DUI Lawyer Los Angeles

…mandatory classes and/or public service./ In Los Angeles County, a DUI conviction will also lead to an in-car breathalyzer system (called an ignition interlock device or IID). Since this ignition

DUI Under 21

…exceed $1,000, a suspended driver’s license, mandatory DUI school, and probation. In some counties, including Los Angeles County, penalties will require an ignition interlock device (IID) installed in the vehicle….

Third Offense

…time added to your license suspension, increased jail time, or the required installation of an Ignition Interlock Device, a breathalyzer-type device attached to your vehicle which must be blown into…

THC Testing Device

…California, Senate Bill 1046 requires those convicted of a DUI to install an ignition interlock to prevent them from driving while intoxicated a second time. There are several reasons that…

New Sentencing Laws

…as the driver is signed up for alcohol education classes, files a proof of insurance, has an ignition interlock device and has paid all the costs associated with the conditions….

Vehicle Code Crimes

…School, an ignition interlock device, probation, and an administrative license suspension. Underage DUI California has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to underage drinking and driving. Under Vehicle Code §…