Category: Domestic Violence

California Domestic Violence | Los Angeles Domestic Violence Lawyer | No Cuffs

Battered Person’s Syndrome and its Role in a California Domestic Violence Trial for Criminal Threats

Battered Person’s Syndrome and its Role in a California Domestic Violence Trial for Criminal Threats

“Criminal threats” falls under California’s domestic violence laws when the individual who was threatened was the intimate partner of the accused. Intimate partners include persons who are married, divorced, cohabiting, dating, formerly dated and who have children together. When an individual threatens to commit a crime against his or her intimate partner that would result in death or serious bodily injury to that partner, he or she could be found guilty of this domestic abuse crime. It doesn’t matter how the threat was delivered or whether the accused actually intended to carry out the threat. The only relevant fact is whether the intimate partner reasonably feared for his or her safety or for the safety of his or her family.

Battered person’s syndrome is a recognized psychological condition that is becoming more prevalent in California’s D.V. cases. While it is more commonly called battered woman’s syndrome, battered women’s syndrome or B.W.S., it applies to both men and women who are consistently and/or severely victimized by their partners. The syndrome can be used to defend the actions of the accused or as evidence against a defendant. Because of its increasing frequency in intimate partner violence trials, it is critical for the accused to hire a criminal defense lawyer from The Kavinoky Law Firm who has experience dealing with battered person’s syndrome and who can skillfully use it to his or her client’s advantage or discredit it entirely.

Battered person’s syndrome may be used to defend the accused in a criminal threats trial based on evidence that the accused has also been victimized by his or her partner and honestly felt that the threat was necessary in order to avoid his or her own death or a serious injury. When used in this manner, the defendant is saying that he or she made the threat in self-defense, which can act as a defense to the crime. In order for this defense to work, it is imperative that the defendant has an attorney who understands the intricacies behind this syndrome and who will retain an expert witness to explain its significance to the judge and jury.

Battered person’s syndrome is more frequently used as evidence against a defendant, introduced by the prosecutor. This generally happens when the accuser recants his or her allegations. The prosecutor brings in an expert witness to testify that the accuser has been so severely abused by his or her partner that he or she is either changing his or her story or is refusing to cooperate out of fear for what might otherwise happen. A good defense attorney will anticipate this strategy and prepare for it by hiring a defense expert witness who will rebut this theory and address the many legitimate reasons why an accuser might recant.

The attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm receive ongoing training and education with respect to intimate partner abuse and the many evidentiary issues that commonly arise within these types of trials. They are well-qualified to successfully introduce battered person’s syndrome as a defense or to refute it should it be used against their client. When an individual is charged with making criminal threats against his or her intimate partner, the consequences are too severe to trust an inexperienced attorney. One of the knowledgeable lawyers at The Kavinoky Law Firm can outline a proven defense strategy during a free consultation.

DNA Evidence and its Role in a California Domestic Violence Criminal Threats Case

DNA Evidence and its Role in a California Domestic Violence Criminal Threats Case

Domestic violence laws include a variety of crimes that are committed against one’s intimate partner. Intimate partners include heterosexual and same-sex partnerships where the individuals are married, divorced, living together, dating, formerly dated or have children together. In California, if an individual makes a criminal threat against his or her intimate partner, he or she will be charged with criminal threats as a domestic abuse violation and will be prosecuted accordingly.

“Criminal threats” is charged when an individual threatens, either verbally or in writing, to commit a crime against his or her intimate partner that will result in serious bodily injury or death to that partner. It does not matter if the accused actually intended to carry out the threat, only that he or she made it and that it was clear enough that the partner reasonably feared for his or her own safety or for the safety of his or her family. Depending on the circumstances of the charged incident, a defendant convicted of this crime faces either a misdemeanor or a felony, punishable by up to one year in the county jail or state prison.

DNA evidence plays a vital role in convicting suspects and in clearing the falsely accused. A person’s DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) remains constant throughout his or her life and is specific to that individual, which means that no two people, with the exception of identical twins, have the same DNA. The importance of that, and the reason that this type of evidence is being so widely used throughout this country, is if someone’s DNA can be collected from a crime scene or from physical evidence related to the allegation, it can either link the accused to the crime or exclude him or her from being involved in the crime.

