Category: Driving Under the Influence

California DUI | Los Angeles DUI Lawyer| California DUI Defense | No Cuffs

Superior Court Of California, County of Siskiyou

Superior Court Of California, County of Siskiyou

If you have been arrested for Driving Under the Influence of alcohol or drugs in the state of California, it is important to know the location of the courthouse where your arraignment will be held. If there are multiple courthouses in the county, please contact a skilled California DUI / DWI defense attorney for more information.

Siskiyou County Superior Court
Yreka Division
311 4th Street, Yreka, CA 96094

Weed Branch
550 Main Street, Weed, CA 96094

Happy Camp Branch
28 Fourth Avenue, Happy Camp, CA 96039

Dorris Branch
324 N. Pine Street, Dorris, CA 96023

» Siskiyou County Superior Court of California website.

Getting arrested on suspicion of DUI / DWI can be a frightening experience. Suspected drunk drivers face a legal labyrinth that can seem daunting. A drunk driving case generates two separate cases – in criminal court, and at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). A California attorney with experience defending drinking and driving cases can help drivers navigate through both the DMV hearing and the court case.

» Return to California Superior Courts, general information

Defense Closing Argument

California Criminal Defense Attorney – Defense Closing Argument

Once both the defense lawyer and the prosecutor have presented their cases in a California DUI / DWI trial, both sides deliver closing arguments. For a skilled drunk driving criminal defense attorney from the Kavinoky Law Firm, this is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate to jurors that the prosecutor has not met the burden of proving each element of the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

The prosecutor is allowed to argue both first and last because he or she has the burden of proving the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. When the prosecutor has given a closing argument, the defense attorney will deliver a strong closing argument, and then the prosecutor is allowed to deliver a rebuttal. This may seem somewhat unfair to the accused drunk driver, but a carefully crafted closing argument by an experienced defense lawyer will address any questions the prosecutor poses to the jury.

One of the most critical aspects of a strong closing argument is to remind the jury of their duty to acquit the driver if the prosecutor has not proven every element of the case beyond a reasonable doubt. This is crucial, because savvy prosecutors often lead jurors to believe that the defendant must prove his or her innocence. Even though the jury instructions state directly that the prosecution, not the defense, carries the burden of proof, jurors sometimes forget this critical point in the presence of a smooth-talking prosecutor.

It’s equally important for the defense attorney to point out to jurors that in circumstantial evidence cases with two reasonable views of the evidence, the jury must accept the one that points to the defendant’s innocence. A skilled DUI / DWI defense lawyer will use this mandate to cast doubt on every aspect of the prosecutor’s case. For example, if police testified that the defendant performed badly on a field sobriety test because he or she had been drinking, and the defense introduced equally compelling evidence that the driver’s physical impairment was caused by an injury or illness, the jury must accept the explanation that points to the defendant’s innocence.

A knowledgeable defense lawyer will always point out holes in the prosecutor’s case and stress alternative explanations presented by the defense during closing arguments. The DUI / DWI defense attorney will also remind the jury about the testimony of defense witnesses, including the defense expert, the defendant, or any alibi witnesses. Finally, the defense lawyer will remind jurors about the oath they took to follow the law, and the jury instructions they will receive.

The defense lawyer’s closing argument is particularly effective when he or she has built a rapport with the jurors and succeeded in gaining their trust. This communication process starts long before closing arguments – a skilled defense lawyer begins building a rapport during jury selection, and builds on that connection throughout the trial.

A practiced California DUI / DWI criminal defense lawyer will develop an effective closing argument that reminds jurors of the prosecutor’s burden of proof, summarizes the defense case, and incorporates the jury instructions. He or she will then ask the jury to render a just and fair verdict of not guilty.

Why Do I Need a Lawyer’s Help?

Why Do I Need a Lawyer’s Help to Fight a California DUI Charge?

Lawyers who focus on DUI / DWI defense hear this question all the time. What’s the point of hiring an attorney if a drunk driving arrest means an automatic conviction? That’s the assumption that most individuals accused of driving under the influence make, but it’s incorrect. It’s possible to fight a drinking and driving charge with the help of an expert attorney and win.

