San Diego DUI / DWI Arrests

San Diego DUI / DWI Arrests

Getting arrested for DUI / DWI in San Diego is a traumatic and nerve-wracking experience, and it’s hard to figure out what to do next. You or your loved one must figure out how to be released on bail or on your own recognizance (OR) and request a hearing with the California DMV within 10 days of arrest, or have your driver’s license automatically suspended. You also need to start planning a strategy to defend yourself in court.

Luckily, you don’t have to walk through your San Diego DUI / DWI charge alone. the experienced drunk driving lawyers of The Kavinoky Law Firm are ready to help you with every aspect of your San Diego DUI / DWI case, from locating a bail bondsman to requesting a DMV hearing to preparing a top-notch defense to your California drunk driving charge.

When faced with the evidence in your San Diego DUI / DWI case, you may be tempted to just plead guilty and put your drunk driving charge behind you. The evidence against you may include a chemical test that indicates a blood alcohol content (BAC) that was over the legal limit of.08 percent. You may believe that you “failed” your field sobriety test.

Fortunately, all of the evidence in a San Diego DUI / DWI case can be aggressively contested. A skilled San Diego criminal defense lawyer from The Kavinoky Law Firm will thoroughly analyze your drunk driving case to determine the scientific and legal challenges that can create reasonable doubt in your guilt.

Refusing to submit to a chemical test after a lawful San Diego DUI / DWI arrest can create problems both in court and at the California DMV. You may have refused to take a breath or blood test to establish your BAC because you believed it would keep you from being convicted of DUI / DWI, but the DMV can impose an additional license suspension, and the prosecutor can actually use your refusal as evidence of “consciousness of guilt.” However, a refusal can sometimes be excused if extenuating circumstances were present.

The consequences of a San Diego DUI / DWI conviction can impact you throughout your entire life, so it’s imperative to have an experienced local drunk driving lawyer at your side. With offices in San Diego and Encinitas as well as across the state, the knowledgeable DUI / DWI lawyers of The Kavinoky Law Firm are prepared to fight your drunk driving charge anywhere in San Diego County or across California. To learn more about effective defenses to San Diego DUI / DWI charges, contact us today for a free consultation.