DNA is found in virtually every cell in the body and is commonly retrieved from one’s blood, saliva, bone, skin tissue or hair. In a D.V. criminal threats case, DNA would likely be found in the saliva on a licked envelope that contained the threatening letter or on the accuser’s body or clothes if there was physical contact between the defendant and his or her intimate partner at the time of the alleged offense. If the defendant’s DNA was retrieved from these or from any other location that was involved in the charged incident, it may be easier to convict that individual for the crime. However, if someone else’s DNA was found on that envelope or on the partner’s body or clothes, it may be easier to clear the accused of that crime.

Because DNA evidence is becoming so prevalent in intimate partner abuse cases, it is critical that an accused hires an attorney who understands the science behind this type of evidence and who is familiar with the ways that it can be used during a trial. The experienced attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm receive ongoing training in domestic violence law and on the evidentiary issues, such as DNA evidence, that frequently arise during these types of cases. They have successfully defended countless individuals facing criminal threats charges by preparing the most comprehensive defense strategies possible.

Meeting with a Lawyer

Meeting with a Lawyer

Being arrested on a California domestic abuse charge can be one of the most frightening and overwhelming experiences an individual may ever have. Hiring the right attorney can help ease some of that anxiety as he or she can guide the accused through the criminal court process with experience and compassion. That being said, not all lawyers are created equal and it can be a daunting task to find the best representation. Here are some tips on how to make that decision easier during an obviously difficult time.

Try to get referrals from friends, family or associates. People who have experience dealing with a particular attorney or firm are the best resources. Local bar associations are also helpful as they can provide a list of local attorneys who specialize in criminal defense law. In addition, Internet searches are useful tools. Individuals can look at various attorney and firm websites to gain valuable insight as to what types of lawyers are out there. Random phone book or television advertisements should be avoided, as useful information cannot be reliably assessed from these sources.

Once the accused has a potential list of attorneys, he or she should contact the attorneys to set up consultations. Consultations can be either face-to-face at the attorney’s office or over the phone. Whether conducted in person or over the telephone, one of the most important things that a defendant should look for during a consultation is a feeling of trust.

Sharing the details of an intimate partner abuse incident can be a very emotional experience, which is why establishing trust is so important. The only way that a criminal defense lawyer can effectively represent his or her client is if the client discloses all facts and allows the attorney to decipher their importance and relevance. Honesty on the part of the client is crucial and, without it, that client’s defense is in severe jeopardy. It should be noted that even when an individual interviews a lawyer and does not ultimately hire him or her, that attorney still has an obligation to keep the entire conversation confidential.

The accused should have a list of questions to ask the lawyer and should also be prepared to answer a series of questions from the lawyer. The accused may want to ask questions about the attorney’s education and training, about his or her success rate with respect to similar domestic violence charges, and about how he or she keeps current with the law and cutting-edge trial strategies. It is crucial to hire a lawyer who has experience with California domestic abuse cases and laws. The attorneys from The Kavinoky Law Firm all receive extensive training and keep up-to-date on current criminal defense issues. They have successfully defended countless intimate partner domestic violence charges with integrity and skill.

A good lawyer wants to help a potential client understand the criminal process. He or she should make the individual feel that there is no such thing as a “stupid” question and should respond to all questions by giving meaningful answers. The tone and the extent in which the attorney answers the questions can be very telling about his or her knowledge on the subject. Additionally, a qualified attorney should ask the potential client very specific questions about the case and the events that took place prior to the accused’s arrest. He or she should also ask questions relating to the details about the arrest itself. If the attorney isn’t asking questions about the case, chances are that he or she is not serious about providing representation.

The bottom line is that an attorney should be honest, trustworthy, understanding and knowledgeable. The attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm exemplify those traits and take pride in exceeding client expectations. When things are at their worst, the attorneys of The Kavinoky Law Firm are at their best! Click here for a free consultation.

