What are the Consequences of Teen DUI in California?

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The age of majority in the state of California is 21 and alcoholic beverage consumption in any form for those under that age is illegal. California is a “zero-tolerance” state and a BAC over .01 will result in a DUI charge for an under 21-year old driver.

In order to prevent young adults from drinking and driving, strict penalties for underage DUI have been implemented. For first time offenders, jail time is 4 days up to 6 months, fines of $1400 to $2600, and a license suspension of 30 days to 10 months. Second offenders will receive 10 days up to 1 year in jail, $1800 to $2800 in fines and 2 years in jail. The same penalties apply for underage DUI marijuana as they do to underage DUI alcohol.

In addition to the stiff legal penalties, being convicted of an underage DUI can have life-altering consequences. You will be starting off your adult life with a criminal record and that alone could prevent you from getting into the college of your choice or qualifying for scholarships or student loans. Your ability to get a job or job promotion could suffer as most employers do not want the potential liability of hiring someone with poor judgment. In addition, will may not be able to purchase a firearm. If you lose your driver’s license you may apply to the court for a restricted license which would allow you to drive to school and work. Your chances of getting a restricted license are greater if you help to support your family by working or if there is an absence of public transportation.

Underage DUI Statistics

According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), in 2014 the highest number of drunk driving fatalities was recorded in the 21 to 24-year-old age group where 30% of all drunk driving fatalities occurred.

Motor vehicle crashes are the greatest cause of deaths to young persons between the ages of 15 and 20. Each year approximately 1900 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking.

If you are under 21-years old and have been arrested and charged with underage DUI you need to immediately call the California DUI attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm. Just because you have been charged with underage DUI does not mean that you are guilty. If you are taken into custody, remain silent and do not answer any questions until you have your attorney present.


Sources: Source: www.madd.org/statistics/


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