Riverside and San Bernardino counties DUI / DWI Arrests
A DUI / DWI arrest in Riverside or San Bernardino county carries extremely serious consequences – if convicted, you face a large fine, a lengthy driver’s license suspension, and even the possibility of spending time in jail. Fortunately, you have an opportunity to aggressively fight your Inland Empire DUI / DWI charge and completely avoid these repercussions. The skilled DWI/DUI lawyers of Riverside, CA and San Bernardino County of The Kavinoky Law Firm have the experience needed to effectively fight your Inland Empire drunk driving charge and create reasonable doubt in your guilt.
If you were arrested for DUI / DWI anywhere in Riverside or San Bernardino County, it’s critical to have an expert drunk driving lawyer to walk you through this confusing experience. A skilled Inland Empire DUI / DWI defense lawyer will assist you with every aspect of your drunk driving case, including obtaining your release on bail or on your own recognizance (OR) and requesting a hearing with the California DMV.
Requesting your DMV hearing in a timely manner is critically important in a California DUI / DWI case. If you fail to request a DMV hearing within 10 days of your arrest, your driver’s license will be automatically suspended. However, like your drunk driving criminal case, the administrative case brought against you by the California Department of Motor Vehicles can be aggressively defended.
An experienced Inland Empire DUI / DWI lawyer will also start planning an effective defense strategy to defend you in court. Your DUI attorney in Riverside, CA should aggressively challenge the result of your chemical test, your field sobriety test, and any observations by the arresting officer that point to your intoxication.
If you refused to take a chemical test to determine your blood alcohol content (BAC), face punishment from both the California DMV and the court. You’re required by law to submit to a breath or blood test after a lawful California DUI / DWI arrest, and refusal to do so will cause the DMV to suspend your driver’s license for an additional length of time. Also, the prosecutor will introduce your refusal as evidence of “consciousness of guilt.” However, it may be possible to have your refusal excused if convincing evidence of extenuating circumstances is presented. Some so-called “refusals” stem from something as simple as a medical condition or a misunderstanding..
Your future may hinge on the lawyer who handles your Inland Empire DUI / DWI case, so don’t entrust it to an amateur. The experienced Riverside and San Bernardino DUI / DWI lawyers of The Kavinoky Law Firm can answer all of your questions about your Inland Empire drunk driving arrest during a free consultation.