What to do when the abuser is also abused

What to do when the abuser is also abused

California’s domestic violence laws include a variety of offenses and a variety of punishments. They can be charged as felonies or misdemeanors depending upon the extent of the violence and whether the complaining witness suffered an injury. The offenses include disputes between any intimate partners, whether or not the couple remains together. These partners may be married, cohabiting, have children in common, be divorced or separated, dating or formerly dating. The laws apply to both heterosexual couples and same-sex partnerships.

It is the very nature of these intimate relationships that give rise to highly charged, emotional disputes that can often spiral quickly out of control. Because the state is so strict with intimate partner abuse offenders, a conviction for domestic violence can jeopardize the offender’s family, career and freedom. Domestic violence statistics reveal that many times, there is not one true victim and one true offender in an abusive relationship, but that frequently, both partners abuse each other.

It is most often the case that when the police respond to a domestic abuse call, the person who called will be labeled the “victim” and the partner will be labeled the “abuser or batterer.” In most instances, the police rely on that assumption and then arrest the abuser, who, in a heterosexual relationship, is usually the man. As previously stated, however, there are times when the abuser has also been a victim of the abuse and, despite our society’s stereotypes, men are frequently abused in a number of ways by their female partners. When the abuser has also been abused, it is critical that he or she hire a criminal defense lawyer who will not only tell the accused’s side of the story but who will make sure that the judge and/or jury believe it as well. The attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm will do just that.

The experienced attorney will work closely with a private investigator to gather evidence that supports the accused’s side of the story. Evidence includes witness statements about the incident, medical reports, dated photographs of any injuries that the defendant sustained, police reports, weapons used by the partner, pictures of the home after the violent episode, household objects that were torn or broken by the partner, calls made to 911, and certified copies of the defendant’s partner’s criminal record. After this evidence is collected, the lawyer will devise the most effective strategy for not only defending the accused’s actions during the incident, but to highlight the fact that he or she was also a victim of the abuse and of the criminal justice system.

Additionally, if the defendant is in fear for his or her own safety, an experienced attorney can help that individual obtain an appropriate restraining order. A criminal lawyer will also help educate his or her client that if the partner violates the order, that partner will also face criminal charges. There is no reason why anyone needs to live in fear.

The well-qualified attorneys from The Kavinoky Law Firm are familiar with every aspect of a California domestic violence case and have successfully helped guide countless defendants through the criminal court process with compassion and respect. Click here for a free consultation.

Child Sexual Abuse as a California Domestic Violence Crime

Child Sexual Abuse as a California Domestic Violence Crime

In California, domestic violence laws apply to all crimes that are perpetrated against one’s child. It therefore follows that a parent who sexually abuses his or her child will be prosecuted as a domestic abuse offender and will consequently face certain consequences in addition to the punishment normally imposed for the specific sex crime committed.

Child sexual abuse is defined as any activity with a child done for the purpose of sexual gratification. It includes, but is not limited to, sexual touching, intercourse, asking a child to expose his or her sexual organs and exposing a child to pornography. It affects families from every social, economic and ethnic background and is a definite problem in this country. While the majority of reported offenders are male, women have been convicted of this offense as well and both heterosexual and same-sex abuse occurs.

Child sexual abuse, when committed against one’s own child is a type of child abuse that has a devastating impact on children and will manifest itself in various ways, depending largely on the age of the child. Some common types of symptoms seen in victims of child sexual abuse include physical complaints, such as a headache or stomachache, eating disorders, genital or rectal symptoms, such as burning or itching, bowel disorders, such as being unable to control one’s bowel and social symptoms that include high-risk sexual behavior or an inappropriate interest in or knowledge about sex, drug and/or alcohol abuse, withdrawal, excessive fear or anxiety and depression.

Penalties for sexually abusing one’s child vary depending on the age of the child, on the specific crime and on the severity of the act(s). Formal probation, incarceration and registration as a sex offender are among the most common forms of punishment for a child abuse crime that involves sexual activity. Custody issues will undoubtedly arise and it is quite possible that one will lose his or her child as a result of a sexually related child abuse conviction. A less common but extremely severe penalty exists when the child victim is less than 13 years old. When such is the case, a male parent may be subject to chemical castration upon a first conviction for specific offenses, including sodomy, lewd or lascivious acts, oral sex or rape and will undergo mandatory chemical castration upon a second conviction, regardless of whether the first victim was his or her child or the child of another.

