Category: Weapons Offenses

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California Vehicle Code VC 23542 – Conditions of Probation: Second Offense Within Ten Years

California Vehicle Code VC 23542 – Conditions of Probation: Second Offense Within Ten Years

23542. (a) (1) If the court grants probation to a person punished under Section 23540, in addition to the provisions of Section 23600 and any other terms and conditions imposed by the court, the court shall impose as conditions of probation that the person be confined in county jail and fined under either of the following:

  1. (A) For at least 10 days, but not more than one year, and pay a fine of at least three hundred ninety dollars ($390), but not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).
  2. (B) For at least 96 hours, but not more than one year, and pay a fine of at least three hundred ninety dollars ($390), but not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000). A sentence of 96 hours of confinement shall be served in two increments consisting of a continuous 48 hours each. The two 48-hour increments may be served nonconsecutively.

(2) The person’s privilege to operate a motor vehicle shall be suspended by the department under paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 13352. The court shall require the person to surrender the driver’s license to the court in accordance with Section 13550.

(b) In addition to the conditions specified in subdivision (a), the court shall require the person to do either of the following:

  1. Enroll and participate, for at least 18 months subsequent to the date of the underlying violation and in a manner satisfactory to the court, in a driving-under-the-influence program licensed pursuant to Section 11836 of the Health and Safety Code, as designated by the court. The person shall complete the entire program subsequent to, and shall not be given any credit for any program activities completed prior to, the date of the current violation. The program shall provide for persons who cannot afford the program fee pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 11837.4 of the Health and Safety Code in order to enable those persons to participate.
  2. Enroll and participate, for at least 30 months subsequent to the date of the underlying violation and in a manner satisfactory to the court, in a driving-under-the-influence program licensed pursuant to Section 11836 of the Health and Safety Code. The person shall complete the entire program subsequent to, and shall not be given any credit for any program activities completed prior to, the date of the current violation.

(c) The court shall advise the person at the time of sentencing that the driving privilege shall not be restored until proof satisfactory to the Department of Motor Vehicles of successful completion of a driving-under-the-influence program of the length required under this code licensed pursuant to Section 11836 of the Health and Safety Code has been received in the department’s headquarters.

(d) Whenever, when considering the circumstances taken as a whole, the court determines that the person punished under this section would present a traffic safety or public safety risk if authorized to operate a motor vehicle during the period of suspension imposed under paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 13352, the court may disallow the issuance of a restricted driver’s license required under Section 13352.5.

(e) This section shall become operative on September 20, 2005.

Added Sec. 18.5, Ch. 551, Stats. 2004. Effective January 1, 2005. Operative September 20, 2005.

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California Vehicle Code VC 23220 – Drinking While Driving

California Vehicle Code VC 23220 – Drinking While Driving

23220. (a) No person shall drink any alcoholic beverage while driving a motor vehicle upon any highway or on any lands described in subdivision (b).

(b) As used in subdivision (a), "lands" means those lands to which the Chappie-Z’berg Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Law of 1971 (Division 16.5 (commencing with Section 38000)) applies as to off-highway motor vehicles, as described in Section 38001.

Amended Sec. 1, Ch. 384, Stats. 1998. Effective August 24, 1998

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California Vehicle Code VC 23117 – Carrying Animal in Motor Truck

California Vehicle Code VC 23117 – Carrying Animal in Motor Truck

23117. (a) No person driving a motor vehicle shall transport any animal in the back of the vehicle in a space intended for any load on the vehicle on a highway unless the space is enclosed or has side and tail racks to a height of at least 46 inches extending vertically from the floor, the vehicle has installed means of preventing the animal from being discharged, or the animal is cross tethered to the vehicle, or is protected by a secured container or cage, in a manner which will prevent the animal from being thrown, falling, or jumping from the vehicle.

(b) This section does not apply to any of the following:

  1. The transportation of livestock.
  2. The transportation of a dog whose owner either owns or is employed by a ranching or farming operation who is traveling on a road in a rural area or who is traveling to and from a livestock auction.
  3. The transportation of a dog for purposes associated with ranching or farming.