A skilled DUI / DWI defense attorney can assist with every detail after a California drunk driving arrest, including locating the accused motorist, finding a reputable bail bond firm, requesting a DMV hearing to protect the driver’s license, and fighting for the driver’s rights in the criminal court system.

That’s the best reason to hire a lawyer to fight a drunk driving case – an accused DUI driver who pleads guilty without putting up a fight has a 100 percent chance of being convicted of drunk driving. And a driving under the influence conviction is no joke – besides costing more than $10,000, a DUI / DWI conviction threatens a motorist’s driver’s license and even his or her freedom. That’s right – convicted drunk drivers are being sentenced to jail and prison at higher rates than ever before.

However, just like any other criminal defendant, a motorist charged with driving under the influence is presumed innocent unless proven guilty. Accused DUI / DWI drivers are also entitled to a jury trial in California – not so in some other states. If the prosecutor cannot convince all 12 of the jurors of a defendant’s guilt, there can be no conviction.

A California drunk driving jury trial can end in one of three ways – either all 12 jurors agree on the defendant’s guilt; all 12 agree on the defendant’s innocence, or the jurors cannot agree on a unanimous verdict. This last outcome is called a hung jury, and it’s an excellent outcome in a DUI / DWI case, because it means that the charges will most likely be dismissed.

Therefore, to win a drunk driving case, a defense attorney need convince only one of the 12 jurors to vote not guilty. Just one out of 12. The alternative is for accused drivers to throw themselves on the mercy of a system that has no mercy. Isn’t that reason enough to fight a DUI / DWI case?

An experienced California DUI / DWI defense attorney has the knowledge needed to challenge every shred of evidence in a drunk driving case, from field sobriety tests (FSTs) to chemical test results. A skilled defense lawyer will fight hard to protect the driver’s rights and create reasonable doubt in his or her guilt.

Fortunately, a DUI / DWI arrest doesn’t equal an automatic conviction. Anyone charged with drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) should consult with an attorney that specializes in defending drunk driving cases.

Numbers Backward Test

Police who suspect a driver of DUI in California typically require the driver to take a field sobriety test such as counting numbers backward before making an arrest. Although many drivers hope that “passing” a field sobriety test will help them to avoid arrest, these “tests” exist solely to create probable cause for an arrest and generate evidence for a drunk driving court case. Fortunately, a skilled DUI defense attorney from The Kavinoky Law Firm can challenge the results of field sobriety tests as part of a strategic defense plan.

The Numbers Backward Test is so subjective an indicator of impairment from alcohol that it isn’t even standardized by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Because the test isn’t endorsed by the NHTSA, it carries less evidentiary weight than Standardized field sobriety tests. The numbers backward exercise has no objective scoring system, and only the officer’s opinion determines whether the driver passes or fails.

When administering the Numbers Backward Test, the officer tells the driver to listen to the instructions before counting from one to ten, then back down to one. Sometimes the driver is instructed to begin at 100 or 1,000, and told to count backward until told to stop. As the test progresses, the officer will watch closely for signs that could be interpreted as alcohol impairment.

The Numbers Backward Test is a divided-attention test that’s designed to force the driver to concentrate on two tasks simultaneously. The officer will interpret the following as signs of intoxication: an inability to follow instructions, an inability to count, swaying or other balance problems, or starting or stopping the test too early.

However, many factors unrelated to alcohol intoxication could cause a driver to perform poorly on the test, including nervousness, fatigue, or motor-skills impairment. Some officers explain the instructions poorly or even administer the test incorrectly. An experienced DUI lawyer can successfully challenge the results of the numbers backward exercise or another field sobriety test.

Many drivers fear there’s no hope of successfully fighting a driving under the influence charge after a poor performance on a field sobriety test. However, counting backward and other field sobriety tests can be successfully challenged in court. A California drunk driving attorney who focuses on DUI / DWI defense can evaluate a driver’s performance on a field sobriety test and use the results to convince a jury that the driver was not impaired.