Parents or anyone else who suspect that a child is being sexually abused either by a family member or by another should immediately report the activity. Several agencies may offer advice, guidance and resources, including Childhelp USA at 1-800-4-A-CHILD or online at, the Darkness to Light hotline at 1-800-FOR-LIGHT or online at or the National Children’s Alliance at 1-800-239-9950.

Defense Attorneys for Child Abuse Law

The trusted attorneys at the Kavinoky Law Firm may be able to provide assistance in what can only be described as a horrible situation. Their expertise in California’s domestic violence laws enables them to help educate an individual about what might lie ahead for a family affected by domestic abuse and, more specifically, the sexual abuse of a child. To learn more, contact them today for a free consultation.

Batterer’s Classes and Infliction of Injury

Batterer’s Classes and Infliction of Injury

Infliction of injury, more commonly called “spousal abuse,” is a California domestic violence crime that applies to intimate partners. These partners may be heterosexual or homosexual and married, divorced, or currently or formerly cohabiting, or have children together.

If an individual willfully inflicts any injury, no matter how minor, upon the body of an intimate partner, he or she can be charged with a felony, punishable by up to four years in prison and a fine of up to $6,000. This charge can be brought against a defendant even if he or she barely touched the intimate partner.

In California, when a defendant is convicted on an infliction of injury charge, he or she will be sentenced to a batterer’s class as a condition of probation. These classes are either exclusively male or female and are sensitive to culture, ethnicity and sexual orientation. At minimum, the offender must attend a two-hour class once a week for a year.

These classes are geared towards people who need treatment to help manage their anger and violent outbreaks. With respect to abusers, the purpose of counseling is to help them learn to walk away from potentially explosive situations without resorting to violence. To accomplish this, counselors encourage the abusers to examine their lives to better understand the reasons why they succumb to violent outbursts. If successful, the batterer learns that he or she cannot control his or her relationships through violence.

More specifically, the goal of the batterer’s class is to end domestic abuse. California has established guidelines that each class must follow in order to ensure that abusers receive the same education and counseling no matter where they live. The issues that must be addressed in every class include gender roles, socialization, the nature of violence, the dynamics of power and control, and the effects of abuse on children and others.

Within these categories, counselors discuss various forms of abuse including physical, emotional and sexual abuse, economic manipulation or domination, property destruction, terrorist threats, and acts that jeopardize the wellbeing and safety of children and other family members or friends. The program addresses effective ways to communicate in an intimate relationship as an alternative to violent expression, and will help the batterer to create equality within the relationship.

The instructors confront their students by refuting the individual batterer’s justifications for his or her use of violence within the relationship. They hope to eliminate and reshape all beliefs, values, behaviors and language that abusers use to maintain power over their intimate partners. As a result, the classes focus on the belief systems that promote the use of intimidation, violence and coercion against domestic partners and children, and the instructors, in turn, try to dispel those beliefs. Discussions where the batterer tries to either blame the victim for the violence or in any other way tries to diminish his or her responsibility for the violence are inappropriate and discouraged by the class leaders. Instead, the class leaders facilitate discussions that include topics such as the destructive impact that violence has on self-esteem and affection, and the impact that battering has on children who are victims and witnesses of intimate partner abuse. Batterers are also taught specific techniques for achieving non-abusive, non-controlling attitudes and behaviors.

An infliction of injury charge is a serious matter with serious consequences. Enrollment and attendance in a batterer’s class is only a small portion of a convicted defendant’s probationary requirements, but it can be one of the most beneficial if the batterer takes it to heart. The caring criminal defense lawyers at The Kavinoky Law Firm can help navigate probationary terms with ease and understanding. The attorneys know how to connect their clients with batterer’s programs throughout California, and with their care and compassion, will make this difficult time a little easier. For questions about an infliction of injury charge, about a batterer’s class, or about any other legal matter, click here for a free consultation.