Added Ch. 224, Stats. 1987. Effective January 1, 1988.

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California Vehicle Code VC 21210 – Bicycle Parking

California Vehicle Code VC 21210 – Bicycle Parking

21210. No person shall leave a bicycle lying on its side on any sidewalk, or shall park a bicycle on a sidewalk in any other position, so that there is not an adequate path for pedestrian traffic. Local authorities may, by ordinance or resolution, prohibit bicycle parking in designated areas of the public highway, provided that appropriate signs are erected.

Added Ch. 751, Stats. 1976. Effective January 1, 1977.

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California DUI Laws and Penalties Under 21

California DUI Laws and Penalties Under 21

There are special laws in California for persons under 21 who are arrested for DUI. Just like with people over 21, there are two separate prosecutions: the DMV (who is trying to take away the persons driver’s license) and the criminal court (who is trying to impose other types of punishment, like jail, fines, mandatory classes relating to the dangers of alcohol consumption, and so on.) However, the punishment is more severe for persons under 21, especially with the DMV under California’s “Zero Tolerance” laws.

The effect of these “Zero Tolerance” laws is to make things tougher on those under 21 who are caught driving with any hint of impairment due to alcohol. The under-21 driver can have their driver’s license taken away by the DMV if their Blood Alcohol Level is .01 or greater, they can be charged with a violation of Vehicle Code Section 23140 (under-21 DUI) if their BAC is .05 or greater, and they can be charged under the same DUI laws as adults, all at the same time. It is important to have professional help, to ensure that youthful mistakes don’t have lifelong consequences.

If you or someone you care about is under 21, and charged with a DUI or related offense, please contact a Southern California DUI lawyer in your area. Many DUI cases can be successfully defended. Before you even think about pleading guilty, please talk to someone who knows this particular area of the law.

› Under 21 DMV Information
› Under 21 Criminal Court Information

San Luis Obispo, California Criminal Defense Lawyers

In Custody

Finding someone in custody

General information on San Luis Obispo County jail

Release from Custody


General information

Criminal Court Information

SLO Superior Court
1050 Monterey Street Room 220
San Luis Obispo, CA, 93408 USA

DMV Driver’s Safety Office

DMV Driver’s Safety office in Oxnard receives the case and it is sent to a satellite office in San Luis Obispo

Address: 3190 S Higuera St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: (800) 777-0133
Hours: Open today · 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Operating Motorcycles, Boats, Planes and Bicycles While Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs

Boating, flying and bicycling under the influence are separate offenses under California law. Each offense carries significant consequences, but can be successfully challenged by a California defense attorney who is well-versed in defending DUI / DWI charges involving motorcycles, vessels, aircraft and bicycles. Challenging DUI cases involving motorcycles, vessels, aircraft and bicycles can be done in much the same way as cases for driving cars under the influence of alcohol or while intoxicated can be challenged.

The California Vehicle Code defines a vehicle as “a device by which any person or property may be propelled, moved, or drawn upon a highway, excepting a device moved exclusively by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.” This definition encompasses automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, mopeds, scooters, and bulldozers.

Motorcycling under the influence, for most purposes, is the same thing as a DUI / DWI case for drunk driving in a car. The case will be prosecuted pursuant to the same statutes. There will be a criminal case, and an administrative hearing at the DMV. A California defense attorney for DUI / DWI’s can handle both situations. If the motorcyclist fails to request a DMV hearing within 10 days (including weekends and holidays), the Department of Motor Vehicles will begin the process of suspending the license.

The standard of proof at the DMV hearing is the preponderance of the evidence. To find the defendant guilty, a judge must find that the arrest was lawful and that the motorcyclist had a BAC of .08 percent or higher.

Court punishments for the motorcyclist convicted of driving under the influence are the same as the punishments for those who are convicted of driving cars under the influence of alcohol. Those punishments include jail time, fines, alcohol education classes, the ignition interlock device, and probation.

