Addiction/Recovery – Month of September
September is National Recovery Month. This is a cause that is close to my heart. I know first-hand the destruction of addiction.
I will be sharing my experience in San Jose, California at the Many Paths One Destination Event. It’s a fun, informational, and educational event on October 1st, which may be one day late but just in time to help someone get help.
Everyone is welcome—it’s FREE and open to the public. Please come out. October 1st at Lincoln Glen Church, 2700 Booksin Avenue, San Jose 95125.
Addiction Recovery Month

Free Recovery Event in San Jose, Ca Oct 1st
Excerpt via www.manypathsonedestination.org Press Release:
8th Successful Year for Many Paths One Destination Event in San Jose
A fun, informational celebration and educational event for all seeking information about recovery from addictions. Everyone is welcome.
October 1st marks the 8th year for the very successful Many Paths One Destination Recovery Event to be in San Jose. Over the past 8 years Many Paths One Destination has been host to over 3500 people fighting such things as alcohol and drug addiction, eating disorders gambling and other addictions that affect us all.
Many Paths One Destination provides tables free for any organization, group, or person wishing to display their part in recovery. Typically the 12 Step programs set up displays but we have also had suicide prevention and eating disorder participants as well as recovery centers and related professionals.
There is also a $5 spaghetti lunch provided at the event.
The event will take place all day on October 1st at Lincoln Glen Church, 2700 Booksin Avenue, San Jose 95125. Come on out for a fun filled day filled with education, fellowship and hope.
For more information, please visit http://www.manypathsonedestination.org/
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