DUI Manslaughter


The most serious of all drunk driving cases are those that involve the death of a person or persons. Punishments in these cases will be very harsh. When a person dies in a drunk driving incident, the prosecutor will usually charge the driver with second degree murder, vehicular homicide, or manslaughter. An experienced California DUI / DWI lawyer can often negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecution. If a fair compromise is not available, then a qualified attorney can vigorously defend against the charges in a trial.

Manslaughter is defined as the killing of another person without intent, but with the knowledge that one’s actions are likely to cause death. The theory behind this definition is that a person who drinks and drives knows that drinking and driving is dangerous and that it could lead to killing a person. This is also defined as criminal negligence.

In manslaughter, intent is not the issue. In all but a few cases, an individual driving under the influence of alcohol does not intend to kill anyone. The prosecution will argue however, that the person knew that his or her actions could lead to a person’s death. When a driver has previous drinking and driving convictions, the prosecutor will be able to argue that the driver really did know how dangerous his or her actions were.

If a DUI / DWI attorney can evaluate the evidence and subsequently prove that the driver was not under the influence of alcohol, the prosecutor must drop some of the charges. Independent experts will investigate the facts behind the drunk driving charge. The experts will investigate the driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC) at the time of the accident.

Chemical tests are typically conducted an hour or more after an incident. This may be especially true when the driver was also injured in the crash. Due to the lateness in conducting the tests, there can be no irrefutable evidence as to what the driver’s BAC was at the time of the incident. It is entirely possible that the driver’s BAC could have increased between the time of the accident and the time of the blood test or breath test.

A competent criminal defense attorney and his or her team of experts will conduct an independent investigation into the facts of the case. An attorney who focuses on drunk driving criminal defense will hire independent investigators to do forensic research and accident reconstruction in order to discover evidence that is favorable to the defendant. An independent investigation is crucial because the defense is up against the police and prosecutors who have the resources to investigate every aspect of the accident in order to collect evidence against the driver.

The consequences in manslaughter cases are harsh. It is therefore crucial to hire only the best possible legal representation. A California DUI / DWI attorney and the experts on the defense team will evaluate each case to determine the best possible defense in order to minimize any potential punishments.

San Joaquin Valley DUI / DWI Arrests

San Joaquin Valley DUI / DWI Arrests

Getting arrested for DUI / DWI in the San Joaquin Valley is serious business – you face hefty fines, a lengthy driver’s license suspension, and may even get sentenced to jail. Because the consequences of a Central Valley DUI / DWI conviction are so severe, it’s critical to have an expert drunk driving defense lawyer fighting for your rights. The experienced San Joaquin Valley DUI / DWI lawyers of The Kavinoky Law Firm can aggressively defend your drunk driving charge anywhere in the Central Valley, including Fresno, Bakersfield, Stockton, Modesto, Vallejo, or anywhere in the San Joaquin Valley.

Your San Joaquin Valley DUI / DWI arrest likely left you frightened and humiliated, but you should know that drunk driving arrests can happen to anyone. However, it may be your first experience with the Central Valley criminal justice system, and it’s difficult to know what to do first. Your experienced Central Valley DUI / DWI lawyer will help you handle every detail of your drunk driving case, including getting released from jail and requesting a hearing with the California DMV.

Requesting your DMV hearing may be the last thing on your mind, but it’s crucial that you make this request within 10 days of your San Joaquin Valley DUI / DWI arrest. If you don’t request this DMV hearing within 10 days of your Central Valley drunk driving arrest, your driver’s license will be automatically suspended.

Luckily, you can successfully fight your DMV administrative suspension just as you can your drunk driving criminal case. You may not realize that fighting your DMV license suspension will also benefit you in your criminal case. Your DUI / DWI lawyer will use your DMV hearing as an opportunity to question the arresting officer under oath and glean information that will be valuable in your criminal defense.

