court reported the failure to pay violation. This information can be found on your driver’s record which you can obtain from the DMV either online, by phone, or in person. Once you have identified the jurisdiction that issued the citation, you can pay the necessary fees and fines at that jurisdiction’s court. The court will then notify the DMV which can release the holds or reinstate your driver’s license.


Failure to Pay Amnesty Program Expiring March 31, 2017

If you have lost your driver’s license due to unpaid traffic tickets, you can have your license reinstated by participating in the Traffic Tickets/Infractions Amnesty program signed into law by the Governor of California in June of 2015. The program offers one-time partial forgiveness for unpaid traffic and non-traffic infractions. The program ends March 31, 2017.


Failing to pay a traffic ticket or violation can result in a loss of your driving privileges which could negatively impact many areas of your life. Call the experienced attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm to clear up the hold or suspension of your California driver’s license and get on with your life with a clean driving record.

Utah Governor Gary Herbert Officially Signs HB155, Lowering Utah’s Legal Limit to .05

Utah Governor Gary Herbert has signed HB155, making Utah the first state to lower its legal BAC to under 0.08. This comes as a shocking move to those in Utah and has been met with heavy opposition by citizens and researchers.Researchers and citizens do not feel that the new legal limit will do much to make the roads safer. According to Fox News, 3,818 phone calls, emails, and letters of opposition have been received asking for the .05 limit to be vetoed, citing the targeting of innocent citizens as a major concern. Researchers from the American Beverage Institute have found that 77% of alcohol-related traffic fatalities in Utah come from high-BAC and repeat offenders. This has prompted the ABI to release a statement urging Governor Herbert to veto the bill and instead implement a 24/7 Sobriety Program that targets repeat offenders and those with high-BAC.

Criminal Defense Attorney Darren Kavinoky believes the new law could take citizens who were “driving legally before this legislation and turn them into a convicted criminal, with all the direct and indirect consequences that come from that.”

Kavinoky is not shocked that restaurants and bars are concerned, citing reaching a .05 after “just a single drink” as a major possibility. Kavinoky believes the new law could “have a huge, chilling effect on business, and in the case of Utah, where tourism is a significant revenue source, could mean disastrous results.”

“There’s little debate over the notion that everyone wants to drive on safe roads. At the same time, I would be surprised if ‘Joe or Jane Citizen’ didn’t rebel against the idea of lowering the legal limit yet again.

There’s always a tension between the rights of the individual versus the interest of the government in enacting laws that preserve the safety of its citizens.  In this case, Utah appears to have tipped the scales against long-held notions of personal liberty and freedom.  This could backfire significantly.

“There is definitely a trend in the lowering of the legal limit,” Kavinoky believes, “in California DUI cases, for example, the legal limit for those people 21 and older used to be
.15, then it became .10, and then it was lowered to .08.  When certain states held out on dropping from .10 to .08, the federal government threatened to withhold funding to get them into line.  Those changes weren’t driven by science or safety, but by politics.”

Governor Herbert claims the newly passed law “does not target drinking” but rather makes for “good public policy”. Only time will tell how effective the new policy will be.

References: http://fox13now.com/2017/03/23/utahs-governor-says-he-will-sign-bill-lowering-dui-level-to-05-the-lowest-in-the-nation/
