Los Angeles Criminal Defense of DUI / DWI Arrests

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Los Angeles Criminal Defense of DUI / DWI Arrests

A Los Angeles DUI / DWI arrest requires fast action – you or your loved one must arrange to be released on bail or on your own recognizance (OR) and request a hearing with the California DMV within 10 days of arrest or risk the automatic suspension of your driver’s license. Fortunately, you don’t have to face your Los Angeles DUI / DWI charge alone – the experienced drunk driving lawyers of The Kavinoky Law Firm are here to help. Our team of top criminal defense lawyers in Los Angeles can help arrange bail, request a DMV hearing, and begin planning your strategic defense.

The evidence against you in your Los Angeles DUI / DWI case can seem overwhelming – the prosecutor may be armed with a chemical test that shows a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 percent or greater. In addition, you may have been told that you “failed” your field sobriety test, and that the officer observed you exhibiting signs of drunk driving. . However, all of the evidence in an L.A. DUI / DWI case is open to challenge. The Kavinoky Law Firm’s DUI / DWI and Criminal Defense Attorneys in Los Angeles, CA will examine every shred of evidence in your drunk driving case to find viable challenges designed to create reasonable doubt in your guilt.

If you refused to submit to a chemical test to establish your BAC after an L.A. DUI / DWI arrest, you will face special challenges both in court, and at the California Department of Motor Vehicles. Some drivers refuse to submit to a breath or blood test after a Los Angeles DUI / DWI arrest because they believe it will help their case if there is no BAC evidence against them.

However, if you refused a chemical test, you can receive additional punishment from both the criminal courts and the Department of Motor Vehicles. The California DMV can suspend your license for a longer period of time if a refusal occurred, and the prosecutor can use your chemical test refusal as evidence of “consciousness of guilt.” In fact, police in Los Angeles can take your blood by force and then charge you with a chemical test refusal because you didn’t submit willingly to the test. However, there are some circumstances where a chemical test refusal can be excused in a Los Angeles DUI / DWI case, and it’s up to your lawyer to fight this allegation.

A Los Angeles drunk driving arrest creates unique challenges, so it’s critical to have a local DUI / DWI lawyer fighting for your rights. With offices in Woodland Hills and Santa Monica and throughout California, the skilled DUI / DWI lawyers of The Kavinoky Law Firm are ready to aggressively fight your drunk driving charge anywhere in Los Angeles County or across the state. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Brianna Wilkins
Brianna Wilkins