Like many drivers accused of DUI / DWI in the Central Valley, you may be understandably uneasy about facing a jury. However, fighting your San Joaquin Valley drunk driving charge will give you the satisfaction of knowing you stood up for your rights. Regardless of whether your court case is in Fresno, Bakersfield, Stockton, Modesto, or Vallejo, your experienced DUI / DWI lawyer will aggressively challenge every aspect of the case against you, including your chemical test and your field sobriety test. Successful challenges may result in the evidence being excluded from trial or even the entire case being dismissed.

You may be worried that your San Joaquin Valley DUI / DWI arrest means an automatic conviction, but that’s simply not the case.. The experienced Central Valley DUI / DWI lawyers of The Kavinoky Law Firm have the skills and experience to fight your drunk driving charge in Fresno, Bakersfield, Stockton, Modesto, Vallejo, or anywhere in the San Joaquin Valley. For answers to all of your questions about your Central Valley drunk driving charge, contact us today for a free consultation.

Alcohol Education Programs in California

Alcohol Education Programs in California

In California, there are several levels of Alcohol Education Programs that are offered. In order to enroll in one of the programs, one must be referred, either by the court or the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

BEWARE: Completing an alcohol program may not satisfy the DMV. That is just one reason why it is critical that you consult with a California criminal defense lawyer that concentrates on DUI defense.

Driving Under the Influence program in California, directory of service providers listed by county:

  • Alameda County
  • Amador County
  • Butte County
  • Calaveras County
  • Colusa County
  • Contra Costa County
  • Del Norte County
  • El Dorado County
  • Fresno County
  • Humboldt County
  • Imperial County
  • Inyo County
  • Kern County
  • Kings County
  • Lake County
  • Lassen County
  • Los Angeles County
  • Madera County
  • Marin County
  • Mariposa County
  • Mendocino County
  • Merced County
  • Modoc County
  • Mono County
  • Monterey County
  • Napa County
  • Nevada County
  • Orange County
  • Placer County
  • Plumas County
  • Riverside County
  • Sacramento County
  • San Benito County
  • San Bernardino County
  • San Diego County
  • San Francisco County
  • San Joaquin County
  • San Luis Obispo County
  • San Mateo County
  • Santa Barbara County
  • Santa Clara County
  • Santa Cruz County
  • Shasta County
  • Sierra County
  • Siskiyou County
  • Solano County
  • Sonoma County
  • Stanislaus County
  • Sutter County
  • Tehama County
  • Trinity County
  • Tulare County
  • Ventura County
  • Yolo County

Note: This list is provided for convenience and informational purposes only. We do not recommend or endorse any specific Alcohol or Drug Risk Reduction Program.

Alcohol Education Programs in Los Angeles County, California

Alcohol Education Programs in Los Angeles County, California

In California, there are several levels of Alcohol Education Programs that are offered. In order to enroll in one of the programs, one must be referred, either by the court or the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

BEWARE: Completing an alcohol program may not satisfy the DMV. That is just one reason why it is critical that you consult with a California criminal defense lawyer that concentrates on DUI defense.

Driving Under the Influence programs in Los Angeles County, California:

ABC Traffic Safety Program
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
12018 East Centralia Road,
Suite 200,
Hawaiian Gardens, California 90716
Phone: 562-860-9999; Fax: 562-860-6748

ABC Traffic Safety Program
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
8623 A Garvey Avenue,
Rosemead, California 91770
Phone: 626-572-7001; Fax: 626-572-7004

ABC Traffic Safety Program
(Service Provided: First Offender)
44742 North Beech Street,
Lancaster, California 93534
Phone: 661-945-8683; Fax: 661-945-2319

Covina Valley Traffic Safety Program
(Service Provided: First Offender)
453 East Arrow Hwy.,
Suite J,
Azusa, California 91702
Phone: 626-967-6363; Fax: 626-967-6366

ADAPT Programs, Inc
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
1644 Wilshire Boulevard,
Suite 303,
Los Angeles, California 90017
Phone: 213-483-5703; Fax: 213-483-5363

NCADD East San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
4626 North Grand Avenue,
Covina, California 91724
Phone: 626-331-5316; Fax: 626-332-2219