Boating under the influence, or BUI / BWI, is governed by California’s Harbors and Navigation Code. Under the code, a person is considered too impaired to operate a recreational vessel with a BAC of .08 percent or greater. The standard is .04 percent for operating a commercial vessel. Individuals using aquaplanes and water skis and similar crafts are not allowed to have ingested any alcohol at all. A zero-tolerance policy is in effect for all such crafts.

A person convicted for boating under the influence can face penalties including jail time and fines. A California defense lawyer can effectively limit the consequences of a BUI / BWI conviction.

Flying an aircraft under the influence of alcohol or drugs (FUI / FWI) is a serious crime. This applies to both commercial and private airplanes. Flying under the influence of alcohol or drugs can be charged as a federal and/or state crime. Pilots who fly under the influence can be charged under federal and/or state law.

Crew members of civil aircraft are governed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The FAA rules stipulate that no-one may serve as a crew member if he or she has consumed alcohol within eight hours of a flight. Furthermore, anyone with a BAC of .04% or greater, or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol may not serve as a crew member. These over-inclusive rules indicate the seriousness with which the FAA looks upon flying under the influence. A person found violating these strict rules faces imprisonment, fines, and revocation of his or her pilot’s license.

Pilots of civil aircraft are subject to the implied Consent Law. This means that any pilot who has been arrested on suspicion of flying under the influence of alcohol or drugs must submit to a chemical test or face large fines and license suspension or revocation.

Pilots also face possible licensing issues for DUI / DWI convictions. All convictions for drunk driving must be reported on a pilot’s first-class medical application as well as to the Civil Action Security Division that is located in Oklahoma City. The relevant agencies will look harshly upon such DUI / DWI convictions.

A conviction for cycling under the influence (CUI) can result in a fine of $250. There is no jail time or license suspension. Technically, a bicycle is not a vehicle, and the dangers of cycling drunk are considerably less than driving a vehicle while intoxicated. Therefore, the Vehicle Code does not cover cycling under the influence of alcohol or drugs. However, the Vehicle Code does state that it is unlawful to ride a bicycle on the highway while under the influence. One common challenge to a CUI is that the bicycle-rider was on a private road or driveway instead of a “highway.”

Charges of riding a motorcycle, boating, flying or riding a bicycle under the influence of alcohol or drugs can carry harsh consequences. However, a skilled California defense attorney with experience defending BUI, motorcycling under the influence, FUI / FWI, and CUI cases can successfully challenge these offenses in court and can achieve results that limit the penalties and consequences associated with the charges.

California Vehicle Code VC 13353.1 – Refusal to Take Preliminary Alcohol Screening Test

California Vehicle Code VC 13353.1 – Refusal to Take Preliminary Alcohol Screening Test

13353.1. (a) If a person refuses an officer’s request to submit to, or fails to complete, a preliminary alcohol screening test pursuant to Section 13388, upon the receipt of the officer’s sworn statement, submitted pursuant to Section 13380, that the officer had reasonable cause to believe the person had been driving a motor vehicle in violation of Section 23136, and that the person had refused to submit to, or did not complete, the test after being requested by the officer, the department shall do one of the following:

  1. Suspend the person’s privilege to operate a motor vehicle for a period of one year.
  2. Revoke the person’s privilege to operate a motor vehicle for a period of two years if the refusal occurred within 10 years of either of the following:
    1. A separate violation of subdivision (a) of Section 23136, that resulted in a finding of a violation, or a separate violation, that resulted in a conviction, of Section 23103, as specified in Section 23103.5, of Section 23140, 23152, or 23153, of Section 191.5 of the Penal Code, or of paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of Section 192 of that code.
    2. A suspension or revocation of the person’s privilege to operate a motor vehicle if that action was taken pursuant to this section or Section 13353 or 13353.2 for an offense that occurred on a separate occasion.
  3. Revoke the person’s privilege to operate a motor vehicle for a period of three years if the refusal occurred within 10 years of any of the following:
    1. Two or more separate violations of subdivision (a) of Section 23136, that resulted in findings of violations, or two or more separate violations, that resulted in convictions, of Section 23103, as specified in Section 23103.5, of Section 23140, 23152, or 23153, of Section 191.5 of the Penal Code, or of paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of Section 192 of that code, or any combination thereof.
    2. Two or more suspensions or revocations of the person’s privilege to operate a motor vehicle if those actions were taken pursuant to this section, or Section 13353 or 13353.2, for offenses that occurred on separate occasions.
    3. Any combination of two or more of the convictions or administrative suspensions or revocations described in subparagraph (A) or (B).

