Sentencing Alternatives for a DUI

…alcohol and drug rehabilitation, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, and participation in a MADD Victim Impact program. Other sentencing alternatives include ignition interlock devices – machines attached to vehicles which require drivers…

Sober Living Environments

…the legislature have come up with other ways to punish people convicted of DUI / DWI. These methods are known as alternative sentencing. They include community service, ignition interlock devices,…

Second Time Offenders and the DMV Hearing

…the original two year suspension given to the second time drunk driving offender after the DMV hearing. The Department of Motor Vehicles will also require the installation of an ignition

Third Time Offenders and the DMV Hearing

…also require the installation of an ignition interlock device and eighteen to thirty months of alcohol education classes. Consequences of DMV hearings may be harsh. It is best to have…

San Fernando Valley DUI Attorney

…reduction of charges—or even a dismissal—and a conviction with severe consequences such as jail or prison time, probation, hefty fines and the installation of an ignition interlock device (IID). You…


…suspension (which is triggered by a conviction) • The amount of fines • The requirement for an ignition interlock device and length of time it may be required • Cal…

Third Offense DUI

…punishment- including additional time added to your license suspension, increased jail time, or the required installation of an Ignition Interlock Device, a breathalyzer-type device attached to your vehicle which must…

Driving Crimes

…program, and the potential requirement of an ignition interlock device. Subsequent offenses can carry higher penalties. Examples of DUI on drugs A cancer patient is driving home from her treatment…

Inside a DUI Jury Trial

…a county jail A six-month license suspension Impounding a vehicle Breathalyzer ignition lock After your sentencing is complete, you can begin the process of expunging your old records with the…