High Gain Program
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
9100 S. Sepulveda Boulevard,
Suite 105,
Westchester, California 90045
Phone: 310-644-3659; Fax: 310-216-6747

High Gain Program
(Service Provided: First Offender)
1334 Post Avenue,
Torrance, California 90501
Phone: 310-328-1587; Fax: 310-328-1964

Alcohol Drug Council – High Gain Project
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
1424 4th Street,
Suite 205,
Santa Monica, California 90401
Phone: 310-451-5881; Fax: 310-576-0945

Alternative Action Program
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
2511 S. Barrington Avenue,
Los Angeles, California 90064
Phone: 310-479-8353; Fax: 310-479-7771

Center For Counseling And Education
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
7060 Owensmouth Avenue,
Canoga Park, California 91303
Phone: 818-992-0460; Fax: 818-992-0462

City Of Long Beach DDP
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
2525 Grand Avenue,
Long Beach, California 90815
Phone: 562-570-4100; Fax: 562-570-4049

CLARE Foundation, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
844 Pico Boulevard,
Santa Monica, California 90405
Phone: 310-314-6218; Fax: 310-452-8767

Inland Valley Drug And Alcohol Recovery Services
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
375 South Main Street,
Suite 111,
Pomona, California 91766
Phone: 909-622-7311; Fax: 909-868-1432

Driver Safety Schools, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
6316 Van Nuys Boulevard,
Van Nuys, California 91401
Phone: 818-787-7878; Fax: 818-787-4076

AM/PM Culver City Budget School
(Service Provided: First Offender)
4240 Overland Avenue,
Culver City, California 90230
Phone: 310-837-1818; Fax: 310-837-4473

East Los Angeles Alcoholism Council
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
916 South Atlantic Boulevard,
Los Angeles, California 90022
Phone: 323-268-9344; Fax: 323-268-9348

Harbor Area High Gain Program, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
330 East Third Street,
Long Beach, California 90802
Phone: 562-436-9801; Fax: 562-436-9803

The High Road Program
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
700 South Arroyo Pkwy.,
Pasadena, California 91105
Phone: 626-795-4590; Fax: 626-795-9540

The High Road Program
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
14430 Sherman Way,
Van Nuys, California 91405
Phone: 818-785-9119; Fax: 818-785-2150

The High Road Program
(Service Provided: 18 Month, 30 Month)
44823 Date Avenue,
Lancaster, CA 93534
Phone: 661-942-2241; Fax: 661-942-7040

King-Drew DDP
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
9307 South Central Avenue,
Los Angeles, California 90002
Phone: 323-564-6982; Fax: 323-564-3970

King-Drew DDP
(Service Provided: First Offender)
2711 N. Wilmington Avenue,
Compton, California 90220
Phone: 310-631-5884; Fax: 310-631-6348

Northeast Valley Health Corp. DUI Program
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
12800 Foothill Boulevard,
Unit A,
Sylmar, California 91342
Phone: 818-365-2571; Fax: 818-837-6427

Right On Programs
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
522 East Broadway,
Suite 101,
Glendale, California 91205
Phone: 818-240-1683; Fax: 818-240-2858

(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
401 S. Glenoaks Boulevard,
Suite 201,
Burbank, California 91502
Phone: 818-843-7375

Safety Consultant Services, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
161 West 33rd Street,
Los Angeles, California 90007
Phone: 213-746-0310; Fax: 213-746-7254

Safety Consultant Services, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
5518 N. Long Beach Boulevard,
Long Beach, California 90805
Phone: 562-428-6426; Fax: 562-428-9771

Safety Consultant Services, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
24506 1/2 Lyons Avenue,
Newhall, California 91321
Phone: 661-255-7720; Fax: 661-255-1030

Safety Consultant Services, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
4120 Tweedy Boulevard,
South Gate, California 90280
Phone: 323-567-0527; Fax: 323-567-7421

Safety Consultant Services, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
13501 East Whittier Boulevard,
Whittier, California 90605
Phone: 562-945-2493; Fax: 562-693-8785

