Domestic Violence Civil Protective Orders

…court process with their clients. Their reputation for treating their clients with compassion and respect is exceeded only by their success rate. Click here for a free consultation and for

Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Orders

…partners. Intimate partners include both heterosexual and homosexual persons who are married, divorced, cohabiting, have children in common and who are or were dating. An individual who is being abused…

Kristen Mason

…prosecution. I am on the side of the individual and the individual’s rights to be free of authority interference in their lives. Kristen began her career appearing in court fighting…

Criminal Law 101

…been completed. Because there a lot of legal terms that people may not be familiar with, this section will provide definitions and highlight several key components common to most post…

Same Sex Domestic Violence

…facing intimate partner violence charges, and treat each client with the respect, discretion and compassion that he or she deserves. Contact The Kavinoky Law Firm today for a free consultation….

Sexual Battery

…couple may be straight or gay, married, divorced, living together, have children in common, or be dating or formerly dated. Any individual who touches an intimate partner against that person’s…