Recanting Victims and Infliction of Injury

Recanting Victims and Infliction of Injury

Infliction of injury, more commonly called “spousal abuse,” is a California domestic violence crime that applies to intimate partners. These partners may be heterosexual or homosexual and may be married or divorced, living together or formerly living together, or have children in common. If an individual willfully inflicts any injury, no matter how minor, upon the body of an intimate partner, he or she can be charged with a felony, punishable by up to four years in prison and a fine of up to $6,000.

An infliction of injury charge can be filed against an individual upon the slightest indication of an injury. This means that it would be very easy for an alleged “victim” to charge his or her partner with this crime with little or perhaps no evidence. Many times an individual will do this simply out of revenge, anger, or some other inappropriate motive. He or she may later decide to tell the truth about what happened, but once the police are involved, it is too late to take the allegation back, as only the prosecutor and/or judge can decide to drop the charges at that point. When this type of situation arises, it is imperative for the accused to hire a skilled criminal defense lawyer from The Kavinoky Law Firm.

If the “victim” chooses of his or her own free will that calling the police was a mistake for any reason, it is best for both partners to speak with an attorney who will help decide the best course of action. Many times the “victim” thinks that recanting (which means to take back or deny) the original story or not cooperating with the police or prosecution will help the defendant. Unfortunately, that is incorrect. In fact, in an intimate partner abuse case, the prosecution usually expects that a victim will recant and knows exactly how to proceed under that type of situation. A genuine recanting victim can be extremely harmful to the defendant if not first guided by an attorney.

When a victim recants, there are two major issues that arise. The first is that evidence that may otherwise have been inadmissible during the trial will now likely be admissible, and the second issue is that a “recanting victim” gives the prosecution a great argument against the defendant. Beginning with the first issue, when a victim recants his or her story, the prosecution is allowed to introduce a recording of the call that the “victim” made to the police as well as any statements made to the police during the initial investigation. Because these statements were made in the heat of the moment and possibly out of revenge or stemming from some other motive, these statements can be devastating to the defense. Looking at the second issue, when a “victim” recants, the prosecutor usually brings in an expert witness who testifies that the victim is recanting because he or she has either been threatened by the abuser into doing so or that he or she is afraid of what further abuse might take place if he or she doesn’t recant. The expert will further explain that recanting is part of the cycle of abuse and that the “victim” likely suffers from “battered person’s syndrome”.

As previously stated, domestic abuse applies to intimate partners. It is the very nature of these types of intimate relationships that causes such highly charged, emotional disputes that are often blown out of proportion. An experienced lawyer is the key to making sure that the judge and jury not only hear that that was the case, but believe it as well. A highly qualified defense attorney from The Kavinoky Law Firm can help both parties navigate through the system with knowledge and compassion. The attorney will develop the most effective defense strategy to put an end to a terrible situation that simply spiraled out of control. Click here for a free consultation.

Batterer’s Classes and Sexual Battery

Batterer’s Classes and Sexual Battery

Sexual battery is a California domestic violence offense that applies to intimate partners. California employs a broad definition of intimate partners – they may be heterosexual or homosexual, married, divorced, living together, have children in common, or be currently or formerly dating.

If a person touches an intimate partner against that person’s will for the purpose of sexual arousal, sexual gratification or sexual abuse, he or she may be charged with sexual battery. “Touching” can be any physical contact – however slight – whether done directly, through the clothing of the accused, or through the clothing of the accuser. Sexual battery can be charged even between partners involved in an ongoing, intimate relationship. Depending on the circumstances, the crime can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony with penalties of up to one-year in jail or up to four years in prison and fines of up to $10,000.

In California, when a defendant is convicted on a sexual battery charge, he or she will be sentenced to a batterer’s class as a condition of probation. These classes are either exclusively male or female and are sensitive to culture, ethnicity and sexual orientation. At minimum, the offender must attend a two-hour class once a week for a year. These classes are geared towards people who need treatment to help manage their anger and violent outbreaks.