Safety Consultant Services, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
1515 West Cameron Avenue,
Suite 300,
West Covina, California 91790
Phone: 626-960-3977; Fax: 626-960-9151

Safety Consultant Services, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
844 N. Hollywood Way,
Burbank, California 91505
Phone: 818-848-8667; Fax: 818-848-6398

Safety Consultant Services, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
18700 Sherman Way,
Suite 118,
Reseda, California 91335
Phone: 818-708-1198; Fax: 818-708-2287

Self Improvement and Alternative Measures
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
3450 West 43rd Street,
Suite 217,
Los Angeles, California 90008
Phone: 323-292-8044; Fax: 323-292-0543

Southern California Alcohol and Drug Programs, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
11500 Paramount Boulevard,
Downey, California 90241
Phone: 562-923-4545; Fax: 562-862-0918

Southern California Alcohol and Drug Programs, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender)
13205 South Street,
Cerritos, California 90701
Phone: 562-402-2466; Fax: 562-862-0918

Driver Benefits Programs
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
2370 West Carson Street,
Suite 150,
Torrance, California 90501
Phone: 310-320-9550; Fax: 310-320-9448

Behavioral Systems Southwest
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
1800 N. Highland Avenue,
Suite 318,
Hollywood, California 90028
Phone: 323-461-2779; Fax: 323-461-4107

Twin Palms Recovery Center
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
3574 Lexington Avenue,
El Monte, California 91731
Phone: 626-443-4008; Fax: 626-443-1059

Twin Palms Recovery Center
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month, 30 Month)
218 N. Glendora Avenue,
City Of Industry, California 91744
Phone: 626-968-8875; Fax: 626-968-4565

A-LA Driver Education Center
(Service Provided: First Offender)
8350 Santa Monica Boulevard,
Suite 107,
West Hollywood, California 90069
Phone: 213-388-7135; Fax: 323-655-1934

A-LA Driver Education Center
(Service Provided: First Offender)
147 N. San Vicente Boulevard,
Beverly Hills, California 90211
Phone: 213-388-7135; Fax: 323-655-1934

Alhambra Safety Services
(Service Provided: First Offender)
926 East Garvey Avenue,
Suite A,
Monterey Park, California 91755
Phone: 626-571-6988

Avalon-Carver AB 541 DDP
(Service Provided: First Offender)
4920 S. Avalon Boulevard,
Los Angeles, California 90011
Phone: 323-232-4391; Fax: 323-234-1008

Behavioral Health Services, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender)
15519 Crenshaw Boulevard,
Gardena, California 90249
Phone: 310-978-8479; Fax: 323-234-1008

Behavioral Health Services, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender)
1318A N. Avalon Boulevard,
Wilmington, California 90744
Phone: 310-549-2710; Fax: 310-549-2715

City Of Pasadena Recovery Center
(Service Provided: First Offender)
1845 N. Fair Oaks Avenue,
Wing 1500,
Pasadena, California 91103
Phone: 626-744-6001; Fax: 626-744-6096

Dial Alcohol & Drug Education Center
(Service Provided: First Offender)
5605 1/2 N. Figueroa Street,
Suite 201,
Los Angeles, California 90042
Phone: 888-446-6222; Fax: 213-384-3144

Dial Alcohol & Drug Education Center
(Service Provided: First Offender)
3261 West 4th Street,
Suite 203,
Los Angeles, California 90020
Phone: 888-446-6222; Fax: 213-384-3144

Dial Alcohol & Drug Education Center
(Service Provided: First Offender)
11631 Victory Boulevard,
Suite 104,
N. Hollywood, California 91606
Phone: 888-446-6222; Fax: 213-384-3144

Dial Alcohol & Drug Education Center
(Service Provided: First Offender)
3540 Wilshire Boulevard,
Suite M1,
Los Angeles, California 90010
Phone: 888-446-6222; Fax: 213-384-3144

Aztec Driving School
(Service Provided: First Offender)
7503 S. Atlantic Boulevard,
Cudahy, California 90201
Phone: 323-261-2171

Aztec Driving School
(Service Provided: First Offender)
10816 Ramona Boulevard,
El Monte, California 91733
Phone: 323-261-2171

