Attorney Darren Kavinoky weighs in on Kim Mathers’ DUI case today saying, “The encouraging part of the story is the judge’s comment that Mathers would be treated like any other person convicted of DUI, notwithstanding her celebrity connection.”
According to The Detroit News, Kim Mathers the ex-wife of well-known rapper Eminem has been sentenced for her DUI arrest. James David Dickson for The Detroit News reports that Mathers “was sentenced to a [$900.00] fine and probation and will avoid jail time after a drunken-driving suicide attempt in October 2015.” Dickson also reports that the judge insists that Mathers’ sentence is reflective of what is standard for first-time DUI offenders. [Read more about the story here.]
Of the Kim Mathers sentencing, Darren Kavinoky, founding attorney of 1.800.NoCuffs, explains, “The encouraging part of the story is the judge’s comment that Mathers would be treated like any other person convicted of DUI, notwithstanding her celebrity connection.”
Celebrity and DUI Verdicts
“Sadly,” Kavinoky adds, “as a criminal defense lawyer, I’ve seen both criminal and DUI cases where celebrity has both helped and hurt the accused. On the helping side, the most classic case is, of course, OJ Simpson, where the prosecution snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.”
“On the hurting side,” Kavinoky points out, “the case of Paris Hilton is a classic demonstration of ‘reverse celebrity,’ where someone’s fame actually increased the amount of jail time that they were ordered to do. In Paris’s DUI case, she was originally released, as any ordinary person would be, due to jail overcrowding. Because the eyes of the world were upon her, the extraordinary measures were taken to return her to jail to complete her sentence. This would never happen to an ‘ordinary’ citizen.”
1. James David Dickson. November 22, 2016. The Detroit News. “Fine, probation, no jail for Eminem’s ex-wife Mathers.” Retrieved via http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/macomb-county/2016/11/22/kim-mathers-eminems-ex-wife-sentenced-dui/94264072/.
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DUI Case Assistance
Criminal Defense attorney Darren Kavinoky is the founding attorney of 1.800.NoCuffs. The California law firm has decades of experience fighting DUI cases.