(b) For the purposes of this section, a conviction of any offense in any state, territory, or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or Canada that, if committed in this state, would be a violation of Section 23103, as specified in Section 23103.5, or Section 23140, 23152, or 23153, or Section 191.5 or paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of Section 192 of the Penal Code, is a conviction of that particular section of the Vehicle or Penal Code.

(c) The notice of the order of suspension or revocation under this section shall be served on the person by the peace officer pursuant to Section 13388 and shall not become effective until 30 days after the person is served with that notice. The notice of the order of suspension or revocation shall be on a form provided by the department. If the notice of the order of suspension or revocation has not been served by the peace officer pursuant to Section 13388, the department immediately shall notify the person in writing of the action taken. The peace officer who serves the notice, or the department, if applicable, also shall provide, if the officer or department, as the case may be, determines that it is necessary to do so, the person with the appropriate non-English notice developed pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 14100.

(d) Upon the receipt of the officer’s sworn statement, the department shall review the record. For the purposes of this section, the scope of the administrative review shall cover all of the following issues:

  1. Whether the peace officer had reasonable cause to believe the person had been driving a motor vehicle in violation of Section23136.
  2. Whether the person was lawfully detained.
  3. Whether the person refused to submit to, or did not complete, the test after being requested to do so by a peace officer.

(e) The person may request an administrative hearing pursuant to Section 13558. Except as provided in subdivision (e) of Section 13558, the request for an administrative hearing does not stay the order of suspension or revocation.

Amended Sec. 3.10, Ch. 118, Stats. 1998. Effective January 1, 1999. Operative July 1, 1999.
Amended Sec. 19, Ch. 473, Stats. 2001. Effective January 1, 2002.
Amended Sec. 7, Ch. 550, Stats. 2004. Effective January 1, 2005.

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California Vehicle Code VC 13363 – Conviction in Another State

California Vehicle Code VC 13363 – Conviction in Another State

13363. (a) The department may, in its discretion, except as provided in Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 15000) of Division 6, of this code, suspend or revoke the privilege of any resident or nonresident to drive a motor vehicle in this State upon receiving notice of the conviction of the person in a state, territory, or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the Dominion of Canada of an offense therein which, if committed in this State, would be grounds for the suspension or revocation of the privilege to operate a motor vehicle.

(b) Whenever any state, territory, or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the Dominion of Canada reports the conviction of a violation in such place by a person licensed in this State, the department shall not give effect to such report pursuant to subdivision (a) of this section or Section 15023 unless the department is satisfied that the law of such other place pertaining to the conviction is substantially the same as the law of this State pertaining to such conviction and that the description of the violation from which the conviction arose, is sufficient and that the interpretation and enforcement of such law are substantially the same in such other place as they are in this State.

Amended Ch. 237, Stats. 1963. Effective September 20, 1963.

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California Vehicle Code VC 13376 – Denial, Revocation, Add or Suspension of Driver Certificates

California Vehicle Code VC 13376 – Denial, Revocation, Add or Suspension of Driver Certificates

13376. (a) ( )1 This section applies to the following certificates:

  1. Schoolbus.
  2. School pupil activity bus.
  3. Youth bus.
  4. General public paratransit vehicle.
  5. Vehicle used for the transportation of developmentally disabled persons.