Aztec Driving School
(Service Provided: First Offender)
630 S. Saint Louis Street,
Los Angeles, California 90023
Phone: 323-261-2171

Fred Kennedy Associates, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender)
1931 N. Gaffey Street,
Suite D,
San Pedro, California 90731
Phone: 310-521-1263; Fax: 310-521-1264

Inglewood Substance Abuse Traffic Violators Agency
(Service Provided: First Offender)
400 S. La Brea Avenue,
Suite 202,
Inglewood, California 90301
Phone: 310-673-5882; Fax: 310-673-5904

Kim’s Driving School
(Service Provided: First Offender)
3306 Venice Boulevard,
Los Angeles, California 90019
Phone: 323-731-0833; Fax: 323-731-0319

Korean Community Services, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender)
4416 West Beverly Boulevard,
Los Angeles, California 90004
Phone: 323-668-9007; Fax: 323-644-7530

A.C.E. Program
(Service Provided: First Offender)
7336 S. Painter Avenue,
Whittier, California 90602
Phone: 562-945-2977; Fax: 562-945-2978

Rehabilitation Alcohol Program, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender)
2055 N. Garey Avenue,
Suite 2,
Pomona, California 91767
Phone: 909-596-5335; Fax: 909-593-4865

San Gabriel Valley Driver Improvement
(Service Provided: First Offender)
25 S. Raymond Avenue,
Suite 112,
Alhambra, California 91801
Phone: 626-960-0644; Fax: 626-960-0645

San Gabriel Valley Driver Improvement
(Service Provided: First Offender)
1730 W. Cameron Avenue,
Suite 108,
West Covina, California 91790
Phone: 626-960-0644; Fax: 626-960-0645

Dignity Center
(Service Provided: First Offender)
672 S. Lafayette Park Place,
Suite 16,
Los Angeles, California 90057
Phone: 213-385-3752; Fax: 213-380-8923

WAOC – Casa De Hermandad
(Service Provided: First Offender)
11821 W. Pico Boulevard,
Los Angeles, California 90064
Phone: 310-477-8272; Fax: 310-473-9591

ADAPT Programs, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender)
143 S. Glendale Avenue,
Suite 103,
Glendale, California 91205
Phone: 323-259-8899; Fax: 323-259-8899

ADAPT Programs, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender)
11931 1/2 Washington Boulevard,
Whittier, California 90606
Phone: 562-698-0474

Alcohol Education and Recovery Center
(Service Provided: First Offender)
1355 S. Redondo Avenue,
Suite 3,
Long Beach, California 90804
Phone: 562-986-5046; Fax: 562-986-5048

Diversion Safety Program
(Service Provided: First Offender)
6606 Pacific Boulevard, Suite 215, Huntington Park, California 90255
Phone: 323-585-0764; Fax: 323-585-4240

Escuela Latina De Alcohol
(Service Provided: First Offender)
4532 E. Whittier Boulevard,
Suite 210,
East Los Angeles, California 90022
Phone: 323-264-7001; Fax: 323-264-2812

DUI Program SFV, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender)
7060 Owensmouth Avenue,
Canoga Park, California 91303
Phone: 818-992-0460; Fax: 818-998-0462

A-1 Canoga Park Budget/Escuela Popular Hispana
(Service Provided: First Offender)
21054 Sherman Way,
Suite 205,
Canoga Park, California 91303
Phone: 818-716-0188; Fax: 818-716-1560

Driver Safety Awareness Program, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender)
16909 Parthenia Street,
Suite 103m,
North Hills, California 91343
Phone: 818-830-8870; Fax: 818-830-8873

» Return to Driving Under the Influence program in California, directory of service providers

Note: This list is provided for convenience and informational purposes only. We do not recommend or endorse any specific Alcohol or Drug Risk Reduction Program.

