Orange County DUI / DWI Arrests

Orange County DUI / DWI Arrests

An Orange County DUI / DWI arrest can end up costing you more than $10,000, and result in huge fines, a long driver’s license suspension, and even a jail sentence. Because the consequences of an Orange County DUI / DWI conviction are so severe, you need a top-notch defense lawyer fighting to protect your rights. The experienced Newport Beach DUI / DWI lawyers of The Kavinoky Law Firm know how to aggressively attack your Orange County drunk driving charge and minimize or even eliminate the repercussions.

Your Orange County DUI / DWI arrest likely left you dazed and unsure of your next step. That’s where a skilled Orange County DUI / DWI lawyer can help. A knowledgeable Orange County defense lawyer can help with every aspect of your case, including obtaining your release on bail or on your own recognizance (OR) and requesting a hearing with the California DMV.

It’s crucial that you request a DMV hearing within 10 days of your Orange County DUI / DWI arrest to avoid the automatic suspension of your driver’s license. Fortunately, if you request a DMV hearing in a timely manner, it may be possible to save your license. The administrative case brought against you by the California Department of Motor Vehicles can be just as aggressively defended as your drunk driving criminal case,

An experienced Orange County DUI / DWI lawyer knows it’s never too soon to begin planning an aggressive defense strategy to defend you in court. A skilled Orange County DUI / DWI lawyer will examine every aspect of your case to determine the most effective challenges to your chemical test, your field sobriety test, and all of the other evidence brought against you in your drunk driving case. Successful challenges may lead to the exclusion of certain evidence or even a dismissal of charges.

Refusing to submit to a chemical test to establish your blood alcohol content (BAC) will complicate your case both in court and at the California DMV. A state law known as the “implied consent” law requires that you submit to a breath or blood test after a lawful California DUI / DWI arrest. If you refuse to do so, the DMV is authorized to suspend your driver’s license for even longer than it would for a drunk driving conviction.

In your Orange County DUI / DWI court case, the prosecutor can use your chemical test refusal as evidence of “consciousness of guilt.” However, refusals can sometimes be excused because of extenuating circumstances. Something as simple as a medical condition or a misunderstanding can lead to police accusing you of refusing to submit to a chemical test.

Your Orange County DUI / DWI arrest can have lifelong consequences, so it’s critical not to entrust your case to an amateur. The experienced Newport Beach DUI / DWI lawyers of The Kavinoky Law Firm are ready to aggressively fight your drunk driving charge anywhere in Orange County. To learn more about aggressive defenses to Orange County DUI / DWI charges, contact us today for a free consultation.