With respect to abusers, the purpose of counseling is to help them learn to walk away from potentially explosive situations without resorting to violence. To accomplish this, counselors encourage the abusers to examine their lives to better understand the reasons why they succumb to violent outbursts. If successful, the batterer learns that he or she cannot control his or her relationships through violence.

More specifically, the goal of the batterer’s class is to end domestic abuse. California has established guidelines that each class must follow in order to ensure that abusers receive the same education and counseling no matter where they live. The themes that must be addressed in every class include gender roles, socialization, the nature of violence, the dynamics of power and control and the effects of abuse on children and others.

Within these themes, counselors discuss various forms of abuse including physical, emotional and sexual abuse, economic manipulation or domination, property destruction, terrorist threats and acts that jeopardize the well-being and safety of children and other family members or friends. The program will address effective ways to communicate in an intimate relationship as an alternative to violent expression and will help the batterer to create equality within the relationship.

The teachers confront their students by refuting the individual batterer’s justifications for his or her use of violence within the relationship. The facilitators hope to eliminate and reshape all beliefs, values, behaviors and language that abusers use to maintain power over their intimate partners.

Discussions where the batterer tries to either blame the victim for the violence or in any other way tries to diminish his or her responsibility for the violence are inappropriate and discouraged by the class leaders. Instead, the class leaders facilitate discussions that include topics such as the destructive impact that violence has on self-esteem and affection and the impact that battering has on children who are victims and witnesses of intimate partner abuse. Batterers are also taught specific techniques for achieving non-abusive, non-controlling attitudes and behaviors.

California takes sexual battery very seriously. Enrollment and attendance in a batterer’s class is only a small portion of a convicted defendant’s probationary requirements, but it can be one of the most beneficial if the offender takes it to heart. The caring criminal defense lawyers at the Kavinoky Law Firm know how to connect their clients with batterer’s programs throughout California and, with their compassion, will make this difficult time a little easier. A skilled attorney from the Kavinoky Law firm can answer questions about a sexual battery charge, about batterer’s classes, or about any other legal matter during a free consultation.

Sexual Battery’s Aggravating Factors

Sexual Battery’s Aggravating Factors

Sexual battery is a California domestic violence crime that applies to intimate partners. “Intimate partners” is a very broad term that includes couples who are heterosexual, homosexual, married, divorced, living together, have children in common, or who are dating or formerly dating. If a person touches an intimate part of his or her intimate partner against that person’s will for the purpose of sexual arousal, sexual gratification or sexual abuse, he or she may be charged with sexual battery as a misdemeanor. “Touching” can be any physical contact – however slight – whether accomplished directly, through the clothing of the accused, or through the clothing of the accuser.

It is important to understand that this crime may be charged even between partners involved in an ongoing, intimate relationship. When charged as a misdemeanor (with no aggravating circumstances), sexual battery carries a maximum of a six-month jail sentence and a $2,000 fine. However, if the touching takes place while the accuser is unlawfully restrained, institutionalized, seriously disabled, medically incapacitated or unconscious, the jail sentence may increase to a maximum of one year or the crime may rise to a felony, punishable by a maximum of four years in the state prison and a $10,000 fine.

While that is the gist of a sexual battery charge, there may be facts and circumstances that surround the alleged incident that could be considered “aggravating factors” and will, in turn, force a court to impose additional sentencing if the suspect is found guilty of the crime. This is simply another reason why an accused should always hire an experienced attorney when charged with a crime. The skilled criminal defense lawyers at the Kavinoky Law Firm have experience in defending California domestic abuse cases. They are familiar with this special area of the law and will both aggressively defend the charges and do their best to keep all penalties to a minimum by arguing the injustice involved in imposing additional penalties.

One aggravating factor is when the accused employed the alleged victim at the time of the offense. If that was the case, the convicted defendant will likely serve additional jail and/or prison time.

A second aggravating factor in a sexual battery case is when the accused either lives with or lived with the alleged victim or a minor (a person under 18), or the accused was married to the victim, or the accused is a parent, stepparent, adoptive parent, foster parent, or other blood relative of the minor, and the alleged abuse occurred in the presence of or was witnessed by that minor.