Alcohol Education Programs in San Bernardino County, California

Alcohol Education Programs in San Bernardino County, California

In California, there are several levels of Alcohol Education Programs that are offered. In order to enroll in one of the programs, one must be referred, either by the court or the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

BEWARE: Completing an alcohol program may not satisfy the DMV. That is just one reason why it is critical that you consult with a California criminal defense lawyer that concentrates on DUI defense.

Driving Under the Influence programs in San Bernardino County, California:

Valley Improvement Programs, Inc.
(Service Provided: Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
210 West B Street,
Ontario, California 91762
Phone: 909-983-3665; Fax: 909-481-5368

Valley Improvement Programs, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
8540 Archibald Avenue,
Suite A,
Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730
Phone: 909-987-4036; Fax: 909-481-5368

Valley Improvement Programs, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
1589 West 9th Street,
Suite E,
Upland, California 91786
Phone: 909-985-2785; Fax: 909-481-5368

Jackson-Bibby Awareness Group, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
1200 Arizona,
Suite 10,
Box B10 Redlands, California 92374
Phone: 909-792-6925; Fax: 909-792-6670

Jackson-Bibby Awareness Group, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
14420 Civic Drive,
Suite 3,
Victorville, California 92392
Phone: 760-241-3300; Fax: 760-241-3304

Jackson-Bibby Awareness Group, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
222 East Main Street,
Suite 218,
Barstow, California 92311
Phone: 760-256-6114; Fax: 760-256-9517

Social Science Services, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
18612 Santa Ana Avenue,
Bloomington, California 92316
Phone: 909-824-1600; Fax: 909-877-9703

(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
1898 Business Ctr. Drive,
Suite 101,
San Bernardino, California 92408
Phone: 909-824-2885; Fax: 909-824-2957

Needles Center For Change
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
300 H Street,
Needles, California 92363
Phone: 760-326-4590; Fax: 760-326-3154

Morongo Basin Mental Health Choices DDP
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
55475 Santa Fe Trail,
Yucca Valley, California 92284
Phone: 760-365-3022; Fax: 760-365-3513

Hase & Associates Systems, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
353 West 6th Street,
San Bernardino, California 92401
Phone: 909-888-0149; Fax: 909-888-7179

Pegasus DUI San Bernardino
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
2282 N. Sierra Way,
San Bernardino, California 92405
Phone: 909-881-1570; Fax: 909-882-1315

Rehabilitation Alcohol Program, Inc.
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
17205 Arrow Boulevard,
Fontana, California 92335
Phone: 909-356-9390; Fax: 909-356-0120

Alcohol Education & Recovery Services
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
12560 Central Avenue,
Chino, California 91710
Phone: 909-591-4761; Fax: 909-902-5500

Dalton & Associates
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
16200 Bear Valley Road,
Suite 111,
Victorville, California 92392
Phone: 760-241-1777; Fax: 760-245-2253

Operation Breakthrough, Incorporated
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
40880 Pedder Road,
Big Bear Lake, California 92315
Phone: 909-866-5437; Fax: 909-866-8555

Rim Family Services
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
28545 Highway 18,
Skyforest, California 92385
Phone: 909-336-1800; Fax: 909-336-0990

» Return to Driving Under the Influence program in California, directory of service providers

Note: This list is provided for convenience and informational purposes only. We do not recommend or endorse any specific Alcohol or Drug Risk Reduction Program.

Alcohol Education Programs in Tehama County, California

Alcohol Education Programs in Tehama County, California

In California, there are several levels of Alcohol Education Programs that are offered. In order to enroll in one of the programs, one must be referred, either by the court or the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

BEWARE: Completing an alcohol program may not satisfy the DMV. That is just one reason why it is critical that you consult with a California criminal defense lawyer that concentrates on DUI defense.

Driving Under the Influence programs in Tehama County, California:

Right Road
(Service Provided: First Offender, 18 Month)
645 Antelope Boulevard,
Suite 20,
Red Bluff, California 96080
Phone: 530-529-2445; Fax: 530-529-2027

» Return to Driving Under the Influence program in California, directory of service providers

Note: This list is provided for convenience and informational purposes only. We do not recommend or endorse any specific Alcohol or Drug Risk Reduction Program.