Rhomberg Balance Test

The Rhomberg Balance Test is a non-standardized field sobriety tests used by police investigating drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) in California. Many drivers hope they…

Numbers Backward Test

…drivers hope that “passing” a field sobriety test will help them to avoid arrest, these “tests” exist solely to create probable cause for an arrest and generate evidence for a…

Property that is forfeitable

…other materials that are/were used to manufacture, produce, import, deliver, export, sell or use the drug. Property also includes any of the equipment (including paraphernalia) or other materials that were…

suspicion of DUI

LA Rams Cornerback Troy Hill Arrested on Suspicion of DUI After Crash

…“LA Rams Cornerback Troy Hill Arrested for DUI” Retrieved via http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/LA-Rams-Cornerback-Troy-Hill-Booked-for-DUI-402069786.html Find 1.800.NoCuffs on social at: http://www.twitter.com/1800NoCuffs http://www.facebook.com/NoCuffs http://www.instagram.com/1800NoCuffs For more information on 1.800.NoCuffs founding attorney Darren Kavinoky, please visit:…

Internet Pornography

materials will be destroyed. The good news is that there is hope. The exceptional criminal defense lawyers at The Kavinoky Law Firm have mastered this field of law and are…

A DUI Attorney logo

Jason Ross Harris Gets Life Without Parole for Hot Car Toddler Murder

…http://www.twitter.com/1800NoCuffs http://www.facebook.com/NoCuffs http://www.instagram.com/1800NoCuffs For more information on 1.800.NoCuffs founding attorney Darren Kavinoky, please visit: https://www.darrenkavinoky.com http://www.twitter.com/DarrenKavinoky http://www.facebook.com/DarrenKavinokyFanPage DUI Attorney Los Angeles Criminal Defense attorney Darren Kavinoky is the founding attorney…

DUI Investigation

test, the horizontal gaze nystagmus test (eye test), and the one-leg-stand test. All of these tests have problems and none are 100% accurate. A sober person could fail all three…

Inside a DUI Jury Trial

…hand. Stressful Cross-Examination: Even though your lawyer will present you with an easy and stress-free examination, the prosecution’s cross-examination will not be nearly as friendly. The prosecution will come at…