Thanksgiving is coming and that means an increase in DUI danger on the roads. According to the Center for Disease Controls, “In 2014, 9,967 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.” [1]

A press release by About Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc. (AMS) reveals, “New data from 500,000 DUI offenders tested 24/7 for drinking, shows that violations among the monitored group are 38 percent higher than average on Turkey Day, and see a 31 percent jump during the long Thanksgiving weekend.” [2]
The AMS report qualifies that the pool of data is collected from people wearing one of their monitoring devices. So they have already been convicted of a DUI. The company’s spokesperson Kathleen Brown explains:
“The people we monitor have been court-ordered not to drink, know they’ll get caught, and know there will be consequences, including jail time. So you can imagine the rate of drinking for those who aren’t being monitored.”
The infographic (see above) released by AMS calls Thanksgiving Eve “Blackout Wednesday” and says it is a day with more alcohol consumption in some areas than New Year’s Eve or St. Patrick’s Day. AMS reports that they see a 31% “jump in violations for DUI Offenders Monitored with SCRAM CAM®.” [3]
If you are looking for more information on Scram Systems please visit
“All 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico have by law set a threshold making it illegal to drive with a BAC of .08 g/dL or higher. In 2014, there were 9,967 people killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, an average of 1 alcohol-impaired-driving fatality every 53 minutes. These alcohol-impaired-driving fatalities accounted for 31 percent of all motor vehicle traffic fatalities in the United States in 2014.” [4]
1. CDC. Retrieved via
2. Press Release. Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc.
3. AMS. Infographic. Holiday-related spikes in binge drinking and drunk driving are expected to start on Thanksgiving Eve and continue through New Year’s. (PRNewsFoto/Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc.) Retrieved via:
4. Department of Transportation (US), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Traffic Safety Facts 2014 data: alcohol-impaired driving. Washington, DC: NHTSA; 2015 [cited 2016 Feb 5]. Available at URL:
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DUI Attorney Los Angeles
Criminal Defense attorney Darren Kavinoky is the founding attorney of 1.800.NoCuffs.