Paralympics Athlete Swimmer Jessica Long is an Inspiration
The 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio are about to begin. I am in awe of the spirit and achievements of athletes like swimmer Jessica Long. As the most decorated athlete with 17 Paralympic medals, Jessica Long’s story is one of triumph.
She was born in Siberia and adopted from an orphanage in Russia to be raised in Baltimore Maryland. Jessica was born with a condition called fibular hemimelia and, as a result, she was missing important bones in her ankles and feet.
At 18 months of age, the lower parts of her legs were amputated in order for prosthetics to be put in place. She began swimming at the age of 10 and competed in her first Paralympic Games in 2004.
Jessica is an inspiration to all of us and proof that it isn’t where you begin in life, it’s where you end up that matters.
You don’t have to be better than anybody else, you just have to be better than you were yesterday.
I will be rooting for Jessica at the 2016 Paralympic Games and all of the incredible athletes ready to pour their hearts out in Rio.
Go Team USA!

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