Internet Sting Operations

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Internet sting operations designed to catch adults who correspond with and try to meet children are becoming more widespread in California and around the nation. Undercover officers or organizations visit websites and enter chat-rooms, posing as children (typically about 13 years old, as the penalties are stiffer for soliciting a minor 14 and under) in an effort to lure adults into meeting for sex. Those working the operations then forward all incriminating information sent by the suspect directly to law enforcement.

The good news is that there are defenses for these types of Internet sting operations that a skilled criminal defense lawyer knows how to effectively argue. The laws regarding sex crimes and the Internet are constantly evolving and only those who focus on it are prepared to successfully defend against it. The outstanding criminal attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm specialize in California sex crime defense. They receive ongoing education and training with respect to the latest laws and cutting-edge trial strategies that are applicable to sex offenses (particularly with respect to the online world), enabling them to provide the most aggressive and vigorous defenses available.

The most common defense that will apply to an Internet sting operation is entrapment. An experienced criminal lawyer will argue that the undercover agent encouraged his or her client to commit a crime that he or she wouldn’t have otherwise committed. The intent of the accused becomes the critical issue, because the prosecution will attempt to rebut the entrapment defense by arguing that the defendant was ready and willing to break the law and that the undercover agent merely provided an opportunity for the accused to do so. A skilled sex crime defense lawyer will cast reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury, arguing that his or her client didn’t have the intent to commit the offense until he or she was induced or persuaded to do so by the decoy.

In a case where a sting operation has been set up to catch adults who are sending or receiving pornographic materials that depict children on the Internet, a defense attorney may argue that his or her client “mis-clicked” and therefore inadvertently received the material without the required criminal intent to do so. This defense is typically used when an individual opens a “pop-up” advertisement that is sent to his or her account – either directly or via his or her spam folder. The attorney will try to argue that the accused neither requested nor purchased the email and should therefore not be convicted of a crime that he or she inadvertently committed.

Sentencing for this type of offense is unique, as the crime is typically prevented before it occurs. As a result, a person involved in an Internet sting would likely be charged with attempted lewd or lascivious acts, which would result in half of the prison sentence charged for that offense. Because lewd or lascivious acts can be charged under a variety of circumstances, this sentence may range from six months in jail to four years in prison. It should additionally be noted that an individual charged with lewd or lascivious acts involving a child under 14 will be prohibited from having his or her sentence suspended unless the court receives a report from a reputable psychiatrist or psychologist.

The value in hiring a law firm that is devoted to passionately protecting the rights of their clients lies in the fact that they will be relentless in their pursuit of justice. The exceptional attorneys at The Kavinoky Law Firm will defend a sex crime case with energy, skill and integrity and discretion. The firm’s attorneys maintain an excellent reputation with the courts and with the prosecutors who routinely pursue these types of cases, which allows their clients to receive favorable deals and special consideration when required. With law offices located throughout California, they are conveniently located to serve anyone in need of a California sex crime defense lawyer. Contact the Kavinoky law firm today for a free consultation and for the best representation.