(b) (1) The department shall revoke a certificate listed in subdivision (a), ( )2 for three years if the certificate holder refuses to submit to a test for, fails to comply with the testing requirements for, or receives a positive test for a controlled substance, as specified in Part 382 (commencing with Section 382.101) of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations and Section 34520. However, the department shall not revoke a certificate under this paragraph if the certificate holder is in compliance with any rehabilitation or return to duty program that is imposed by the employer that meets the controlled substances and alcohol use and testing requirements set forth in Part 382 (commencing with Section 382.101) of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The driver shall be allowed to participate in a rehabilitation or return to duty program only once within a three-year period. The employer or program shall report any subsequent positive test result or drop from the program to the department on a form approved by the department.

(2) If an applicant refuses to submit to a test for, fails to comply with the testing requirements for, or receives a positive test ( )3 for a controlled substance, the department shall ( )4 refuse the application for a certificate listed in subdivision (a) for three years from the date of the confirmed positive test result.

(3) The carrier that requested the test shall report the refusal, failure to comply, or positive test result to the department not later than five days after receiving notification of the test result on a form approved by the department.

(4) The department shall maintain a record of any action taken for a refusal, failure to comply, or positive test result ( )5 in the driving record of the applicant or certificate holder for three years from the date of the ( )6 refusal, failure to comply, or positive test result.

(c) (1) The department may temporarily suspend a schoolbus, school pupil activity bus, youth bus, or general public paratransit driver certificate, or temporarily withhold issuance of a certificate to an applicant, if the holder or applicant is arrested for or charged with any sex offense, as defined in Section 44010 of the Education Code.

(2) Upon receipt of a notice of temporary suspension, or of the department’s intent to withhold issuance, of a certificate, the certificate holder or applicant may request a hearing within 10 days of the effective date of the department’s action.

(3) The department shall, upon request of the holder of, or applicant for, a certificate, within 10 working days of the receipt of the request, conduct a hearing on whether the public interest requires suspension or withholding of the certificate pursuant to paragraph (1).

(4) If the charge is dismissed or results in a finding of not guilty, the department shall immediately terminate the suspension or resume the application process, and shall expunge the suspension action taken pursuant to this subdivision from the record of the applicant or certificate holder.

(d) An applicant or holder of a certificate may reapply for a certificate whenever a felony or misdemeanor conviction is reversed or dismissed. A termination of probation and dismissal of charges pursuant to Section 1203.4 of the Penal Code or a dismissal of charges pursuant to Section 1203.4a of the Penal Code is not a dismissal for purposes of this section.

(e) The determination of the facts pursuant to this section is a civil matter which is independent of the determination of the person’s guilt or innocence, has no collateral estoppel effect on a subsequent criminal prosecution, and does not preclude the litigation of the same or similar facts in a criminal proceeding.

Amended Sec. 2, Ch. 738, Stats. 1997. Effective January 1, 1998.
Amended Sec. 7, Ch. 66, Stats. 2005. Effective January 1, 2006.
The 2005 amendment added the italicized material, and at the point(s) indicated, deleted the following:

  1. "The department shall revoke a schoolbus, school pupil activity bus, youth bus, or general public paratransit driver certificate, and shall deny an application for that certificate, for any of the following causes:
    1. The applicant or certificate holder has been convicted of any sex offense as defined in Section 44010 of the Education Code.
    2. The applicant has, within the three years preceding the application date, either been convicted of a violation of Section 20001, 23103, 23104, 23152, or 23153, or has his or her driving privilege suspended, revoked, or placed on probation by the department for a cause involving the safe operation of a motor vehicle.
    3. The applicant has, within the two years preceding the application date, been convicted of any offense specified in Section 11361.5 of the Health and Safety Code.
    4. The applicant has failed to meet the prescribed testing requirements for issuance of the certificate."
  2. "following an opportunity to challenge the validity of the testing described in this paragraph, for three years if the certificate holder has received a positive test result"
  3. "result and has been provided an opportunity to challenge the validity of the test"
  4. "deny"
  5. "reported under paragraph (3)"
  6. "department receives the report"

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