Recanting Victims and Sexual Battery Case

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Recanting Victims and Sexual Battery Case

Sexual battery is a California domestic violence crime that applies to intimate partners. Intimate partners may be heterosexual or homosexual and married, divorced, living together, have children in common, dating or formerly dating. If a person touches an intimate part of his or her intimate partner against that person’s will for the purpose of sexual arousal, sexual gratification or sexual abuse, he or she may be charged with sexual battery.

“Touching” can consist of any physical contact, however minor, whether it occurs directly, through the clothing of the accused, or through the clothing of the accuser. Sexual battery can be charged even against a partner involved in an ongoing, intimate relationship. Depending on the circumstances, the crime can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony with penalties of up to one-year in jail or up to four years in prison and fines of up to $10,000.

A sexual battery charge can be filed against an individual even if he or she caused no injury to the victim, making it easy for an alleged “victim” to charge his or her partner with this crime with little or no evidence. Many times an individual will do this out of revenge, anger, or jealousy. He or she may later decide to tell the truth, but once the police are involved, it is too late to take the allegation back, as only the prosecutor and/or judge can decide to drop the charges at that point. When this type of situation arises, it is imperative for the accused to hire a skilled criminal defense lawyer from the Kavinoky Law Firm.

If the accuser chooses of his or her own free will that calling the police was a mistake for any reason, it is best for both partners to speak with an attorney who will help decide the best course of action. Many times the victim thinks that “recanting” (which means to take back or deny) the original story or not cooperating with the police or prosecution will help the defendant. Unfortunately, that is incorrect. In fact, in an intimate partner abuse case, the prosecution usually expects that a victim will recant and knows exactly how to proceed under this type of situation. A genuine recanting victim can be extremely harmful to the defendant if not first guided by an attorney.

When a victim recants, there are two major issues that arise. The first is that evidence that may otherwise have been inadmissible during the trial will now likely be admissible, and the second issue is that a “recanting victim” gives the prosecution a great argument against the defendant. Beginning with the first issue, when a victim recants his or her story, the prosecution plays for the jury a recording of the call that the victim placed to the police. The prosecutor will also admit into evidence any statements that the victim made to the police during the initial investigation. Because these statements were made in the heat of the moment and possibly out of revenge or stemming from some other motive, these statements can be devastating to the defense. Looking at the second issue, when a victim recants, the prosecutor usually brings in an expert witness who testifies that the victim is recanting because he or she has either been threatened by the “abuser” into doing so or that he or she is afraid of what further abuse might take place if he or she doesn’t recant. The expert will further explain that recanting is part of the “cycle of abuse” and that the victim likely suffers from “battered person’s syndrome.”

When an intimate partner chooses to recant his or her allegation, a highly qualified defense attorney from the Kavinoky Law Firm can help both parties navigate through the system with knowledge and compassion. The attorney will help develop the most effective defense strategy to successfully put an end to a terrible situation that simply spiraled out of control.