Sentencing Alternatives
Drug cases, more than any other type of cases, recognize that treatment is far more appropriate than jail or prison in helping people deal with a drug problem. But if you have been arrested for a drug-related offense, there are different treatment options, each with its own pros and cons. Alternatives include Diversion, Drug Court, and Proposition 36.
Each of these choices has different requirements for their successful completion. The accused may be eligible for one or more of these alternatives. A knowledgeable Southern California Criminal Defense Lawyer who cares about your personal situation will be able to help you make the best decision about which avenue to take. Criminal defense lawyers who emphasize drug possession cases and drug sales cases should be aware that alternative sentencing programs are available to those individuals charged with drug-related cases. Diversion, drug court, and Proposition 36 are the three most popular alternative sentencing programs in California. However, there are negatives associated with each, and a criminal defense lawyer may be able to avoid all of these programs by the aggressive defense of the underlying case.
It is a fundamental concept in criminal law that there are two phases to a conviction: the guilty plea (or verdict), and the sentence which is imposed by the judge. In criminal cases, nothing is final until the time of sentencing. It is the sentence being imposed which creates the criminal record, not the guilty plea or even the finding of guilt by a jury. Diversion, for example, involves a person entering a guilty plea, but not being sentenced by the judge. Instead, the case is continued for a period of time, during which the accused participates in various educational programs. If these programs are successfully completed, the case is dismissed and no conviction is ever entered in the record. However, there are dangers associated with this course of action as well. During the course of the educational programs random drug tests are given. If a diversion participant tests positive for drugs while the case is pending, diversion may be terminated and the case returned to court. In that scenario, the judge already has obtained the guilty plea, and the only thing left is for the person to be sentenced.
Typically, these types of drug cases usually involve lengthy jail terms. This is why it is vital that a criminal defense lawyer use every means that are legally appropriate to attack the underlying case. This may be through a Motion to Suppress Evidence, or through a negotiated plea to a non-drug-related offense.
While all of the sentencing alternative described here have tremendous value, it is critically important that a criminal defense lawyer has the opportunity to carefully scrutinize your criminal case to determine which, if any, of these sentencing alternatives are appropriate in a given situation.
The Kavinoky Law Firm is 100% dedicated to the defense of criminal cases, and would be happy to provide a consultation to you at no cost or obligation.