The Role of a Substance Abuse Expert
If you’re like many defandants in California drug case, you may worry that the charges that you face will bring you a lengthy jail sentence. Fortunately it may be possible to obtain alternative sentencing that allows you to avoid incarceration. An evaluation from a qualified substance abuse expert may help you to obtain alternative sentencing in a California drug case. The CA drug lawyers to the Kavinoky Law Firm include an evaluation by a top substance abuse expert in its retainer for all cases involving drugs or alcohol.
Not every California drug defendant wants to enter a treatment program, but many could benefit enormously from rehabilitation. A knowledgeable substance abuse expert can determine during an evaluation whether drug treatment is indicated and what type of program would provide the greatest benefit.
The substance abuse expert can then make a recommendation to the court in your California drug case about what kind of treatment may benefit you. This may help persuade the court to grant you a sentence alternative and avoid a jail sentence.
Three types of alternative sentencing that may be available in your California drug case are a deferred entry of judgment, or DEJ; Prop 36; or drug court. Each of these options has their own requirements and benefits, and your CA drug lawyer can help you determine your eligibility.
A qualified substance abuse expert may make the difference in persuading the court to grant you alternative sentencing instead of jail time. To learn more about the role of a top substance abuse expert in a narcotics case, please contact a skilled California drug lawyer from The Kavinoky Law Firm today at 1.800.NO.CUFFS for a free consultation.