Finally, in addition to the aggravating factors just described, the consequences of a conviction for sexual battery may also be more severe if, as a result of the abuse, the victim suffers a significant or substantial physical injury. If the victim sustained this type of “great bodily injury,” the accused faces an additional three to five years in state prison. This means that an individual who is convicted of sexual battery in a case where the victim was seriously injured faces up to nine total years in prison.

Before the court sentences a convicted defendant, it will hear from both parties as to whether there were any mitigating or aggravating circumstances that it should consider. When the prosecution presents aggravating circumstances, the court will generally impose the strictest available penalty unless a good defense attorney is able to dissuade it from doing so. When aggravating circumstances exist, it is critical that the accused contact an attorney who has the knowledge and skills to effectively convince the court that to add an additional sentence would be against the interests of justice. The attorneys from the Kavinoky Law Firm have successfully defended countless individuals who were facing intimate partner abuse charges. They receive ongoing education and training in this highly complex and technical area of the law, which is directly responsible for their outstanding results. An attorney from the Kavinoky Law Firm can provide a free consultation and outline a proven defense strategy that will protect the accused partner’s rights.

Prior convictions and their effect on a California domestic violence stalking case

Prior convictions and their effect on a California domestic violence stalking case

Stalking will be charged when an individual follows or harasses and threatens another with the intent to place that person in fear. In and of itself, it is not a domestic violence crime. However, if an individual follows or harasses and threatens his or her intimate partner with the intent to place that partner in fear, that individual will be charged with stalking as a domestic abuse crime. California’s domestic violence laws apply to all crimes where the defendant and the alleged victim are intimate partners. Intimate partners are those who are married or divorced, dating or formerly dating, living together or those who have children together. These laws apply to both heterosexual and homosexual partners.

Depending on the circumstances, a stalking charge can be filed as either a misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in the county jail and/or a maximum $1,000 fine or as a felony, punishable by up to one year in the state prison. The law imposes no mandatory imprisonment for this charge, absent certain aggravating factors. A skilled criminal defense lawyer may, therefore, be able to persuade the court to impose probation conditions that will keep his or her client out of jail or prison. If, however, the accused has specific prior convictions on his or her record, he or she will likely face at least two and as many as five years in the state prison. The outstanding attorneys at the Kavinoky Law Firm will aggressively defend their clients and will argue against mandatory imprisonment. Because of their deep understanding of intimate partner abuse crimes, they know what facts and circumstances may help convince a court that alternative sentencing would be more appropriate.

When a defendant convicted on a D.V. stalking charge has also been previously convicted of felony stalking, he or she faces imprisonment in the state prison for two, three or five years, depending on the circumstances of both offenses. When a defendant convicted of intimate partner stalking also has prior convictions for infliction of injury, violation of a court order or criminal threats, he or she may be punished by the same one-year jail sentence with or without the $1,000 fine, by the same one-year prison sentence or, depending on the circumstances of the pending case and of the prior conviction(s), will face two, three or five years in the state prison. An attorney who is well versed with the laws surrounding stalking and intimate partner violence knows which arguments to make to help keep these penalties to a minimum.

Prior convictions not only affect sentencing, but also may unfortunately affect the outcome of the defendant’s trial. California allows in evidence of a defendant’s prior domestic violence convictions in a pending D.V. case even though prior convictions are excluded in most other types of criminal cases. The reason that this type of evidence is usually excluded is because a jury is likely to conclude that if the accused “did it before” he or she was “likely to do it again,” relying on old evidence instead of the evidence presented in the open case.

Clearly, prior convictions raise a host of issues that otherwise don’t exist in a first-time offender’s stalking case. This is another reason why it is critical that the accused hires a qualified defense lawyer who specializes in domestic abuse charges and therefore understands the complex and technical rules that are involved with these types of cases. The unparalleled attorneys at the Kavinoky Law Firm have successfully defended countless individuals who were accused of stalking their intimate partners. They receive ongoing training and education in domestic violence law, which is directly responsible for their outstanding results. Click here for a free consultation and for the best representation.